The boss is going against the sky

Chapter 622 Chapter 622 Change!ambush!

Chapter 622 Chapter 622 Change!ambush!
At that time, "Tianren" escaped from the pursuit of the Chongyang Emperor, and counterattacked the Chongyang Star to retaliate.After this incident, the rest of the Faxiang Realm in the Sun Moon Dao ruled area no longer dared to underestimate "Tian Ren" as before.

Therefore, the Seven Star Taoist and the Heavenly Killer Taoist are still a little afraid of "Tianren".

Unsure of what "Tian Ren" was thinking, the two of them planned to go to Lingpanxing to test it out together.

Who would have thought that before the two of them started their journey, there would be another news that directly reversed the situation of the war between the Sun Moon Dao and the Evil Extreme Dao——

Emperor Ming led Li Chongyang to attack the evil pole star, but was besieged by the incarnation of the evil emperor in the late stage of the Liuhe Dao state with the "Liuhe Guiliu Formation". At the critical moment, Li Chongyang turned against the water and attacked Ming Emperor.

Under a great battle that shook the entire Sixth Galaxy, Zhu Tianzhao, emperor of the Ming Dynasty, not only lost his Huangji Dharma Body that he had practiced so hard for many years, but also destroyed the Dao of the Sun that he controlled, and his soul was also severely injured. The trick was able to stand out from the encirclement.

It's just that after being seriously injured and greatly weakened, Emperor Ming didn't dare to return to the sun, moon and star. Instead, he didn't know where to go and hid himself, fearing that he would not show up until his strength recovered.

Under such circumstances, the outcome of Sun Moon Dao's battle against Xie Ji Dao was instantly reversed.

Even in the previous battle, the evil emperor's incarnation of Dishashu was almost killed by Emperor Ming, and four of the six incarnations in the late stage of the Dao realm that suddenly appeared on the evil pole star were also beheaded.

But compared to the Sun Moon Dao side where there is not a single Dao Compatible state, the remaining two incarnations of the Evil Emperor in the late stage of the Dao state in the Xieji Dao camp, plus the remaining five avatars in the early stage of the Dao state among the incarnations of Di Shashu, and Li Chongyang, who was in the early stage of the Dao Realm, had eight people in the Dao Realm, and he had an advantage in top combat power.

Therefore, the Xie Ji Dao camp not only launched a clean-up of the affiliated sects of the Sun Moon Dao in the area ruled by the original Xie Ji Dao, but also sent some masters to counterattack into the Sun Moon Dao ruled area with Li Chongyang!
The seven-star Taoist master and the Heavenly Killer Taoist master were well informed. After receiving the news, they immediately packed up and went back to the main ashram through the teleportation arrays they occupied on the living planet.

Before leaving, when the two got together again, the Heavenly Killer Taoist asked: "Looking at that day, Ninja seemed to be cultivating in the Lingpan star, and his subordinates did not come to the Jindan realm disciples to help inquire about the outside world. The trend has reversed, should we notify him?"

Seven Star Taoist said coldly: "What are you going to tell him? You must know that you and I have already offended him when we seized the sub-dharma fields of Unbounded Dao and Lingyin Dao before. With the character of God's forbearance and vengeance, we must hold a grudge. Even if you and I show affection, it will be difficult to resolve. So, it is better to let him fall here."

The Heavenly Killer Taoist nodded after hearing this, and didn't mention the matter again.

Afterwards, the forces of Qixingdao and Tianshadao quickly retreated from this small piece of starry sky occupied by them.

Lingpan star.

Shen Qi was so addicted to cultivation that he could hardly extricate himself.

In the past two or three years, except for going back to Tianren Star through the teleportation array to check the movements of the Tiangang teleportation array every few days, he spent the rest of his time studying and comprehending new magical powers and laws.

Through the many martial arts knowledge obtained from Lingyin's memory fragments, as well as their experience and insights, and with the assistance of Yanwu Pavilion, Enlightenment Pavilion, and World Faxiang, Shen Qi has successively mastered one law of life and the second Qi in the past two years. the law.

Now, he is studying the hidden law.

