Chapter 627
Shen Qi never imagined that this girl would be born as a grown woman—even though her name contained the character for female, he thought that at least there would be a growth process similar to that of Shen Yiyi.

Therefore, when the light cocoon disappeared, and when he first saw the plump, snow-white and extremely alluring carcass, Shen Qixing's eyes could not help but be amazed and amazed.

It was also with this glance that he met the eyes of Nuba.

It was a kind of extremely pure, yet emotionless cold gaze, which made the person who saw it shiver involuntarily.

However, the eyes soon became docile, soft and curious as they stared straight at Shen Qi.

Shen Qi didn't feel any killing intent from the nun's gaze, and Shen Qi was finally relieved, and then he looked at the nun carefully.

Nuba's height at this time should belong to her normal height, but it is nearly two meters.Her skin was as white as snow, exuding a cold light, like a rare spiritual treasure.

Nuba's lips were bright blood red, her nose bridge was tall but delicate, her eye sockets were slightly sunken, her eyes were slightly larger than ordinary eyes, and her pupils were pure blue.A pair of slender willow eyebrows in blue and black are like phoenix tails, slightly raised upwards, giving people a domineering and beautiful feeling.

Of course, the most different thing about Nuba is her bald head without a single hair.

This bald head did not affect the beauty and stunning feeling of the girl, but added a strange sense of charm.

While Shen Qi was observing Nuba, Nuba walked towards Shen Qi slowly.

And as it approached, the feeling of dryness and heat became more and more intense. Not to mention Shen Qi's body, but the underground cave made of lapis lazuli began to melt.

Shen Qi knew that this was probably the unconscious power emitted by the Way of Burning Heaven and the Way of Cathode controlled by Nuba—it was only unconscious. If it was conscious, Shen Qi doubted that at this moment, no one in the Heavenly Ninja Star could survive except him. .

At this time, Shen Qi could be considered to have a deeper understanding of the well-intentioned words in the message that he got when he used the Vientiane Eye to check the female demon's fangs.

Such a female demon is indeed not something that ordinary people can bear to be close to her.

"Can't you completely put away the power of your Way of Burning Heaven and the Way of Cathode?" Shen Qi asked aloud.

"Huh?" The nun let out a light snort, her blue eyes showing doubt and bewilderment.

Could it be that language is not included in the inheritance obtained by the reborn female demon?
Seeing this, Shen Qi was puzzled, but changed his mind and took out a jade slip with a message in it, and then threw it to Nuba.

In this jade slip, he left behind the only language in the Nine Rings Star Region and how to control the power of the law of convergence (Shen Qi did not agree with the way) , can only use the power of law to refer to the power of martial arts).

The nun obviously has a very high level of comprehension. She only saw the process of Shen Qi leaving a message in the jade slip with his spiritual thoughts, and intentionally did not melt the jade slips, and also penetrated into the jade slips with his spiritual thoughts, and immediately learned of the hidden dangers in the jade slips. All the information left by Qi.

Immediately, Shen Qi felt that the unbearable intense heat disappeared.

The female demon came close to his face, her eyes met his eyes, the tip of her nose touched his nose, and her bright red lips almost touched his lips, then she suddenly said: "I... You... are so close..."

Apparently, although she had learned the language used by intelligent beings in the Nine Rings Starfield, she was not proficient at speaking the first sentence.

With Shen Qi's current state of mind and experience, even if the daughter-in-law cares about him nakedly, he doesn't feel anything strange.

Hearing this, he revealed a gentle expression, and smiled, "Yes, I am your only relative in this world."

"Dear one?" The girl's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she asked again: "Mother? Father? Brother? Sister?"

(The titles of brother and sister also exist in the Nine Rings Star Field, but they are more intimate terms for brothers and sisters.)
Hearing that the nun actually wanted to call him mother or sister, Shen Qi felt dumbfounded, and hurriedly said, "You call me brother, I'll call you sister."

As for the brother-sister relationship, Shen Qi thinks this is the best choice.

Other fathers and daughters, or letting the daughter-in-law recognize the master, all have various disadvantages, and they are not as good as brothers and sisters.

"Brother!" the nun exclaimed happily.

"Sister!" Shen Qi also called out with joy.

He is really happy to get a sister who is in the Dao state.

Then the nun suddenly hugged him tightly, unwilling to let go, which made him a little embarrassed, and then he remembered that he had not left any common sense information for the nun in the jade slips.

For example, when a female demon learns the language and takes out clothes, she knows that they are called clothes, but she doesn't know what the clothes are for, and why people wear clothes.

Therefore, Shen Qi asked the nun to let go of him, and left a lot of common sense information in a jade slip, and handed it to the nun to accept.

Although Nuba knew the common sense, she didn't blush strangely. I don't know if she didn't feel blushing, or she didn't blush at all.

As if nothing had happened, she waved her hand and transformed into a fiery red dress, and she seemed to feel that her bald head didn't match well with the clothes, so she quickly grew a long fiery red flowing hair, and she was even shorter than Shen Qi by an inch.

Then, a beautiful fiery red beauty who seemed to have stepped out of Shen Qi's previous animation appeared in front of Shen Qi.

Shen Qi knew that the normal state of Nuba was her appearance when she was just born, and she was transformed in front of her eyes, but she still couldn't help admiring: "Not bad, very beautiful."

"Thank you, brother, for your compliment." The girl's ability to learn and adapt is obviously very strong, and she quickly became proficient in speaking, and she even blessed Shen Qiyingying like an ordinary woman.

Shen Qi knew that it was not enough for the nun to learn language and common sense, so he asked the nun to stay with him in this underground cave.

Afterwards, he devoured True Monarch Wujie's Primordial Spirit Fragment and separated his memory fragments. (If the memory fragments are separated together, there will be no loss, and it will be more convenient to search for some kind of information. This is the reason why Shen Qi did not separate the obtained soul fragments to devour them.)
While searching for the martial arts knowledge, experience, and experience related to the law of space from the memory fragments of True Monarch Unbounded, he conducted reference learning and quickly deepened his understanding of the law of space; at the same time, he taught the girl some other knowledge and shaped her life. outlook, world outlook, values, and other cognitions.

Although the female demon was reborn from blood, she didn't have the slightest memory of the first generation female demon. In terms of personality and cognition, it was like a blank sheet of paper on which Shen Qi could paint.

This feeling is really good, hundreds of times better than when Shen Qi taught the disciple with the most outstanding understanding.

In this way, nearly a month passed in a blink of an eye.

On this day, just when Shen Qi felt that he had comprehended enough and was about to try to condense a law of space and master it, a rather powerful and somewhat familiar divine thought swept down...
[Third update.Over 12 monthly passes for December plus updates! 】

 Thank you [book friend 2018030***4066] for the 1000 starting point coin reward support!
(End of this chapter)

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