The boss is going against the sky

Chapter 501 Playful giant bear

Chapter 501 Playful giant bear
Fei Yue looked at the students and found that they didn't notice anything, so she couldn't help frowning even more, but she still held back and said nothing.

"Wait!" He Lianbo, the frontier army leader following behind the barbarian guide, stopped suddenly and raised his palms.

The trainees subconsciously stopped and looked at He Lianbo when they heard the sound. Only the guide who was walking in the front, kept walking, suddenly jumped behind a big tree, and jumped into the depths of the woods on one side. .


"This wizard has a problem!"

Some of the students made an approach, and at the same time, two figures were chasing after him like wind, but they were the principal and deputy squad leader Jimin and Shangguan Hongyan.

The two came from a prominent family of the Qingyang Sect. Even though they did not join the Qingyang Sect, they still have martial artists from the Qingyang Sect as teachers to teach part of the Qingyang Sect's martial arts. Among his peers, he is definitely considered high-strength.

The barbarian guide was only an acquired state, even though he ran a step first and was familiar with this mountain forest, he was quickly overtaken by the two of them.

Shangguan Hongyan, who was the first to catch up, stretched out his hand to lock the guide, but saw that the other party waved his hand and a wooden arrow flew towards him.The wooden arrow was jet black, with a fishy smell, obviously soaked in poison.

Shangguan Hongyan knew that there was a kind of tree in Xiya Peninsula that was famous for the poisonous arrows of the barbarians. dodge.

This delay caused the barbarian guide to jump over a rock and disappear from sight.

Shangguan Hongyan hurriedly chased after him, but the guide disappeared.She was about to continue to pursue, but suddenly her ears moved slightly, and she looked at a bush that was too tall for a person.

She approached cautiously, and was about to split open the bushes to check, when a flying knife with double-edged reverse-curved blades flew out of the bushes. The blades were also jet-black, and obviously venomous.

Shangguan Hongyan dodged in the past, first waved a burst of true energy, and blasted a big gap in the bushes in front of him, saw the barbarian guide dodging in a panic, and was about to swing his sword to chop off, but heard a humming sound behind him, and turned around quickly , just happened to strike the flying knife with a sword.

Only then did she realize that this weird throwing knife could go back and forth, most likely it was the boomerang in the barbarian's weapon.

After splitting the boomerang in a thrilling manner, Shangguan Hongyan heard the sound of the wind breaking again, turned around and used a set of sword moves.It was the barbarian guide who wanted to take the opportunity to attack and kill her.

The barbarian guide obviously murmured about Shangguan Feiyan's martial arts, not only failed to attack and kill, but was cut off half of the neck by Shangguan Feiyan's swordsmanship combo, and died of blood.

At this time, Jimin arrived first, and then He Lianbo, Fei Yue and others led a group of students to catch up.

Seeing the corpse of the barbarian on the ground and the blood still flowing, He Lianbo's expression changed and he asked, "How could you kill him?"

Shangguan Hongyan also knew that it was more useful to live, and explained shamelessly: "It was too thrilling just now, and I was confiscated by him for a while."

But there was a male student who couldn't see it, and said: "This barbarian guide has evil intentions, so what if he kills him?"

"How?" He Lianbo glared at the student, and said, "Let's not talk about how to complete the task now that we have no guide. Just say that the guide brought us here. Don't you think it's weird?"


Most of these students have never even been out of Qingzhou before, and they are very inexperienced in some aspects. Obviously, they didn't see the weirdness before.At this time, after hearing He Lianbo's talk, he looked around, trying to find something strange.

"What's so weird?"

"It's really strange that the guide ran away suddenly."

Most of the students looked around and muttered, obviously not seeing anything weird.

It was class monitor Jimin who pulled out his sword, frowned and said, "This forest is too quiet."

He Lianbo sighed: "There are no birds or beasts in this forest. If there is no mistake, we have either broken into some kind of desperation, or entered the territory of some powerful strange beast. This barbarian is dead, and he still lives like this." There is a lot of blood, I am afraid that the strange beast will be attracted soon, we should leave this place as soon as possible."

After speaking, take the lead and return to the original road.

The students understood the seriousness of the problem, and subconsciously cast glances at Fei Yue and the others for advice.

Kong Queyue smiled and said, "Now is the assessment."

A short sentence made the students give up the idea of ​​asking the three of them for help, and hurriedly followed He Lianbo in front.

