The boss is going against the sky

Chapter 56 Qing Cang Dao!

Chapter 56 Qing Cang Dao!
If there were no such shocking vision, Bichi Villa might kill people in order to monopolize the martial arts relics; but it is meaningless to block the news now, Bichi Villa will not violate the laws and regulations of the Martial Arts League to hurt people's lives in private.

When Shen Qi and Chu Suran walked up to the top of the mountain, a middle-aged man in the crowd took the initiative to meet him and said, "Master Shen, brother Chu came because of this vision?"

"That's right." Chu Suoran responded first, and then introduced for Shen Qi: "This is the elder of Bichi Villa, Wang Wanhui."

Only then did Shen Qi say: "I have seen Senior Wang."

Wang Wanhui said with a fake smile: "Master Shen is a rising star in our Gangxi Town, and his current cultivation level may not be lower than mine. This senior call is too polite."

Martial arts masters come first, and always only discuss cultivation base regardless of age.Before that, Shen Qi showed his cultivation at the fourth level of Houtian at the Martial Arts Conference, and Wang Wanhui's cultivation was only at the fifth level of Houtian, so he said such a sentence.

Of course, these are all gossip, and then Chu suddenly said: "This should be the birth of the relic, why did Elder Wang and the disciples of Guizhuang only look here and not go in?"

"I can't get in." Speaking of this, Wang Wanhui's expression turned ugly, "Not only people, but even chickens, dogs, birds, flies and insects can't enter in this blue light."

"Really?" Chu Suran looked at Shen Qi after hearing this, and said, "I'll go check it out."

Shen Qi was afraid that something might happen to Chu Suan, so he said, "Let me go."

After finishing speaking, he rushed down the hill, came to the edge of the blue light, and first poked the Songwen sword in his hand into the blue light.

The Songwen Sword entered without hindrance, but his hand could not reach in, as if blocked by an invisible barrier.This is true no matter whether it is running true energy or pushing vigorously.

Shen Qi returned to the top of the mountain, needless to say, Chu Suran also saw the result.

And during this time, there were voices from not far away, but it was people from True Sword Gate and Black Shark Club who had also arrived.Shen Qi and Chu Suran didn't gossip with the people from these two sects, but searched along the edge of the blue light, and found that no matter where they were, they couldn't enter.

When they turned around and came back, they found that members of the Qishan School and the Iron Palm Gang had also arrived here.

After confirming that they could not enter the blue light, all martial artists from all sects were a little anxious, and finally they simply got together with the people from Bichi Villa to discuss.

Chen Baiya, the oldest member of the Qishan School, spoke first, "Master Wang, this martial arts relic cannot be entered, what does your village think?"

Owner Wang is the current owner of Bichi Villa, Wang Niandong, who is just 50 years old, and it is said that his cultivation is at the sixth level the day after tomorrow.He had brought some of his disciples to check in another place before, and it should be after the investigation was over at this time that he got together with other people.

Wang Niandong heard the voice and said: "If you have any opinions, you can only wait for the ruins to change."

"Wait?" Chen Boya frowned, and said, "Isn't Guizhuang afraid that people from the Three Great Sects and even Penglai Pavilion will come and stop people from Guizhuang from exploring the ruins?"

Wang Niandong sneered after hearing this, and said, "Master Chen, if you can enter the ruins now, I will stop you from entering, what will you do?"

"This..." Chen Baiya hesitated.

However, Zhang Zhu of the Iron Palm gang said loudly: "Martial Dao relics are not the property of any school or sect. If Guizhuang blocks it, we will naturally join forces to break in!"

However, Jia Mingrui of True Sword Sect said in a calm manner: "It may not be possible to break through together by force, right? In my opinion, it's better to wait for people from the Three Jue Sects or Penglai Pavilion to uphold justice."

Wang Niandong was not angry at what the two said, but nodded and said, "What you both said makes sense, so if people from Sanjuezong or Penglai Pavilion come to stop me, I hope you can work together and resist together."

This is an early alliance.

But the heads of the One Star Sect were not reconciled, Jia Mingrui continued to say: "Master Wang, I heard that Guizhuang explored the Baifeng Mountain a few months ago, and I should have known about the ruins at that time. Is it about to be born? Is it true that Guizhuang is inaccessible like us?"

