The boss is going against the sky

Chapter 523 9 great supernatural powers, Shangqing Yuanhuang Qi!

Chapter 523 Nine great supernatural powers, Shangqing Yuanhuang Qi!
Shen Qi left the pass a few days ago. After spending a few days in the cliff mountain where he only envied mandarin ducks but not immortals, he left Pengqiu Mansion and started a journey around the entire Yuanwu Star. The first stop was Xiya Peninsula. .

Since Qin Xianger came to Xiya Peninsula last year, she had a great time in this area, and she didn't go back to Xuanmen a few times.When Shen Qi came here, he naturally found her immediately.

One is to find someone to accompany him on the next journey, and the other is to test Qin Xianger's various supernatural powers.In fact, it is better to say that it is an exchange than an inspection——Qin Xianger's talent in martial arts is too high, and the realm of some supernatural powers is not even lower than that of Shen Qi, the "master".

As for why Shen Qi went out to travel around the world, it was because of a bottleneck in his martial arts practice.

With the help of Yanwu Pavilion, Wudao Pavilion, and the martial arts cheats of the entire Yuanwu Star as a basis for the previous year's retreat practice, Shen Qi can be said to have made great strides in building supernatural power seeds.However, his ambition was too great, and he broke through to a limit in just one year and encountered a bottleneck.

According to his previous understanding, the higher the level and number of supernatural powers incorporated when constructing the supernatural power seeds, the stronger the strength will be when entering the golden core state in the future.

Therefore, after building the initial supernatural power seed model with the supreme supernatural power of immortality as the core, and the two great supernatural powers of reincarnation slash and invisible sword gang in the Dacheng realm.

Afterwards, Shen Qi discovered that after the Thunder Emperor Divine Seal was deduced to the Dacheng state, it not only contained the laws of birth and death, five elements, etc., but also vaguely involved the transformation of time and space, which seemed to contain a kind of Taoism called "change". .

He tried to add Dacheng's Thunder Emperor seal to the supernatural power seed model, and it really succeeded!
It was this kind of achievement that boosted Shen Qi's ambition.With Wudao Pavilion improving his comprehension, he quickly thought of the other two laws beyond time and space - light and darkness.

After searching many supernatural powers and martial arts, he finally chose the Illusion Domain based on the law of light, and the shadow of the primordial spirit based on the law of darkness.Both of these are great supernatural powers, and after being built into the seed model, six great supernatural powers are included.

If it is an ordinary supernatural power, who can construct the seed model of the six great supernatural powers, I am afraid that he is already laughing and preparing to condense the golden core.However, Shen Qi felt that he had just eaten an appetizer, so he turned his attention to other laws.

At first, he was interested in the supernatural powers representing the four laws of earth, feng, shui and fire or the five elements. Unfortunately, no matter which one he followed, his foundation was too weak, and it was difficult to find a suitable supernatural power for a while, and the structure he built seemed to be It's not that stable either.

Then Shen Qi took a step back and thought of the principles that represent the three early stages of martial arts cultivation of spirit, energy and spirit. Through the deduction of the Martial Arts Pavilion and the assistance of the Wudao Pavilion, he finally combined Dacheng's Fatian Xiangdi, Sanmu Shenguang, Shangqing Yuanhuang, etc. The three great supernatural powers of qi are integrated into it.

Among them, the method of heaven and earth is mainly the physical body, supplemented by both space and change. It can not only represent the supernatural powers of the physical body, but also build connections with other supernatural powers.

The three-eyed divine light represents the supernatural powers of the primordial spirit.

The Shangqing Yuanhuang Qi was deduced by Shen Qi by synthesizing part of Lingyin Dao's martial arts, a great supernatural power representing the law of "Qi".

This supernatural power seems to have a lot of origins. The general outline of the cheats given by Yanwu Pavilion mentioned two other similar great supernatural powers, namely Yuqing Shiqing Qi and Taiqing Xuanbai Qi. It is said that the three great gods all came from legends. It was decomposed from the supreme supernatural power "One Qi Transforms Three Purities".However, with Shen Qi's current accumulation of martial arts, he can only deduce the Yuan Huang Qi of the Qing Dynasty.

This Shangqing Yuanhuang Qi is said to be a congenital Qi when the world was first opened-although warriors in the Xiantian Realm can cultivate Xiantian Zhenqi, it is born in the human body; Born in an instant, the innate meanings in the two names are different, and the power is also very different.

It can be said that Shangqing Yuanhuang Qi is actually equivalent to a Xiantian Lingbao, but its usage is more flexible than that of Xiantian Lingbao.Although its sharpness is not as sharp as the Xiantian Sword Gang, it is much stronger than the Xiantian Gang Qi, and it is changeable and infinitely magical.If it is used well, its effect is definitely not a general supernatural power.