Back on the original path, a group of people only walked a hundred steps before they felt the earth tremble, and at the same time, the sound of footsteps like heavy drums approached quickly!
In such a situation, many students panicked immediately.

"Everyone, don't panic! We have so many innate warriors, even one or two strange beasts may not be our opponents!" As the class monitor, Jimin showed his ability at critical moments, calling on the students to calm down .

He Lianbo said solemnly: "The alien beasts that can occupy a piece of land as a territory are generally very strong. If we run in a swarm, we may be able to escape most of them. If we stay here, I'm afraid..."

"The surname is He! What nonsense are you talking about? Do you want us to abandon our seniors and run away?!" Before He Lianbo could finish speaking, he was cut off by a male student.

"My surname is Helian." Helianbo's face darkened immediately, very displeased.

Shangguan Hongyan yelled at the male student: "Hu Jian, why did you talk to the leader of Helian?!" Then he said softly to Helianbo: "Leader Helian, we all lack experience in fighting the enemy in this wilderness. What do you think? Even if you say it, we will obey it!"

Looking at everything in front of them, Fei Yue and the others secretly nodded: This assessment is indeed very useful. When a crisis comes, it is easy to distinguish the abilities and dispositions of each student.

Fei Yue secretly sent a voice transmission to Di Hanfeng and Kong Queyue, saying: "You still have to be careful, if you really encounter a beast of the Ninth Level or even the Void Realm, we will be in trouble."

The three of them teamed up, and there are so many students who are born at the first or second level, even if they encounter a strange beast with the strength of the seventh or eighth level, they are not afraid; Try to protect the students to escape.

Of course, they still carry Xunfei Birds for help. If they really encounter a strong enemy, they release Xunfei Birds to ask for help, and if they persist for a while, it does not mean that they will surely die.

Just when the students initially calmed down, the sound of heavy drum-like footsteps that had come very close suddenly stopped, and then there was a humming sound, and everyone saw a huge tree nearly ten feet long that was hugged by several people coming from it. One side of the sky flew over!
"Quickly open!"

Amidst the loud shouts, the students scattered and jumped in all directions.

The giant tree smashed into the place where the crowd had gathered, raising dust, rocks and dust several feet high.

Heavy footsteps sounded from the northeast again, and the number of forests over there trembled. Finally, everyone saw the "enemy" in the lush branches and leaves - a huge bear head that looked quite ferocious and terrifying!

"It's the thunder bear!" He Lianbo exclaimed when he saw the huge bear's head with his sophistication, "This is a beast with nine levels of innate strength, we can't beat it! Withdraw! Withdraw!"

Hearing this, the expressions of Fei Yue and the others changed drastically.

Fei Yue hurriedly said: "Mr. Kong and I stayed behind to delay it, Mr. Di, protect the students and go back the same way!"

Di Hanfeng frowned and said, "What are you talking about? How can I let you two girls stay behind to block the enemy? Let Teacher Kong lead the students to retreat!"

Kong Queyue said: "What are you fighting for? The three of us have to stay, or we won't be able to hold back this giant bear."

After the simple exchange, the three of them stopped fighting, and the young He Lianbo, Jimin, and Shangguan Hongyan hurriedly withdrew with the other students.

However, while the students were fleeing to the original path, the giant bear ran in a circle to the other side, the speed was faster than everyone expected, like thunder and lightning!

A long scream came from a male student, and Fei Yue and the three followed the sound, and saw a figure being thrown in front of them, spitting out a mouthful of blood, struggling to get up, and was the first to retreat That Hu Jian.

Immediately afterwards, screams came continuously, and one after another students fell from the sky, splashing handfuls of dust in front of Fei Yue and the three of them.

When He Lianbo, Jimin and other alert students took the initiative to retreat, Fei Yue and the others' faces were extremely ugly.

Di Hanfeng looked at the giant bear who had circled the way he came with a serious expression, and said, "It seems that this Thunder bear wants to keep us all behind."

He Lianbo smiled wryly and said: "Although this is the first time I have seen this giant thunder bear, I have heard from my colleagues in the army that the giant thunder bear is not only cunning and bloodthirsty, but also very playful."

"Playful?" Fei Yue and the others showed doubts.

He Lianbo's face was even more bitter, and he continued: "It likes to play with its prey until it is half dead, and then eat it."

[Second update. 】

 Thanks to [qieSha] for the 1000 starting point coin reward support!
(End of this chapter)

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