Chapter 679

Guo Zhong listened very carefully, but after listening to it, he still felt half-understood, which made him scratch his head, and muttered in a buzzing voice, "Why didn't senior brother mention this to me?"

Ji Changsheng smiled and said, "But now Master Shu also knows about this."

"That's right." Guo Zhong was easily relieved, and then his thoughts jumped, and he asked, "Where are we going next?"

Ji Changsheng said: "From the star map, the closest living planet to Chang Gung Star is Kuang Yu Star, so let's go there."

After finishing speaking, Ji Changsheng and Guo Zhong flew forward with seven Jindan realms.

For teams like theirs, Shen Qi sent a total of five teams this time.

Among them, Ji Changsheng and Guo Zhong are on the same team, leading seven Jindan stage late stage players.

Shen Buyi and Li Wenxi teamed up, leading seven Jindan stage late stage players.

Lu Yi and Liang Liang are in a team, leading seven Jindan mid-level players.

Qin Xianger and Su Muchen teamed up, leading seven mid-stage Golden Core Realm players.

Meng Ji teamed up with Chu Suran, leading seven late Jindan stage players.

Before the five teams left, Shen Qi had given detailed guidance and instructions. Apart from the policy of "kill one group and gather one group" that Ji Changsheng told Guo Zhong, there were also some more detailed requirements.

For example, if a sect wants to become a subordinate third-level sect of Xuantian Dao, it must first have this qualification.

Previously, the Sun Moon Dao’s witness standard was that as long as there was a Dharma Aspect Realm warrior, there was no specific requirement for the number of Gold Core Realm warriors.

But Shen Qi stipulated that at least one Faxiang Realm and two Golden Core Realms can become a third-rate Dao-level sect recognized by Xuantian Dao.As for the number of supernatural power disciples, there is no rigid requirement.

In addition, Shen Qi also stipulated that the affiliated third-rate sects must regularly report to Xuantiandao the number of disciples in the sect's Faxiang, Jindan, and Shentong realms, so that Xuantiandao can grasp the changes in the strength of each affiliated sect.

At the same time, this also puts a shackle on the affiliated sects - if an affiliated sect has a different heart, it must have the strength to be able to diverge, so it becomes inevitable to hide the increased strength.

If Xuan Tiandao wanted to destroy such an affiliated sect, he would have a direct reason, which would be a good way to block the mouths of other affiliated sects and idle warriors under his rule.

In the end, Shen Qi also asked Xuan Tiandao to intervene in the resource exploration of any sub-dojos other than the main dojo of the affiliated sect, and to have the priority to purchase the resources sold by the affiliated sect at the same price.

In this way, the mastery of the affiliated sects and many living planets is more refined than that of the second-rate sects such as Sun Moon Dao and Xie Ji Dao; More excellent disciples.

These, together with some subordinate sects recognized by the Central Galaxy in the past, should fulfill the obligations of the suzerain sect, and if other second-rate sects invade, they must obey the orders of the suzerain sect and resist foreign enemies together. It was stated on the scroll that the Taoist master of the affiliated sect made a blood contract.

Although the blood contract is not very binding, it is still a proof.

And with this certificate, in the future, as long as there is any change in any affiliated sect, Xuan Tiandao can destroy it in a fair and just manner.

Compared with the previous period of Sun Moon Dao, the governance changes in this way are actually not big, and Shen Qi himself is actually dissatisfied.

But now Xuantian Dao only has the strength of a second-rate Dao sect, and there is a Supreme Dao on top of his head, surrounded by powerful enemies, so it is difficult to carry out drastic reforms.

In addition, Shen Qi still has the heart to take over the territory of the Sun Moon Dao as soon as possible, so that he can spare time to deal with the evil emperor and the evil pole.If there is a chance to get rid of Xie Ji Dao, he will naturally not let it go.

