The boss is going against the sky

Chapter 695 Sword Glow and Green Lotus!Phantom kill Bai Ling!

Chapter 695 Sword Glow and Green Lotus!Phantom kill Bai Ling!

Shen Qi was not happy about beheading 28 incarnations of evil emperors at the late stage of the Dao realm in one fell swoop.Because when he was fighting these 28 incarnations, the evil emperor himself did not take the opportunity to escape from the planet.

This situation surprised Shen Qi a bit.

After Shen Qi collected the fragments of the 28 Evil Emperor Avatar Primordial Spirits, Empress Qingye came nearby and said via voice transmission: "Is the Evil Emperor himself still on this planet?"

Shen Qi was not quite sure at this time, so he used the power of the way of soul again to use the supernatural power of shadow-following, and as a result, the phantom of the evil emperor's soul was still pointing to the planet in front of him.

Seeing this scene, Empress Qingye didn't need Shen Qi's answer, and said: "Since the evil emperor is huddled in this planet, I am afraid that he has some trump cards, or he has made some extremely powerful arrangements. Proceed with caution."

Shen Qi nodded, but his divine sense enveloped the planet in front of him again without hesitation.

As a result, this time, his divine sense only extended to the planet in front of him thousands of miles away, and he couldn't make any progress.That is to say, in the confrontation of divine sense, the evil emperor's divine sense firmly guarded the area with a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

At the same time, the evil emperor's voice also came over, and it was sent to Shen Qi alone.

"Xuantian, don't push me too far! If you push this emperor into a hurry, you will definitely regret it!"

"Regret?" Shen Qi also sent a voice transmission alone, "How do you regret it?"

"Do you really think that this emperor has so many means? With this emperor's strength, even if he can't kill you, he can seal you until his lifespan is exhausted! It's just that for some reason, this emperor doesn't want to use such means. !” The evil emperor snorted coldly.

Then the evil emperor changed to a persuasive tone and said: "As long as you stop here, I will give you the territory of Xieji Dao, and there is no need for you to share it with Empress Qingye. As for the past enmity, let it go. How about it?"

Shen Qi smiled, and said: "Does the evil emperor think that this emperor will believe your words?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the evil emperor to answer, the power of the world's way circulated and turned into a gray sphere, directly covering the planet where the evil emperor was located.

Martial arts power can only reach where spiritual thoughts can reach.

The radius of the evil emperor's divine sense is tens of thousands of miles, and Shen Qi's power of the world is naturally unable to enter, so the situation of a hollow ball is formed again.

Shen Qi was very familiar with this kind of situation, so he settled down and prepared to use other martial arts and the power of many laws in the power of the world's way to continuously wear down the evil emperor's spiritual thoughts and martial arts power.

Although this evil emperor's divine sense is already stronger than most of the extremes of the Dao Realm, and even stronger than the Emperor Mo Luo in Fengdu back then, it is still not Shen Qi's opponent.As long as there is enough time, Shen Qi has the confidence to refine the evil emperor together with the planet he is on!
Seeing this, Empress Qingye seemed to think that the overall situation was settled, so she smiled and praised through voice transmission: "The emperor is really powerful, and I am afraid that he is invincible under the holy realm."

"The empress praised it." Shen Qi said, "I'm afraid it will take a long time to refine this evil emperor, so please ask the empress to protect the dharma."

"It's natural."

That being said, Shen Qi would not really entrust his safety to Empress Qingye, and even secretly guarded against Empress Qingye.Therefore, the speed at which he refined the evil emperor was really not fast.

He reckoned that at the current speed, it would take several months to wear down the evil emperor's divine sense and martial arts power to the point of collapse.

As a result, only three days later, a blue light and a black light flew over at the same time.

The blue light comes from the territory of Qinglian Sword Dao, and the black light comes from the territory of Tianmo Dao.

