The boss is going against the sky

Chapter 648 Rootless Sea!

Chapter 648 Rootless Sea!

With the memory fragments of Li Chongyang, Lingyin, and Tianren, Shen Qi is not completely ignorant of the scene at the edge of the Nine Nether Lands.

However, no matter which one of the three people, the impression of the environment at the edge of Jiuyou is the asteroid belt with chaotic space.

It is actually not accurate to use "belt" to describe it, and it is most appropriate to describe it with an asteroid ocean.

In the memory of the three, the distance between those asteroids is not very far, at least it is much closer than the distance between outside asteroids.

Infinite numbers of asteroids gather together and each moves according to a certain mysterious law, occasionally disappearing into the chaotic space, and occasionally appearing suddenly, floating up and down, looking around, it is really like an ocean.

In the ocean of asteroids, there are still some small galaxies that are still intact.Some of the small galaxies have been barren, while others hide living planets.

Whether it is an asteroid, a barren galaxy, or a small galaxy with a living planet, there may be a legacy left by the ancient martial arts.The inheritance of these martial arts powers is the most obvious opportunity on the edge of Jiuyou.

However, such opportunities only account for a very small part.

Most of the opportunities on the edge of the Nine Serenities are indescribable and even difficult to repeat.

The same is true of catastrophes.

What you can meet depends entirely on each person's fortune.

Shen Qi came to the edge of Jiuyou through the teleportation array used by Li Chongyang, and he thought he would be in the ocean of asteroids.

But at this moment, he was in the real ocean—looking around, except for the asteroid with a radius of less than a hundred miles left behind under his feet, the sun-moon cycle teleportation array was left behind, no matter what he saw or the gods The thoughts stretch out, and the surroundings are almost full of water!
The reason for saying almost is because there are quite a lot of asteroids similar to his feet in this ocean.

Li Chongyang, Lingyin, and Tianren are all old monsters who have lived for thousands of years or even nearly ten thousand years, and their memories are undoubtedly complicated. Shen Qi spent most of the previous decades studying martial arts, so he absorbed the memories of the three of them. Actually not much.

Seeing this, I searched for relevant information from the memory fragments of the three of them again.

The three of them were really knowledgeable, and they actually had related memories.

Just a few inaccurate rumors—it is said that in the chaotic space on the edge of the Nine Netherworld, besides the most common asteroid ocean, there are also countless rootless oceans.

This rootless sea is much rarer than asteroids, so few people see it.

Some of them are larger than ordinary planets, or even galaxies. If some of them fall into the chaotic space, the changes will make people unable to figure out how big they are.

As for the small ones, it is really a drop of water, floating in the starry sky, there are really countless.

However, some of the water droplets are not really small, but because the chaotic space highlights the laws contained in magical powers such as "size as you wish", so it looks small to the outside world.After entering, you may find that this is a boundless ocean!

Just like Shen Qi heard a saying in his previous life - a grain of sand hides the world, a drop of water reveals the ocean.

Such small worlds hidden in the chaotic space, some are barren and will be shattered at any time; some are extremely stable, and there are even creatures living in seclusion.

This creature may be some kind of demon spirit race, or some kind of alien beast race, or it may be a human race that has multiplied since ancient times!
Those Faxiang Realm and He Dao Realm who knew something about the edge of Jiuyou guessed that it was the two holy realms, and they probably couldn't explain the mystery.

At this time, Shen Qi's divine sense extended to the extreme, that is, thousands of miles away, he still hadn't come out of this rootless sea.

Therefore, he could only take out a magic weapon, leave a ray of divine sense in it, bury it in this asteroid as a mark, and then fly and explore in this boundless sea.

Having mastered a law of space, Shen Qi's current method of flying away is naturally the fastest way to combine the power of the law of space to perform the infinite step and the great teleportation of the starry sky, and it does not stick to any terrain.Others, no matter whether it is the golden light method that is vertical to the ground, or the water escape in this rootless sea, it is not as fast as the former.

But at his speed, he flew in one direction in the water for three days and nights, but he didn't even reach the edge!

"Could it be that I'm actually circling in this sea of ​​rootlessness?"

Apart from water, there are various asteroids and even smaller meteorites all around, and these waters, meteorites, and asteroids are still moving, so with the strength of Shen Qi's primordial spirit, without insight into the movement of these water, meteorites, and asteroids, Before the rules, I couldn't guarantee that I was really flying in a straight line in one direction.

The only thing he can guarantee is that there are no meteorites he has seen before for thousands of miles around.

"It can't be so unlucky that you just entered the edge of the Nine Nethers, and you're trapped here to death, right?"

Now in this situation, although Shen Qi is not anxious, but there is a little worry in his heart.

Afterwards, Shen Qi fled for another day in this rootless sea, and the divine sense that stretched forward finally detected a breath of life.

This cheered him up—as long as he met someone who could communicate, he might be able to ask how to get out of this rootless sea.

If he only relies on his own groping, even if he can finally get out, it will inevitably take a lot of time.

Shen Qi was afraid that his divine sense would cause trouble if he touched the other party rashly, so he restrained his breath, flew there, and observed with his eyes.As a result, after seeing the owner of the breath of life, his eyes widened again.

Shen Qi's eyesight is also very amazing now, even in this rootless sea, he can see thousands of miles away without any cover.

Suddenly, nearly a thousand miles away at this time, a woman whose height is definitely over a thousand feet is pushing an asteroid with a diameter of more than a hundred feet into a huge shell next to it!

This girl was born extremely white and plump, except for the key bases of her body which were covered by braiding of stone or metal, the rest of her body was completely naked, so it was a bit "dazzling".

To be honest, even the real martial arts battle between the female demon incarnate as a giantess and Li Chongyang's Dharma Body didn't bring Shen Qi this shock.After all, at that time, the female demon had already touched the common sense of the world, and she was wearing a magic weapon to go outside.

Of course, Shen Qi was only shocked when he saw it for the first time. With his current knowledge and state of mind, he wouldn't have any other thoughts because of this giant woman.

He observed secretly for a while, and found that when the giant woman pushed the asteroid, she didn't show any mana fluctuations, as if she was an ordinary person who didn't know supernatural powers or laws.

Just when Shen Qi was about to use a small method to test whether this giant woman was born with a certain power of law or martial arts like a female demon, an accident happened.

Another group of creatures that Shen Qi had never seen before rushed over from the front and went straight to the giant woman.

The height of this group of people is relatively normal, only about ten feet.But the lower body is full of fish tails, and the ears are also fish fins!

Merman? !
A noun suddenly popped up in Shen Qi's mind.

[First update. 】

 Thank you [qieSha] for your 1000 starting point coins reward and support!
(End of this chapter)

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