It is worth mentioning that, in order to make it easier for the disciples of the five teams who went out to take over the territory of the Sun Moon Dao, Shen Qi specially screened out the memory fragments of Li Chongyang and those Sun Moon Dao and Evil Extreme Dao dharma phase realms that he swallowed before. The information of each third-level sect of the two camps and the rest of the martial artists of the Faxiang Realm was stored in the jade slip and handed over to Ji Changsheng and others.

In this way, although Ji Changsheng and others don't know what sects occupy the various living planets in this starry sky, as long as the other party reports their name, they can learn more about the other party's information based on the information in the jade slip .

In this way, whether it is to kill or gather these dharma realms, it will be helpful.

Following the dispatch of Xuan Tiandao's five teams, the starry sky, where the situation had been relatively stable since Li Chongyang was beheaded by Shen Qi and Nu Ba, became turbulent again.

Now, the big and small sects entrenched in the various living planets in this starry sky, some came from the Xieji Dao camp, some returned to Li Chongyang at the beginning, and some fled to other stars when the Xie Ji Dao camp attacked the Sun Moon Dao camp. , and now he ran back again, it can be said that good and evil are mixed.

Among them, there are those who can distinguish the situation, understand the situation and let go of their dignity like True Monarch Huifeng, but there are also those who are arrogant, think that Xuantian Dao is just an empty shell supported by Shen Qi, and dismiss Xuantian Dao disciples of.

For example, a little baby like Shen Buyi, who looks only five or six years old, has become a Faxiang Realm. His baby-like words and tender appearance always make people look down on him.

In my heart I disdain the disciples of Xuantian Dao and feel contemptuous, so naturally I will not be so quick to comply with the rules and requirements set out by Shen Qi.

Regarding this situation, Shen Qi gave instructions to either drive it away or destroy it directly.

And no matter which one, you need to fight one or even several times.

After this action, those Faxiang Realm realized that the disciples of Xuan Tiandao not only had a realm, but also had great supernatural powers and powerful mana, and their combat power almost jumped to a small realm!

In just half a year, seventeen Faxiangjing disciples were slaughtered by Xuantian Dao disciples, and their sect was also wiped out.

As the news continued to spread, many martial arts masters in the vast starry sky of the fifth and sixth galaxies occupied by the second-rate sects affiliated to Taishang Dao knew that there were so many Xuantian Dao below the Emperor Xuantian. Strong disciple.

At the same time, the names of several Xuantian Dao Dharma Aspect Realm True Inheritances were also spread.

Such as Asura True Lord Qin Xianger, Lingling True Lord Luyi, Fantasy Dream Lord Mengji, Longevity True Lord Ji Changsheng, Excalibur True Lord Shen Buyi, Shi Tianzhen Lord Guo Chong, etc.

And the disciples of the Golden Core Realm who accompanied these Xuantian Daoist True Monarchs can be combined into a variety of formations. With seven or even five people, they can stand against the early or even the middle stages of the Faxiang Realm, which also amazes the outside world.

Therefore, in the past half a year, although Xuantian Dao has taken over or registered less than a hundred living planets, which is a bit slow, it has become much faster in the future. It is almost like where Xuantian Dao disciples go. It just fled away long ago.

Finally, through the mouths of the five disciples of Xuantian Dao, the news that Tianren Star was renamed Xuanwu Star and became the first branch of Xuantian Dao in the Sixth Galaxy also spread.

As a result, many Taoists from the third-rate Taoist sect took the initiative and hurried to Tianren Planet, wanting to visit Xuantian Emperor Shen Qi, hoping to obtain more living planets with the permission and even the help of Xuantian Dao As a branch field.

And Hong Lan, the true biography of the Phantom Killing Taoism Realm Realm that had appeared on Yuegui Star before, also followed several Taoist masters of the third-rate Taoist sect to the Xuanwu Star...
[Second update. 】

 Thank you [qieSha] for your 2000 starting point coins reward and support!
  ~~Good night, good night~~
(End of this chapter)

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