When the two rays of light stopped outside the area covered by Shen Qi's divine sense, and their figures appeared, they were Emperor Qinglian and Emperor Mo Luo!
Seeing this, Empress Qing Ye immediately went to the edge of Shen Qi's divine sense, and asked the two people through voice transmission from afar, "Why did the two great emperors come here?"

Emperor Qinglian said calmly: "This emperor once owed the evil emperor a favor, and promised to save his life when his life was in danger."

Emperor Mo Luo snorted coldly: "Qing Ye, you and this Xuantian are too rampant! Even the evil emperors hid here, but you still chased after them and wanted to kill them all. If the emperor doesn't kill you today Prestige, how can we have a place in the future?!"

Empress Qingye smiled coldly after hearing this, and said, "Emperor Mo Luo, why didn't you say that this evil emperor is a member of your demonic way, and even the hope for your demonic way to revive?"

Then he said to Emperor Qinglian: "Wuliang Dao has always been at odds with Demon Dao. Since the Great Emperor is attached to Wuliang Dao, he shouldn't stop us from killing demons because of personal grievances at this time."

Empress Qingye's purpose is obvious, to separate Emperor Mo Luo from Emperor Qinglian.She believed that if there was only Emperor Mo Luo left, even if she was invincible, Shen Qi could also take action to solve it.

However, looking at the expressionless Emperor Qinglian, and recalling that the hiding planet chosen by the evil emperor was just at the junction of the Heavenly Demon Dao and Qinglian Sword Dao, Empress Qingye always had a vague feeling in her heart.

Shen Qi has been paying attention to the surrounding situation, and after hearing Empress Qingye's words, he paid attention to another point - the evil emperor is a person of the devil way.

Empress Qingye hadn't said this to him before, and she didn't know if she was concealing it on purpose, or just making up nonsense at this time.

As for Emperor Mo Luo and Emperor Qinglian asking for help from the Evil Emperor at the same time, Shen Qi was even more surprised.

According to his understanding, although Emperor Moluo and Emperor Qinglian had no enmity with the Evil Emperor, they definitely did not have friendly relations.Shen Qi was also skeptical about the reason they said for coming to the rescue.

Just when Shen Qi was distracted thinking about these things, he saw that Emperor Qinglian made a sudden move——

Countless cyan sword glows suddenly appeared in the starry sky, intertwined and lingering with each other, forming a green lotus with a radius of over ten thousand li in an instant!
Qinglian composed of sword lights!

After the Jianmang Qinglian appeared, it directly covered Empress Qingye and Shen Qi's direction, and suddenly the starry sky in front of them shattered, turning into an extremely violent space storm that stretched for tens of thousands of miles.

For a moment, the sun, moon, and stars lost their color and brilliance, as if there was only this sword glow green lotus left in the starry sky!
Seeing this, Empress Qingye felt her hairs stand on end.

She knew that the sword glow Qinglian was the fundamental martial art combined with Emperor Qinglian, the power of Qinglian swordsmanship was an extremely pure way of killing and killing, it was unparalleled in strength, and it was by no means something she could compete with.

However, she was not so afraid that she ran away immediately, but with a wave of her hand, she concretized her most powerful phantom killing power into a white silk, sweeping towards Jianmang Qinglian!
This white silk is thousands of miles wide and tens of thousands of miles long, overlapping and tumbling endlessly, as if there is a big river with tumbling waves in the starry sky!

However, the waves are not splashes, but illusions that seem to be real; what is permeating the river is not water vapor, but a cold and murderous aura!
It must be known that the way of phantom killing she combined also contains the meaning of killing.

In a breath, two tyrannical martial arts forces collided in this barren starry sky!
Silent, but extremely gorgeous!

[First update. 】

 Thanks for the 1500 starting point coin reward support from [Wind, Sail, and Bell]!
  Thanks to [LynnLove Zhuangjiu] for the 1000 starting point coins reward support!
  Thanks to [qieSha] Lao Tie for his 1000 starting point coin reward and support!
  PS: The second update should arrive at ten o'clock today.

(End of this chapter)

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