Chapter 6
Shen Qi learned from the original body's memory that the realm of martial arts cultivation in this world is divided into the acquired twelve levels and the innate nine levels.In addition, it is said that there is a virtual realm above the innate.

The Pengqiu Mansion where Xuanmen is located is located in the easternmost part of Qingzhou, relatively remote. There are only three known innate warriors in the territory, all of whom are elders of Penglai Pavilion, so they are honored as the Three Elders of Penglai.It is precisely because of the existence of the three elders of Penglai that Penglai Pavilion can become the head of many sects in Pengqiu Mansion, and has been the number one sect in Pengqiu Mansion for ten years.

For Shen Qi, innate warriors are so rare, let alone illusory warriors in the virtual realm.

According to Shen Qiyuan's memory, today's martial arts sects almost all draw qi into the body in the acquired third level, while the first two levels are body training and foundation building - the acquired body in the first level and the tendons in the second level. The two simultaneously strengthen Qi and blood, meeting the conditions for introducing Qi into the body.

Shen Shimang once said that the first level and the second level of the day after tomorrow are for the foundation of martial arts cultivation. The better the foundation is forged, the smoother the subsequent cultivation will be, and the farther you can go.

The previous Shen Qi couldn't break through to the Houtian third level, so he only wanted to successfully draw Qi into his body.But for the current Shen Qi, breaking through to the acquired third level is as easy as drinking water and eating, so he is not in a hurry, but is ready to lay the foundation.

In the dark of night, Shen Qi took three Peiyuan Pills consecutively. After practicing for more than an hour, he felt mentally exhausted, so he fetched water to scrub his body, and went back to his room to rest.

The next day, Shen Qi was woken up by the biological clock of the original body when the sky was slightly bright.

Feeling in good physical and mental state, Shen Qi didn't stay in bed, and got up to wash up.

During this process, Ye Hongmei, Guo Zhong, and Granny Bai also got up one after another, only Qin Xianger and Chu Suran's room doors were still closed, and they were obviously still sleeping soundly.

After the three of them finished washing, they ran to the top of the mountain together.

The hill where Xuanmen is located is only 300 meters high. It used to have no name. It was called "Xuanshan" only after Xuanmen was located on the west side of the mountain.

The west side of the mountain is leeward and densely wooded, but there is a narrow dirt road that winds from the mountainside through the woods to the top of the mountain—this is a road that four generations of Taoists have stepped on to practice martial arts on the top of the mountain every morning.

The three walked lightly, but they reached the top of the mountain within a quarter of an hour, and the scenery in front of them changed drastically.

Looking around, there are jagged rocks on the east side of Xuanshan Mountain, only some weeds and low shrubs grow above the mountainside, and there are cliffs tens of meters high below the mountainside.Further to the east, the scenery is much more beautiful, with white sandy beaches, turquoise sea water, and the sun tilting slightly to reveal its head.
The three of them sat cross-legged facing such a beautiful scenery, closed their eyes and meditated.

According to the general outline of "Changsheng Gong", if you want to lay a good foundation for martial arts cultivation, you must not only cultivate your body, but also your spirit, that is, a powerful spirit.However, the Patriarch of Xuanmen did not pass down any exercises for cultivating the soul. He just took his disciples to study Taoist classics, closed their eyes to the rising sun every morning, and made it part of the early morning practice of the four generations of Xuanmen.

According to Shen Qi's understanding, it is easier to succeed in attracting qi into the body. Not only must there be strong qi and blood, but also not weak spiritual strength. That's why the Taoist patriarch left the homework of getting up early and cultivating the gods.But I don't know if it's because there are no specific exercises, or it's useless to cultivate gods, and the advantages of Taoist disciples in cultivating gods have not emerged.

It didn't take long for the few people to practice the gods, only about two quarters of an hour, and Ye Hongmei took the lead to finish the exercise.

This is also a habit that has been developed over the years - although Gao Hong is a big brother, he has a perverse personality and is not good at character, and his daily morning class training is perfunctory, so the task of supervising the cultivation of other disciples falls to the second senior sister Ye Hongmei superior.Although Shen Qi has become the head of the sect now, this habit has not changed.

After finishing the training, the three of them ran back to the school compound, took out their weapons and started practicing martial arts.

Ye Hongmei majored in "Bazi Dao Jue", Guo Zhong majored in "Little Arhat Fist", and the original Shen Qi majored in "Spring Sword Jue".

The current situation of Xuanmen is not optimistic, but "Spring Sword Jue" needs to use true energy to be powerful, so Shen Qi is going to practice "Bazi Dao Jue" with Ye Hongmei first.

The "Bazi Knife Jue" and "Little Arhat Boxing" inherited from Taoism are both popular products in this world. The so-called Ba Jue refers to the eight usages of the knife, which are sweeping, splitting, dialing, cutting, plundering, smashing, and chopping. ,sudden.They are all solid basic knife skills, without any imaginary, and there are no routines.

As for which knife to use, it depends on personal habits. For example, Gao Hong uses a ghost knife, while Ye Hongmei uses a lancet.

Shen Qi went to look at the house where the weapons were stored, and found that besides the three long swords, there were only two ghost-headed knives and two lancets left, and there was no other choice.

The Lancet Knife was named after its shape like a willow leaf. Before time travel, Shen Qi always assumed that it was a knife for women only. However, when his soul passed through, Shen Qi inherited the memory of Shen Qi from this world. Only then did Shen Qi realize that it was not what he thought. .

