The boss is going against the sky

Chapter 592 The world's law!

Chapter 592 The world's law!

"Shen Qi! Why don't you and I just let it go, Kunwu Xing will also let you Xuantian Dao, and the enmity between the disciples of both sides being killed will be wiped out, how about it?"

Tianren Zhenjun tried his best to escape from Shen Qi's phantom domain and Thunder Emperor's seal range again. Even Yuanshen didn't dare to reveal himself from the law, so he sent a voice transmission to Shen Qi like this. Said.

At this time, it has been nearly two months since Zhenjun Tianren was entangled by Shen Qi, which is also the end of the third month when he escaped from Kunwu Star.

To be honest, even though Zhenjun Tianren has lived for more than 9000 years, this is the first time he has been pestered and beaten like this.

Seeing Shen Qi fighting more and more courageously, his heart became more and more tired, so he couldn't help worrying that before he arrived at the Sun and Moon Daoist Dojo, he would show his weakness and be caught by Shen Qi.

Shen Qi now only feels that there is a thin layer of paper between him and the Realm of Faxiang, and Zhenjun Tianren is his sharpening stone, the opportunity for him to "break through the golden core and achieve the Faxiang", how could he stop there?

Hearing this, he sneered and said, "A write-off? Unless you die here, don't mention it!"

Seeing that Shen Qi was so ignorant, Zhenjun Tianren couldn't help being so angry that his eyes glared fiercely, and he shouted: "I just don't want to waste time with you, do you really think I'm afraid of you? Let you try the old man's five-element rule." The five-finger grinding disc supernatural power displayed!"

Before he finished speaking, True Lord Tianren merged into the Six Laws of Jin, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth and Ninja of Yuanshen, and turned into a huge five-colored hand with a radius of thousands of miles, and grabbed Shen Qi directly!
The fingers of the five-color big hand are the embodiment of the law of the five elements, and the palm is the embodiment of the law of ninja, and they are very closely matched.In just one grasp, the Five Elements Law was connected in series, faintly imprisoning the space thousands of miles around Shen Qi!
Immediately, the five thick fingers of different colors, like pillars of heaven, crushed the space and gathered them together, as if they wanted to crush Shen Qi's body and soul into ashes at once!

"Good come!"

Shen Qi roared excitedly, took advantage of the situation to shrink the range of the phantom law domain and the Thunder Emperor's seal, and instantly performed five consecutive reincarnation cuts and invisible sword gangs, respectively cutting towards the five laws of the five elements.

Afterwards, the physical body transformed into a gigantic giant with a height of three thousand feet. With both fists released, the Yuanhuang Qi of the Shangqing Dynasty and the Qingshi Qingqi of the Yuqing Dynasty turned into two giant dragons, Zhenghuang and Zhengqing. The other one sprayed out the holy fire of samadhi, and rushed towards the palm of the five-colored big hand fearlessly!
Afterwards, a huge black shadow perpendicular to the main body appeared in front of the huge giant Shen Qi turned into, and wrapped it silently towards the five-color big hand.

The black shadow's eyes are dark, as if they are shining, but it is the effect of the combination of the shadow of the primordial spirit and the divine light of the three eyes.

With such an offensive, the space with a radius of thousands of miles was shattered one after another. Although it recovered immediately, countless space vortexes were born.

Most of these vortexes also spin out and spin out, but some of them merge with each other, and finally one vortex grows bigger and bigger, and even faintly changes into a space storm!

Even ordinary supernatural powers are difficult to damage the law, but facing such a terrifying offensive, Zhenjun Tianren still couldn't help but feel a little frightened.

In fact, he didn't really want to fight Shen Qi to the death, but he wanted to show off his unique skills to see if he could scare Shen Qi away.

Who would have thought that this Shen Qi would be as crazy as those Xuantian Dao disciples—in the face of an all-out attack from a higher realm, not only did he have no intention of retreating, but instead he was full of fighting spirit.

Boom boom boom! ! !
Under the linkage of the law of forbearance, the law of the five elements seems to turn the whole world into a millstone, changing and rotating.

