Chapter 657 Sin!

When he got to the stone tablet, Shen Qi saw clearly that the small black characters on the stone tablet were two sentences and seven words.

"Good souls don't need to come to take pictures, there are no good people on the stage of evil mirrors."

After reading it, Shen Qi couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly, looked at the stage, and thought: So this stage is the evil mirror mentioned in the underground book.

Jieyin Tiangong seems to be the name of a place, and there is no related record in Shen Qi's previous diary.But Nie Jing is an innate treasure recorded in the book of the earth.

The Book of the Earth does not record who made the evil mirror, but only records its function.

It is said that in front of the evil mirror, all the sins of a person's life will be revealed.

What kind of effect such an effect can have, and how to use it, then the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom.

When Shen Qi looked at the stage, he saw that there seemed to be a simple and simple bronze mirror on the stage, with a diameter of about ten feet, and there was no spiritual light appearing.

"This evil mirror is an innate treasure no matter how effective it is, there must be laws and even martial arts in it. If you can collect it, you can take it back and study it. It will also be helpful for me to harmonize the world."

Thinking so in his heart, Shen Qi walked up the stone steps to the stage of evil mirror, and soon walked in front of the bronze mirror.

As a result, he just arrived, and the evil mirror, which was like an ordinary bronze mirror, radiated a faint light blue light, capturing Shen Qi.

In the next moment, Shen Qi disappeared in the hall.

Shen Qicai disappeared, and another person walked into the palace, but it was the Emperor Planting Demon.

"There is obviously that boy's aura in this hall, so why don't you see anyone else?" The Demon Emperor scanned the hall, but only saw Shen Qi, and couldn't help but wonder.

Immediately, the Demon Emperor noticed the simple stone tablet.

Looking in front of the stele, the Demon Emperor hesitated for a while, and then boarded the Niejing platform, and when he came to the front of the Niejing, he was also captured by a faint light blue light, which disappeared in an instant.

But Shen Qi felt a little flustered the moment he was captured by the light blue light.But when time and space reversed and he found himself in another world, he didn't panic.

But soon, he had a strange look on his face, because he found that he had "returned" to the time and space of his previous life!

Although the surrounding area is a wild land, the tall buildings in the distance are faintly visible, and the sky is shrouded in a haze that seems to never melt away.

Then, he found that he had no cultivation, no martial arts, and his physical fitness was not even as good as in his previous life, and his hands were still leaning on his back!

On his left and right, there were several other people standing in a row with him, all with extremely short shaved hair, and wearing exactly the same clothes that seemed familiar to him.

"I don't want to die, woo woo woo..."

One of them shook his body like sifting chaff, even a yellow liquid flowed down his trouser legs, and a foul smell permeated the air.

Although the rest of the people were not so miserable, most of them were trembling, and few could stand calmly.

"Be honest!" Someone behind him scolded, "If you can train the recruits with fangs, you can be regarded as atonement!"

This sentence immediately brought up a dusty memory of Shen Qi - when he served in the Fang Special Forces Brigade, he was sent to a prison to be in charge of executing a gang before he completed systematic training and officially left the army. The execution of the criminal seems to be here!
Thinking of this, Shen Qi couldn't help turning his head, looking at a young man in military uniform who was pointing a gun at him behind him.

It was a familiar yet unfamiliar face, and the conflicted expressions of uneasiness and excitement in those eyes were deeply imprinted in Shen Qi's mind at once.

That's him!

He was only 21 years old, and he wanted to kill for the first time!
At this moment, Shen Qi realized something.

No matter how powerful Nie Jing is, it is impossible to bring him back to the original time and space, and put his consciousness into the body of the first person he killed.Therefore, all this can only be an illusion, an incomparably real illusion.

The so-called mirror of sins that reflects the sins of one's life does not simply appear on the mirror, but uses the method of bringing in this illusion to let you experience the feeling of each sinner.

"Hmph, I was ordered to execute the death row criminals by shooting. What kind of crime is it?"

Shen Qi snorted coldly in his heart, and then remained indifferent.

After a while, there was a gunshot, the back of his head shook, and his consciousness fell into darkness.

When he regained consciousness again, he found himself a woman, holding a dagger, stabbing at the young man in military uniform among the two who were rolling on the ground and strangling each other, suddenly there was an inaudible gunshot, " Her head shook, and her consciousness fell into darkness again.

Shen Qi also remembered this scene.

The young man who was entangled with the military uniform next to him was a dangerous criminal, and the woman was his mother. Although she also violated the law, it was not a capital crime.However, as a supporting sniper at that time, he killed her with one shot.

"If I don't kill her, even if she stabs her with the dagger, even if it doesn't kill my comrade-in-arms, it will definitely give that young man a chance. With that young man's viciousness, if he seizes the opportunity during the fight, my comrade-in-arms will definitely die. I There is nothing wrong with killing her!"

Although Shen Qi was punished afterwards, if he had to choose again, he would still choose to shoot.

Afterwards, in Shen Qi's previous life, and even in his present life, various murder scenes appeared one after another.

Every time, his consciousness is attached to the victim, and he still can't control the behavior of the victim. He can only watch the scenes of killing in his memory repeat, but he has changed from the killer to the victim. By.

Being killed by himself again and again, even Shen Qi is now determined and detached, and gradually feels uncomfortable.

Fortunately, in his previous life, he killed everyone with a clear conscience.But in this life, there are really many people who were killed by him for no reason, and even those who were affected to death by him fighting with others.

Every person who died because of him looked at him with an extremely strange look, as if they were torturing his soul: Killed a person and committed a crime, do you still want to deny it?

Evil is evil, you can't wash it away!

The killing scenes kept changing, and Shen Qi felt as if his heart was about to be pierced and shattered by those resentful eyes.

This made him not only ask himself: With all my sins, why can I still live confidently?Only death can wash it away, right?
However, after he died, would these sins disappear?
He died, and those who died because of him did not live.Once the sin has been committed, it cannot be undone.

Besides, if he died, what would happen to his wife and children?What about his relatives, friends, and numerous disciples of Xuan Tian Dao?
Even if he is full of sins, he will not atone for his sins with death!

Thinking of this, Shen Qi thought he had seen through the trap that Nie Jing had set for him.

But why is my heart still uncomfortable?
Shen Qi raised his eyes and looked around, and found that the scene of him killing people was gone, but it was replaced by other scenes - his consciousness was attached to the animals, strange beasts, and even plants that died because of him.

In the end, his consciousness began to attach to those people who had a difficult life and anguish because of his presence, or because of some things he did.

All in all, all the pain he inflicted on other living beings was his fault!
At the end of the experience, Shen Qi suddenly smiled.

It turns out that these are also considered sins, so who doesn't commit sins?

God is committing crimes, so what if I commit crimes?
This comprehension made Shen Qi think of five words again - ten thousand dharmas come from the heart!

As long as he has no shame in his heart, so what if his crimes are monstrous?
As soon as he thought of this, the illusion he was in suddenly shattered again, and there was no other illusion—he had already returned to the evil mirror.

[Second update. 】

 ~~Say good night in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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