Because the lancet has a gentle curve along the blade, it reduces the reverse ability and increases the cutting force at the same time; in addition, the blade is wide enough, strong enough, and has a blood groove, which is actually a very effective killing weapon!
Looking at the ghost head knife again, there is a round mouth where the back of the knife meets the tip, the back is wide, and the weight is quite heavy. It is suitable for chopping but not suitable for pulling, cutting, and plundering.In addition, the original body practiced the lancet and had a considerable foundation, so Shen Qi took a look and chose the lancet.

In order to help the disciples practice the "Bazi Dao Jue", several sword targets were set up in the middle of the courtyard - jujube wood as the main body, wrapped with fine bamboo and rattan, and then wrapped with straw rope, which is very strong and durable.

At this time, Ye Hongmei was holding the lancet and practicing the "Bazi Knife Jue" over and over again on the knife target.She tied the straw rope yesterday afternoon, and now she has used the eight kinds of knife techniques twice, and chopped the outermost grass rope of the knife target to pieces, exposing the bamboo and vines inside.

The bamboo and vines on the knife target are thin and dense, so they are very resistant to the blade's edge. Ye Hongmei's sword is fast and powerful, but after practicing the "Bazi Dao Jue" for more than ten times, not many bamboos and vines were cut, let alone chopped. It's the jujube wood inside the bamboo rattan.

According to the original body's memory, Ye Hongmei had to practice "Bazi Dao Jue" at least a thousand times a day, so he had to practice at least five hundred times in the morning.

Shen Qi stood in front of another knife target.

This knife target is used by Gao Hong, there is no grass rope outside, and a lot of exposed bamboo and vines have been cut off.Yesterday morning Gao Hong practiced the knife here. Looking at the knife marks on the knife target, you can know that Gao Hong is very sharp with the knife.

After going through the original body's memory about "Bazi Knife Jue", and found the relevant physical memory, Shen Qi swiped at the target.

Shen Qi only used seven or eight percent of his strength, but the bamboo and vines that met the knife were cut off in an instant, and the blade was directly embedded in the strong jujube wood, making a crisp "boom" sound!

Ye Hongmei next to her heard the sound and looked over, her pair of beautiful eyes that were exposed outside suddenly widened.After Shen Qi pulled out the saber, she came back to her senses, went to the saber target and checked the scars from Shen Qi's saber before, and was even more surprised when she saw that the saber marks on the exposed jujube wood were as deep as the thickness of a palm.

"Master, have you made a breakthrough?" Ye Hongmei asked, staring at Shen Qi.

"No, I'm still in the post-acquired second stage." Shen Qi shook his head with a smile.

"But your knife just now..." Ye Hongmei obviously didn't believe it.

Shen Qi already had a reasonable explanation in his mind, and immediately said: "Before he died, Master instructed me to correct some errors in the "Longevity Kungfu". Last night, I practiced the first two levels a few times according to the revised exercises Ten times, it seems that the effect is still good.”

The content of Shen Qi's words is a bit too much, Ye Hongmei took a few breaths to digest it, and then pondered: "There is indeed a saying in the martial arts that there is no end to refining the body and building the foundation, and the stronger the qi and blood of the warrior, the more It is well known that it is easy to attract Qi into the body. However, our Taoist sect has a limited supply of meat and medicinal materials, and too much practice will damage the body. After the head of the sect, don't practice as crazy as last night, otherwise the gain will outweigh the loss."

"I know what Senior Sister said." Shen Qi nodded first, and then said: "But Xuanmen is currently in crisis, and as the head of the sect, I have to fight. I will find a way to solve the problem of insufficient supply, but we must not be like before. It's such a lazy day."

Ye Hongmei regarded Shen Qi as a younger brother in her heart, her beautiful eyes revealed distressed and gratified expressions, and she said in a cold voice with a little gentleness: "The sect leader has such determination, our Taoist sect will definitely get through this off."

Then she said: "By the way, since the cultivation of the first two floors of the sect master has gone further, why not go over there and test it."

Shen Qi also had this thought, nodded immediately and said: "Okay."

The day after tomorrow, the first level of meat training can make the warrior's physical strength stronger; the day after tomorrow's second level of muscle training, while increasing strength again, it can also make the warrior's body more sensitive and faster.Generally, martial arts sects have simple test methods for these two aspects, like Xuanmen, which is to measure strength by lifting a stone lock, and test sensitivity by the time it takes for a sword or knife to be drawn according to the regulations.

When he came to several stone locks, Ye Hongmei said: "I remember that lifting five hundred catties of stone locks with one hand was the limit before the head of the sect. Now you can try to lift eight hundred catties of stone locks with one hand."

In the world of martial arts, generally healthy adult men can lift a little more than half of their body weight with one hand, which is more than 80 catties.The Martial Arts Federation’s standard for judging strength in the early days of the Houtian First Heavyweight is: being able to lift 150 catties with one hand; at the early days of the Houtian Two Heavyweights, it is required to be able to lift 300 catties with one hand.

Shen Qiyuan had reached his limit when he lifted 500 jin with one hand, strictly speaking, he was almost at the end of Houtian's second stage.

Therefore, Ye Hongmei regretted it as soon as she said it.

She thought to herself: Wouldn't it be detrimental to the majesty if the headmaster couldn't lift the 800-jin stone lock?Although there are not many people in the Taoist sect now, this is not good.

Just when Ye Hongmei was worried, Shen Qi had already grasped the handle of the 800-jin stone lock with his right hand, took a deep breath, and slowly lifted it up...

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(End of this chapter)

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