After adding these three great supernatural powers, Shen Qi's supernatural power seed model has one supreme supernatural power and eight great supernatural powers.Not only can it form a stable cubic structure, but you can also continue to purchase complete sets of magical powers that can form a cycle of birth and restraint, such as earth, wind, water, fire, or five elements.

However, Shen Qi found that whether he started from the earth, geomantic omen, fire, five elements, or even the astrology of the four gods and beasts, his accumulation was too lacking.

This kind of accumulation is not only in the knowledge of martial arts, but also includes the state of mind, the understanding of the nature of the world and life.Although he lacks these accumulations, he can also use Yanwu Pavilion and Enlightenment Pavilion to deduce suitable supernatural powers, but it will not only consume a long time, but also consume a lot of points.

Previously, he constructed nine kinds of supernatural power seed models, and he had already consumed a huge amount of points. Seventy-eight million martial points were available, and now there are only about 8000 million left.

The remaining points are far from enough for him to build the subsequent seed model, let alone, he dare not really consume all the points.Otherwise, if you encounter some unexpected event and need to use system tools, but cannot use them because of insufficient points, it will be uncomfortable.

So, after thinking about it again and again, Shen Qi felt that it was better to go out for a walk, to appreciate the nature of the world—sharpening a knife is not the same as chopping firewood.

With Shen Qi's knowledge and experience, it is difficult for Shen Qi to feel too much about the ordinary scenery on Yuanwu Star, so he has to travel to various strange places.Such as the Antarctic continent of Yuanwu star, such as the vast ocean, and even the starry sky beyond Yuanwu star.

These places, only the supernatural powers can go safely and come and go freely.

Among Xuanmen, apart from Shen Qi, only Qin Xianger, Mengji, Chu Suoran, Guo Zhong, and Luyi have reached the supernatural power level. Even Li Wenxi is still stuck in the late stage of the third level of the virtual world, and it will take some years. to break through.

On the contrary, after he left the seclusion this time, Ji Changsheng told him that he was going to hand over some of the affairs he was in charge of to other brothers to take care of him, so as to spare time for seclusion and try to break through the realm of supernatural powers.

Among the above-mentioned five supernatural powers, Chu Suran and Meng Ji have always lived like mandarin ducks, Shen Qi is naturally not easy to disturb; Lu Yi is a newcomer to Taoism, Shen Qi is not very close to her, and Lu Yi is still There was an emotional entanglement with Liang Liang, so of course Shen Qi would not look for her.

So only Guo Zhong and Qin Xiang'er were left to choose for Shen Qi. In comparison, Shen Qi naturally felt that it was more comfortable for Qin Xiang'er to accompany him.

This is also one of the reasons why he first came to Xiya Peninsula to find Qin Xianger.

After seeing the martial arts in Xiya Prefecture, Shen Qi and Qin Xianger left the city of Xiya Prefecture, left the Xiya Peninsula, crossed the vast ocean in the southwest, and flew straight to the Antarctic.

Both of them have mastered the dragon stilt magic technique, and the Yuanshen's mana is so strong that even the fastest flying beast on Yuanwu Star can't catch up with them; Going "one hundred thousand miles is not a problem.

The Xiya Peninsula is only [-] to [-] miles away from the Antarctic, so the two flew over for half a day.

Now it happened to be the polar night in the Antarctic land of Yuanwu Star, so when the two approached the Antarctic continent, the sky darkened within a dozen or so breaths, and finally turned into a deep blue.

And under this faint blue sky, there are streaks of aurora changing flickeringly, even the aura of heaven and earth in the polar region seems to be different from other places, showing beautiful shapes and colors one after another.This polar night is more beautiful than what Shen Qi has seen in his previous life, and it is also more soul-stirring.

For a moment, Shen Qi and Qin Xiang'er stopped under the canopy of Youlan and were stunned.

"It's so beautiful..." Qin Xiang'er murmured.

Hearing the sound, Shen Qi came back to his senses, looked around, and tried his best to touch the distance with his divine sense, suddenly a strange color flashed in his star pupils.

He smiled and said: "I didn't expect that there are many strange beasts in this Antarctic land, and none of them look weak."

If Shen Qi can say that he is not weak, then he is very strong.

When Qin Xiang'er heard this, she came back to her senses, looked over and said, "Strange beast? What kind of beast? Where is it?"

[Second update. 】

 Thank you for the 2 starting point coin reward support of [Holiday Long Live 500]!
  I came back late at night, and the second update came a little late, sorry.

  ~~good night~~
(End of this chapter)

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