The space under its shroud was shattered inch by inch, except for the Five Elements Spirit Qi, the rest of the Spirit Qi was squeezed out one after another.

For a moment, the entire starry sky seemed to have turned into five colors!
Some of Shen Qi's supernatural powers bombarded the five-color fingers, shaking, trembling, and even destroying them; but some were directly crushed into nothingness, as if they had never been used; some even A certain "finger" grew faintly.

But within a short breath, the three-thousand-foot giant Shen Qi transformed into was grabbed by five-color big hands!
The five-color big hand has a radius of thousands of miles, and the three-thousand-foot giant is no more than a sesame seed or a mung bean.

Therefore, if someone is watching the battle, they will see that the giant Shen Qi is not in the hands of Wu Se Dao, and he will never see him again.

As far as Shen Qi is concerned, the whole world is really mottled with five colors at this time.

These five colors flowed and changed endlessly, and they spared no effort to squeeze around him, as if they wanted to squeeze him and crush him.

The enormous pressure even forced Shen Qi to continuously shrink his body in order to gain space and relieve the pressure.

After his figure returned to normal size, Shen Qi started to grow bigger again.

In this way, the pressure he was under immediately doubled.Soon, he felt as if his body and soul were about to be crushed!

In fact, Shen Qi could break through the space confinement and escape before being caught by the five-color big hands.

But he didn't.

He took advantage of the situation and was caught by the big hands of five colors, and he wanted to use the full strength of Tianren Zhenjun to break through the shackles!
Sure enough, under the increasing pressure, the sense of life and death crisis also struck. The laws of the world he had condensed were finally touched, and the connection with his mind was quickly and closely connected.

"Break it for me!!"

Shen Qi let out a thunderous roar, and immediately the primordial spirit's mana circulated in various ways and turned into a series of mysterious and mysterious runes.

In an instant, these runes were combined in an extremely effective pattern, spinning endlessly, flickering, and finally transforming into a transparent ball that completely covered Shen Qi!

At this time, those mysterious and mysterious runes became clear, so that people can see clearly that they are not some kind of fixed runes, but are constantly undergoing various mysterious changes.

Sometimes it is chaotic, with no distinction between the past, present and future, up and down; sometimes it distinguishes between clear and turbid qi, with clear qi rising and turbid qi falling; , Derived from the land ocean, mountains and rivers!
The moment he saw these ever-changing mysterious runes, Shen Qi had a clear understanding in his heart: This is the law of the world!

World Dharma!

In other words, from this moment on, he will finally "shatter the golden core, condense the dharma form" and enter the dharma form!
True Monarch Tianren, whose primordial spirit has been integrated into the five-colored hands, is fully aware of the various changes that have taken place in Shen Qi.

However, there is a long story about Shen Qi's breaking through the Faxiang Realm, but in fact it all happened in the blink of an eye.

Moreover, Zhenjun Tianren was really surprised by Shen Qi's dharma appearance - he has seen many dharma appearances in the dharma appearance realm, but this is the first time he has seen such a mysterious and complicated dharma appearance.

Feeling the incomparably grandiose aura emanating from the transparent ball-like dharma, which seems to be able to control the birth and death of all things in the world, there is only one thought left in Zhenjun Tianren's mind——

As soon as this idea appeared, the five-color big hand covering the starry sky thousands of miles around turned into five-color light gas, spiraled into a small dot in the blink of an eye, and disappeared.

Shen Qi came back to his senses, but he didn't see the figure of Zhenjun Tianren, but he was no longer in such a hurry to chase after him as before.

When he was in the half-step Faxiang Realm, he could catch up to Zhenjun Tianren, but now that he has entered the Faxiang Realm, it will only be easier to catch up to him.

Therefore, Shen Qi took a step leisurely, and then his whole body turned into golden light, disappearing in a flash.

When he reappeared, he was in another starry sky thousands of miles away, and the five-color radiance that had been integrated into Tianren Zhenjun Yuanshen was showing on his face...
[Second update. 】

 Still two chapters, still published together.

(End of this chapter)

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