The boss is going against the sky

Chapter 672 Not the deity?Battle Morro!

Chapter 672 Not the deity?Battle Morro!

"Do you think you can escape like this?"

Shen Qi's words were like waves, rushing straight forward, and all the miniature versions of the evil emperors who counterattacked were stunned.

Immediately afterwards, these countless miniature versions of the evil emperor were devoured by the ferocious mouthful of Shen Qi's changing power of the Dao of the World without any resistance.

Then Shen Qi took another step, and caught up with another miniature version of the evil emperor who had already reached the side hall.

Different from Shen Qi's situation when he first came in, the Evil Emperor has been here for decades, and he has already thoroughly grasped the way of entering and exiting the teleportation side hall.Therefore, at this time, he can teleport away as long as he escapes into the side hall, and escape from birth.

But just when the miniature version of the evil emperor rushing to the front was about to enter the side hall, Shen Qi's crystal skull body appeared there, blocking the way.

Without any extra words, under the unwilling eyes of thousands of micro-version evil emperors, the six hideous giant mouths surrounded by Shen Qi once again opened and sucked all the micro-version evil emperors. Do not stay!
Of the two evil emperors, one was crushed to ashes on the spot, and the other was about to escape, but was also caught up and cut off his life.

The whole process took less than ten moments, not even one breath.

The viciousness of Shen Qi's attack, the strange means, and the swiftness of his movements made all the emperor-level powers who were watching dumbfounded.

However, Shen Qi couldn't help frowning after killing all the miniature evil emperors who had fled to the side hall.

This Evil Emperor's Primordial Spirit is not stronger than the Evil Emperor's Primordial Spirit that he crushed to ashes just now, so it is probably not the Evil Emperor himself.

So, the evil emperor himself is not here? !

Shen Qi felt very surprised—the Evil Emperor attached great importance to the exploration of Fengdu and this hell space, and anyone can see it.Who would have thought that the evil emperor who had been entrenched here for decades would not be the true deity!
Although quite regrettable, Shen Qi soon felt relieved.

The Evil Emperor is among the top five in terms of strength among the dozen or so superpowers in the Dao realm. If it is really that easy to kill, he probably won't be able to stay in the galaxy for so long.

In fact, not to mention the evil emperor, even the Ming emperor, if he hadn't come out and suddenly launched a ruthless attack, almost a sneak attack, I am afraid it would not be so easy to kill.

Of course, the most important reason for him to be able to kill a person of the ultimate He Dao realm so quickly and effectively is that his World Dao power is strong enough to crush Emperor Ming's Martial Dao power.

These thoughts flashed through Shen Qi's mind, and then he suddenly turned his head to look at the gate of hell.

There, the Demon Emperor was rushing towards the gate of hell, trying to learn from Shen Qi's previous method and rely on the space of hell to escape.

When Shen Qi came to this Fengdu a few years ago and met the Great Emperor Planted Demon, he made a murderous attempt on him, and naturally he would not let him go.

Immediately, with a flash of his crystal skull-like body and his empty robes, he rushed straight to the gate of hell across a distance of tens of feet.

The Demon Emperor was originally recovering in a relatively peripheral place, and the distance to the gate of hell was not much closer than the side hall. Therefore, even if he ran a step first, Shen Qi was sure to catch him before he rushed into the gate of hell. stop.

However, when he reached a place tens of feet away from the gate of hell, a figure flashed out and stopped him.

"Emperor Mo Luo?!" Looking at the Great Emperor Mo Luo who was standing in front of him, Shen Qi's eyes were filled with black light, and his voice was extremely cold.

At the same time, he continued to rush towards the gate of hell without stopping or slowing down at all, as if he regarded the Great Emperor Mo Luo who was standing in front of him as nothing.

"Boy, even if you have strength, don't be too arrogant." Emperor Mo Luo replied, and shot at the same time.

He spread his arms out, like a big roc spreading its wings, but clouds of black air gushed out from his body, instantly condensed into a black phantom of Zhang Xu, baring its teeth and claws, it fitted itself and rushed straight at Shen Qi!

Speaking of which, although Tian Mo Dao ranks first and is the most powerful among the second-rate Dao sects of Mo Dao, Zhong Mo Dao, which is also a second-rate Dao sect, is not an affiliated sect, and there are even occasional conflicts of interest.

However, Emperor Mo Luo had always regarded himself as the leader of the demonic way, so before fleeing for his life, Emperor Mo Luo sent a voice transmission to ask him to stop Shen Qi, and he agreed without hesitation.

With this favor, he believed that even if the Emperor Planted Demon didn't follow his lead in the future, he would show him a little more face in his actions.

In addition, there is also his compulsion to make trouble - now among the dozen or so emperor-level powers in Fengdu, he, Qinglian and Qingdi are the most powerful, and Qingdi should be more powerful than him and Qinglian. If it is not as good as it is, then this first should have happened between him and Emperor Qinglian.

Now this Xuantian was born out of nowhere, he killed the two incarnations of Emperor Ming and the Evil Emperor within a breath, if he can dispel Xuantian's power, his prestige will definitely increase, and he will overwhelm Emperor Qinglian and become the Supreme Daoist , Infinite Dao, the real number one besides those great emperors.

Both Shen Qi and Mo Luo acted extremely quickly, but in an instant, the distance of more than ten feet was shortened to two or three feet, and the power of Shen Qi's world changed. Collided with Zhanggao Phantom, who had changed the power of Emperor Mo Luo's martial arts.

There was an explosion on the rocky beach, like a thunder rolling down from the nine heavens, and it was swept in all directions like a nine-level gust of force, countless broken stones were blown up, and dust filled the sky!

However, even though their clothes were blown close to their bodies and their hair flew upside down, those emperor-level powers who were on the sidelines still squinted their eyes, facing the flying rocks and wind and sand, and stared at the place where Shen Qi and Mo Luo fought.

Battles of such powerful fighters are extremely rare, and almost represent the most extreme battles in the Dao realm. The rest of the emperor-level powers naturally want to spy more.

I saw the arms of Zhang Xu's black phantom transformed by the martial arts power of Mara the Great pierced into a giant mouth, as if blocking the two mouths, but also seemed to be swallowed by them.

At the same time, the head of the black phantom was also swallowed by a huge mouth, but its body was still surging with black energy, and the huge mouth could not enter for a while, as if it had formed a stalemate!

"This Xuantian can be evenly matched with Emperor Mo Luo?!" Seeing this scene, the emperor-level powers who were watching couldn't help being shocked again.

"No, I'm afraid that's not the case." Emperor Qing stared at the place where Shen Qi and Emperor Mo Luo's respective martial arts powers were stalemate, and there was a cyan light in his eyes, as if he saw something different.

On the other side, Emperor Qinglian's eyes were also narrowed into a slit, but each of them had a cyan lotus flower spinning endlessly, running like some kind of sophisticated machine, calculating something.

Noticing the reactions of these two, the rest of the emperor-level powers began to observe carefully.

Just at this moment, Emperor Mo Luo's complexion changed suddenly, as if he had encountered something extremely terrifying, and the Zhangxu black phantom transformed by his martial arts power suddenly enveloped Shen Qi in its entirety!
But he himself retreated crazily!

[First update. 】

(End of this chapter)

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