The boss is going against the sky

Chapter 668 Endless Hell, Final Enlightenment!

Chapter 668 Endless Hell, Final Enlightenment!
A bold guess appeared in Shen Qi's mind, but he was not sure.

In order to verify his speculation, Shen Qi did not leave the Great Black Rope Hell as planned, but entered the extremely hot Great Hell ahead.

Then he followed the method of getting out of prison that he had mastered before in the Great Extreme Heat Hell, and sure enough, he saw the Great Extreme Cold Hell before leaving the Great Extreme Heat Hell!

After leaving the Great Cold Hell, he entered the Great Resurrection Hell again... In this cycle, Shen Qi spent a few days to go through all the seven hells he had experienced before, without going through a space transformation .

In other words, these seven great hells are all in the same geographical space at this time!
Outside before, Shen Qi heard a dozen emperor-level powers mention many kinds of hells, but none of the hell scenes fit the space he was in right now.Therefore, it is very likely that those emperor-level powers have never been to this hell space before.

So, could this hell space be the eighth hell they have been looking for, the Infernal Hell, or the Avici Hell?
If so, how was he able to enter this hell space by distinguishing it from other emperor-level powers who came to explore?
Shen Qi reviewed the scenes since he entered the hell space, and found that although his experience in hell was very different from other emperor-level powers, the most likely reason for him coming here is his experience. Experience the order of hell spaces of various sizes.

There are seven hells in this hell space, and each big hell has sixteen small hells attached to it. If the order of the hell spaces experienced is used as the code, it is an extremely difficult code to crack.

If this is the case, it is no wonder that the dozen or so emperors outside have shown their supernatural powers and tried hard here for several years, but no one has come to this eighth hell space.

"However, even if it is true as I guessed, the order of entering the various hell spaces is the code leading to the eighth hell space, so how can I 'call out' this code?"

Shen Qi knew very well that from the moment he entered the gate of hell, no matter whether he entered the big hell space or the small hell space, he couldn't help himself.

Therefore, it seems that even if he knows the password, he has no way to recall it.

"Is it possible that there is still a way to choose which hell space to enter?"

Shen Qi couldn't understand it.

Many speculations in his heart have not yet been verified, and doubts have not been resolved. When Shen Qi wanted to return to the previous black rope hell, he suddenly discovered that it turned out that it was not him who entered each hell from the beginning to the end, but the place he was in. The space of the universe is reincarnated among the seven great hells!

"If this is the case, I'm afraid I followed the method of getting out of prison that I had mastered before, and I might not be able to get out."

Thinking so in his heart, Shen Qi began to experiment in the black rope hell at this time.

When he followed the black light for 9801 times, he did not go out, but directly entered the extremely hot hell.

Shen Qi simply did it again according to the method of the Great Hot Hell, but he failed to get out, but entered the Howling Hell as he expected... Then Shen Qi discovered that the seven hells rotated The order is not fixed.

This made Shen Qi even more certain that he was in the Infernal Hell (let's name it after Infernal Hell).

The seven hell spaces that rotate in this endless hell are very likely to be the dynamic code leading to this endless hell!
Otherwise, if it is a fixed code, the secret of the Infernal Hell must have been deciphered by countless martial arts masters who have explored in Fengdu for tens of thousands of years, and spread it. It is impossible to remain a mystery to this day.

And when Shen Qi was about to complete the operation of getting out of prison in the seventh stage of the Infernal Hell, he stopped suddenly.

He guessed that if he operated the method of getting out of the seven hells in this cycle, he might leave this endless hell.However, he didn't know where he was going.

Maybe it is the Land of the Nine Nethers, maybe it is a certain hell space among the seven hells, or it may be the unknown ninth hell, but it is also possible to go directly through the gate of hell and go outside.

No matter where he went, he might face extinction directly, so Shen Qi didn't dare to gamble lightly.

Moreover, there are still many secrets in this endless hell that he has not explored to understand. Now that he can persist, he might as well stay here for a while, maybe he can gain something.

Then the Infernal Hell began the third round of changes since Shen Qi entered. At this time, Shen Qi found that the existence time of each level of hell was shortened than before—it should have been shortened during the second round of changes, but it was not shortened at that time. Too much, and he didn't pay attention to this aspect, so he didn't notice it.

When it comes to the fifth round of changes, the manifestation time of each hell space is only about half of the previous first round.

Knowing this point, Shen Qi couldn't help but a strange light shone in his eyes.

Because he discovered that as the seven layers of space rotate continuously, and the speed of switching between them becomes faster and faster, the laws of operation in each layer of space become clearer and clearer!

"This is simply an excellent opportunity to comprehend the law!" Shen Qi's heart suddenly cheered up.

He almost forgot the torture of life and death in every hell, and sank into the comprehension of the laws contained in each major hell with all his heart.

From this point, it can be seen that after experiencing Dugu Great Hell, his state of mind has improved significantly.Otherwise, it may be difficult for him to comprehend the law so calmly while being tortured in turn by the seven great hells.

Time passed by like water, Shen Qi had recuperated to a normal appearance before, but now it gradually changed - his physical body was still getting weaker and thinner day by day.

Although the primordial spirit is also weakening day by day, it is becoming more and more clear and bright, as if some impurities have been gradually removed, and the quality of the primordial spirit is improving day by day...
Shen Qi comprehended the No. 40 ninth day of the seven major hell cycle transformations of the Infernal Hell, and his whole body turned into a skeleton, a skeleton wrapped in skin.

His hair had already fallen out, his complexion was gray and black, as if his whole body had rotted away.

But on such a body, those star eyes are unprecedentedly bright, like two ever-burning lamps in the endless hell.

Suddenly, there was joy in those bright eyes.

Immediately, the joy spread to the skull-like face, and the gray-black, rotten skin that was originally attached to Shen Qi's body was cracked and peeled off inch by inch.

Such a scene went down inch by inch, and Shen Qi turned into a real skeleton in the blink of an eye, with bones like crystals!
However, even just a crystal skull can make people feel his joy.

Because, in the torment and suffering of the seven major hell cycles, Shen Qi finally realized the correct way to harmonize the world!
In other words, because of the limited inheritance of martial arts obtained and the superficial background, he has never known the real method of harmonious martial arts.

Now he has observed and comprehended the transformation of various laws and powers of the seven major hell cycles, and this is a sudden understanding.

[First update. 】

 Thank you [qieSha] for your 1000 starting point coins reward and support!
(End of this chapter)

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