The boss is going against the sky

Chapter 663 Tormented by Hell, Lost in Martial Arts!

Chapter 663 Tormented by Hell, Lost in Martial Arts!
Shen Qi drove the World Dharma Aspect, and easily looked for a way to get out of the small hell space of Xianlu.

In the past few hours, he discovered that the only thing that changed in this little brine hell was the temperature of the brine.

The temperature has been rising since coming in, but after rising to a certain point, it slowly drops again.Afterwards, some places in the stewed soup produced air bubbles, so he speculated that these bubbles were the key to getting out of the salty brine little hell.

With this conclusion, Shen Qi did not try to leave immediately.

So far, whether it is his personal experience or the information from those emperor-level powers who explored hell, it seems that the transformation of multiple regions and spaces is one-sided and multi-directional.

That is to say, from one regional space, one can go to other unknown hell spaces, but one cannot turn back to the previous hell space.

Therefore, unless one understands the rules of each hell space and is not afraid of the life and death tortures of various hells, every hell space experienced is precious.Because, if you miss it, it will not be easy to get in again.

So, after finding the key to get out of prison, Shen Qi withdrew the world's dharma image, endured the pain and torture brought by this small salty hell, and at the same time experienced the mysteries of this space.

What kind of existence and what kind of means are used to create places like Fengdu and Hell, Shen Qi is still unimaginable now.

However, there are many places in this hell space that are worthy of his enlightenment.

Because in his opinion, a hell space is equivalent to a small world with a simple structure, and compared with the real world outside, such a small world is undoubtedly easier to comprehend the power of the laws of operation and even the rules of the world structure. much.

Now that he knows that he is in a bottleneck in the world of harmony, if he can comprehend something from this hellish space, it may help him quickly and synthesize the way of the world.

In this way, I don't know how long it has passed, until Shen Qi felt that this small salty hell space had no possibility for him to comprehend and comprehend, and then he entered a bubble.

As a result, as he guessed, the space changed, and he entered another regional space, but it was a small blood-sucking hell attached to the black rope hell.

In the small blood-sucking hell, there are endless blood-sucking mosquitoes, and they all want to suck his blood.Many of his supernatural powers, the power of laws, and even the power of the way of water could not be completely stopped, and finally relied on the world's law.

So, Shen Qi repeated what he did in the Little Salt Hell...

In this way, after Shen Qi experienced seven of the sixteen small hells attached to the Great Black Rope Hell, he not only understood the way of the world better, but also mastered several laws of branches and leaves that harmonize the way of the world, such as the law of high temperature , blood-sucking law, pain law, and so on.

After leaving the eye-gouging little hell space, Shen Qi came to a flame space.

The flames here, from the very beginning of ordinary fire, to Samadhi divine fire, Taiyang real fire, Nanming Lihuo and other different fires alternately, it is Shen Qi who has mastered a law of fire and Samadhi divine fire, the body can be reborn with a drop of blood, Yuan God is immortal, and he also feels overwhelmed.

Seeing this scene, Shen Qi contacted the information disclosed by those emperor-level powers, and then he knew the name of this hell space - the extremely hot hell!

Here, just like in the great black rope hell, his world dharma has no effect, making him not only endure the pain of being burned by various flames, but also in danger of annihilation of body and spirit!
With the experience in the Great Black Rope Hell, Shen Qi was much calmer this time.

He calculated clearly that although this extremely hot hell was more tormenting than the black rope hell, he would not be able to bear it so quickly and die here.

All he can do is to calm down as soon as possible in the pain of burning, and find a way to get out of this extremely hot hell...

January time flies by.

In the multiple geographical spaces, Shen Qi has successively experienced the Great Black Rope Hell, the Great Extremely Hot Hell, the Great Extremely Cold Hell, the Great Resurrection Hell, the Great Howling Hell and some small hells attached thereto.

Today, he is still alive!

Experiencing so many hell spaces at one time has already surpassed most of the emperor-level powers outside. Except for the four emperors Qingdi, Xiedi, Moluo Emperor, and Qinglian Great Emperor, I am afraid that other emperor-level powers are more powerful in this respect. His grades are not as good as his!
However, the price Shen Qi paid was not small.

First of all, his current image has changed a lot compared to a month ago-before, his natural image was a young man in his early twenties, handsome and handsome, elegant and majestic; but now, he is Skinny as a stick, his face was completely sunken, and even his originally black hair turned gray.

If there is anything better than the original image, it is a pair of eyes.

At this time, countless mysterious runes turned and disappeared in his eyes, as if both eyeballs were the world's dharma, his eyes were clear and mysterious!
Secondly, [-]% of the many miraculous medicines, natural materials and earthly treasures in his storage ring that replenish qi, blood and mana have been consumed!

It can be said that if he had not mastered so many laws, and the power of the world's dharma is incomparably mysterious, and he has the help of Wudao Pavilion, coupled with the fact that he had killed Tianren, Lingyin, and even Li Chongyang's Dao. Many miraculous medicines, treasures of heaven and earth, I am afraid that he has already died in this great hell.

Shen Qi didn't know how the other great emperors went through, anyway, the great hell he experienced was more difficult than the first level, and the way to get out of the first level of prison was harder than the first level.

If it wasn't for this, it wouldn't have caused him to suffer like this.

Of course, if he is willing to expend energy and blood and change his magic power, he can still return to his original image, but he will be weaker inside.

In this hellish space, every ounce of Shen Qi's strength must be used in the key points, so naturally he will not waste his blood and mana on his image.

However, Shen Qi gained a lot from these hell spaces.

There are 33 new branch and leaf laws that are related to and irrelevant to the law of harmony in the world; even the main laws of the law of harmony in the world have mastered several, such as the law of five elements, the law of thunder, the law of wind, the law of qi, and so on.

Therefore, after coming out of the Great Howling Hell and arriving at the Howling Wind Small Hell attached to it, Shen Qi consumed another part of the remaining [-]% of the panacea in the storage ring to recuperate his physical body and soul.

Especially Yuanshen, who was adjusted to the best condition by Shen Qi.

Afterwards, he opened the Enlightenment Pavilion, and operated the many laws that constitute the world's way in the world's dharma, hoping to give birth to the power of martial arts and succeed in joining the way.

Because in this hell of Fengdu, the power of divine thoughts and laws are restricted, so there is no hindrance in trying to get along, but it doesn't need as much time as outside.

However, even so, Shen Qi's attempt lasted for three days and three nights before it ended - if it was outside, it might last for half a month!

However, the power of the Way of the World has not yet been born.

"Why is this?" Shen Qi was really hit by this failure, "Compared to before entering hell, the quality of my primordial spirit has increased by two or three times, and I am afraid that it is almost as different from those ordinary late stage Hedao Why is it still not enough to support the birth of the power of the world?"

"Could it be possible that you must let me raise the quality of the primordial spirit to the extreme level of harmony?"

"Or, first reconcile other martial arts, and continue to push back the steps of reconciling the world?"

Ever since he started practicing martial arts, Shen Qi has never been so confused and unconfident.

[Second update. 】

 ~~Good night~~(*^▽^*)
(End of this chapter)

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