Hearing this, all the members of One Star Sect immediately looked at Wang Wannian, even Shen Qi did the same.

The hidden meaning in Jia Mingrui's words is very clear - Bichi Villa may know the way to enter the ruins, but they just don't tell everyone.

However, this time Wang Niandong became very difficult to speak, his face darkened, and he said: "If that's the case, what can you do?"

In this way, there was a crack in the martial arts alliance in Gangxi Town from the very beginning.

Everyone had no choice but to continue to explore the edge of the blue light with various methods, but it continued until it was getting dark in the afternoon, without any results.

At this time, the three masters of Bihai County, Fu County, and even people from Penglai Pavilion arrived.

Among the crowd, the one with the highest cultivation level was an elder of Penglai Pavilion who had reached the [-]th level after Heaven, and his name was Han Tianfeng.When the vision of the blue beam of light first appeared, he was near Bihai County, so he arrived in the afternoon.However, like other warriors, Han Tianfeng was isolated from Qingguang.

At this time, there were as many as a thousand warriors gathered around the ruins, and Shen Qi and Chu Suran were inconspicuous among the crowd.Everyone tried to enter the blue light to no avail, they all gathered together to discuss, Shen Qi discerned all kinds of information in the words of the people around him, and his knowledge increased a lot.

"The Martial Dao relic was set up by ancient sects or spirit world powers to inherit Martial Dao. Now that it has appeared, it is impossible to prevent people from entering, so there must be changes in this Martial Dao relic."

"That's true. Didn't the ruins of the Shendu in Yuzhou last time only be opened for seven days and seven nights in this world?"

"I don't know what treasures are in this ruins. Last time, the Shendu ruins released a lot of martial arts cheats, ranging from strange animal skin scrolls to golden books and jade books, but it caused quite a lot of martial arts disputes."

"The spiritual wave is about to rise, the world is afraid that it will be chaotic."

"Haha, do you really believe in that verse that has been passed down for thousands of years?"

"The legends are not all groundless..."

Among the many discussions, a piece of news was quickly spread, and that was the source of this martial arts relic.

"This is the martial arts relic under Qingcang Daobu!"

"Qingcang Road?"

"Yes, the famous Qing Cang Dao in the legends of the spirit world!"

"Spirit world? Great name? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"That's because you are ignorant and ignorant. Qing Cang Dao's martial arts relics have appeared many times in the legend, and the treasures and skills brought by each appearance are very rich! If it weren't for the powerful martial arts inheritance, how could you achieve this step?"

Hearing the news about Qingcang Dao, Shen Qi couldn't help but asked Chu Suran beside him: "Master Uncle, have you heard of Qingcang Dao before? Is it a sect?"

Chu Suoran frowned slightly, and said: "Qing Cang Dao has left many legends, you can say it is a sect, but it is not just a sect, because there are several high-star sects in the Martial Arts League who inherit and It is related to Qingcang Dao. Not to mention the distance, Qingyang Sect, the lord of Qingzhou, is said to have developed by relying on a "Qingyang Divine Art" that came out of the Qingcang Dao Martial Arts relics."

The path of the Qingyang sect to make a fortune is somewhat similar to the path of the Taoist sect.

Muttering something in his heart, Shen Qi suddenly remembered that the Qingyang Sect seemed to have a history of thousands of years, and couldn't help saying: "Doesn't that mean that the martial arts relics of Qingcang Dao appeared thousands of years ago?"

Chu suddenly said: "To be precise, more than 3000 years ago, or even earlier, the legend of Qingcang Dao has been circulating."

Hearing this, Shen Qi felt very shocked.

Although Chu Suran didn't specifically describe what Qingcang Dao is, Shen Qi can imagine it based on the experience of his previous life-those martial arts sects established or developed by relying on Qingcang Dao's skills and treasures must have some influence on Qingcang Dao A great sense of identity, even a sense of belonging, in this way, it can be said that these sects are the forces of Qing Cang Dao.

Therefore, Qing Cang Dao is indeed not a martial arts school, but a martial arts system, a terrifying system with countless schools as its foundation!
[Second update.The world of this book has finally unfolded such a small corner. This is a world where martial arts enter Taoism. Self-cultivation will strive to complete it and make the story wonderful.Brothers and sisters, please bookmark, vote, share and promote support! 】

(End of this chapter)

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