However, because he didn't have any comprehension in this area before, and his accumulation was relatively small, his progress suddenly slowed down. It would take him a long time to truly comprehend and master a hidden law based on his current accumulation.

Shen Qi is not in a hurry, anyway, there are no system tasks pressing him down now, and he is a martial artist in the Faxiang Realm who is only over a hundred years old, so he has a lot of time.

However, people in the rivers and lakes are not always safe if you want to be safe.

On this day, Shen Qi was cultivating, but a strong divine sense swept over him.

"Another late stage of the Faxiang Realm?"

Judging the opponent's state roughly from the strength of his spiritual thoughts, Shen Qi was not polite, and directly used his spiritual thoughts to suppress him. At the same time, he used the Five Elements Escape, and within a breath, he was out of the sky.

As a result, the moment he appeared, he found himself surrounded by four Faxiang Realms in a four-image attack!


Shen Qi didn't become arrogant just because he had already beheaded two late stages of the Faxiang Realm. When he found out that he was surrounded, he froze and hung up his heart.

He quickly tested the remaining three Faxiang Realms with his spiritual thoughts, and found that these four people were in the late stage of the Faxiang Realm.

In this way, these four people probably had their eyes on him a long time ago, so they set up this ambush.

There was just one thing he didn't understand—these four people were not from the Sun Moon Dao camp, so they were most likely from the Evil Extreme Dao camp.It's just that people from the evil extreme camp shouldn't be too busy to take care of themselves now, how can they have the time to design and ambush him?

These four people probably did not cooperate closely and were wary of each other, so after forming a four-element attack formation, they were not in a hurry to attack Shen Qi, but spoke to him one by one with a sneer.

"Are you Tianren Zhenjun?" One person asked.

"That's right." Anyway, he was surrounded, and Shen Qi was not in a hurry to counterattack—he hadn't figured out what was going on yet.

"You are so arrogant. After such a long time, you still dare to occupy the branch of Lingyin Dao and not retreat. Do you think that no one will trouble you?" Another person asked sarcastically.

"What's your name?" Shen Qi asked back.

"This deity is the poisonous way of Kurosawa."

"Then what's the name of this one?" Shen Qi looked far away at the first person who spoke to him.

"This deity is extremely bloody, Kong You."

Then, the only female among the four, thought that the cold and beautiful woman covered with frost did not wait for Shen Qi to ask, and continued: "This deity is as cold as the cold moon."

The last person left, who was the one who used his divine sense to lure Shen Qizhong to ambush him, frowned coldly and said: "What are you talking about, just kill him!"

However, no one took the lead.

Kuisawa looked at the last person coldly, and said, "True Monarch Wujie, this time you were entrusted by Ling Xiaozi to invite me to come and strangle Tianren together. What's the matter, don't you dare to go ahead?" Let's do it?"

After hearing this, Shen Qi almost wanted to thank Hei Ze, and secretly said: So this person is Wujie Zhenjun of Wujie Dao near Lingyin Dao.That being said, could it be that Sun Moon Dao and Xie Ji Dao have really changed their offensive and defensive momentum?

"You don't need to provoke this deity!" When Shen Qi finally got a clue about the ambush, True Monarch Wujie let out a cold snort, and at the same time waved his hands out, and suddenly a strange phenomenon appeared in the space thousands of miles away in the ambush circle. change.

I saw that the space was divided layer by layer very regularly, and recently a back shape was formed, framing Shen Qi in it!
Shen Qi felt that the surrounding space was not only imprisoned in some way, but the distance from those four people was only a few thousand miles away, but now it seemed that they were separated by a book-heavy space, and the distance became tens of thousands of miles, or even hundreds of thousands of miles!
"Law of space?!"

Seeing this, Shen Qi not only didn't panic, but showed a look of surprise, as if a hungry ghost was looking at True Monarch Wujie like looking at a stunning beauty.

[Second update. 】

 I didn't save the manuscript before, and I have been updating it for three consecutive days, and now I feel a little bit unstoppable.

  So, don't wait for the update today, it's probably just these two updates.

  Thank you for your support!

  ~~Say good night in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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