Chapter 70: Dare You!

Seeing this, Shen Qi quickly jumped down from the tree, and shouted: "Tear down the tent and pile it up in front as an obstacle!"

After speaking, take the lead in taking action.

The disciples of the inner courtyard were a little panicked and even at a loss when they saw so many wild beasts rushing towards them. Now when they heard Shen Qi's shout, they immediately regained their composure and acted accordingly.On the contrary, Chu Suanran leaned on the sword in one hand and poured wine with a gourd in the other, as if he didn't pay attention to the situation in front of him.

Hastily dismantled several tents, and piled up a two-foot-long obstacle on the hillside, which resembled a horse-repelling horse. Then Shen Qi said to the surrounding disciples: "These beasts look very irritable, and they will be more difficult to deal with than usual. There is no need to be afraid, the weakest of you is also the early stage of the acquired second level, as long as you calm down, you can deal with a wild boar or even a tiger alone!"

Hearing these words, the mood of the inner court disciples stabilized a bit, holding the swords in their hands, staring closely at the approaching berserk herd.

If these beasts were like the ordinary beasts Shen Qi had seen in his previous life, Shen Qi didn't need to be nervous at all, because with the current strength of these inner court disciples, any one of them could tear tigers and leopards apart in his previous life.

But this is the world of martial arts. Although the aura is thin, there is aura in the end, so not only there are strange beasts, but even ordinary beasts are stronger than those beasts in Shen Qi's previous life, and even have a little more spirituality. The comprehensive strength is even stronger. Straight ahead.

What's more, Shen Qi couldn't help but be careless when he encountered a herd of wild beasts.

Seeing that the herd of beasts at the front was approaching, Shen Qi shouted: "Stay behind the obstacles and pay attention to helping each other!"

After speaking, he jumped out with the Songwen sword in his hand.

The herd of beasts was coming so fiercely, if they were allowed to attack, it would be hard to say how much the hastily piled up obstacles would be able to stop them, Shen Qi had to stop them in front.

The first one to rush towards Shen Qi was a springbok. Maybe it was just being coerced by the herd of beasts behind it, and it just wanted to escape for its life. Hit it!

Shen Qi used a sword, which was not suitable for slashing wide open and wide, so he turned lightly, and the blade of the sword swept across the neck of the springbok like a cold wind, bringing out a fatal wound with bone deep visible!

Blood sprayed out, and the springbok was exhausted within a breath, and fell in front of the obstacle.

Shen Qi didn't have time to look more, because two springbok jumped up from behind, and behind them were a few bison running wildly!
Shen Qi frowned, and had to let the two springbok go, and meet the bison that rushed over first, grabbed a horn with his left hand, turned around, and threw the bison to the side!

When the bison landed on the ground, it only barked for a while before it was trampled by the herd of beasts behind, and turned into a puddle of meat in a blink of an eye!
Shen Qi eliminated the main threat in the front, and the ten inner court disciples in the rear also fought hand-to-hand with various wild beasts that Shen Qi had missed, and soon the camp was stained with blood.

At this time, Chu Suran's role was revealed. Although he only held a sword in one hand at the back, he could immediately support any disciple in front of him when he saw that he was in danger.Although the inner court disciples were flustered at first, they quickly adapted to the rhythm of the battle after slaying a few beasts and experiencing danger once or twice, and began to perform the martial arts they had learned on the rushing beasts.

After fighting for about a quarter of an hour, the manic herd passed.

Shen Qi hurried back to the camp, looked around at everyone, and asked, "Are you all right?"

"Liang Xuan is injured!"

"Chen Qiong and Zhang He were also injured!"

The two male disciples shouted one after another.

Shen Qi looked at Liang Xuan first, and saw that his right calf was scratched by an unknown beast. Although it looked a bit scary, it didn't hurt his muscles and bones, so he said, "Immediately boil hot water to clean it, and then attach the golden sore medicine and Qudu powder, bandage it again and it will be fine."

Afterwards, he went to see the injuries of Chen Qiong and Zhang He, and saw that Chen Qiong's left arm was also scratched by a wild beast, so he asked him to deal with Liang Xuan's injuries.Zhang He's left leg was bitten by a wild beast. Although the beast was beheaded immediately by Chu Suanran, the bite was still quite heavy, and the bones were already visible, so Shen Qi focused on dealing with Zhang He's injury.

Shen Qi's way of dealing with everyone's injuries was naturally brought from his previous life. The inner court disciples just admired Shen Qi even more after seeing it, and didn't think much about it.Although Chu Suran was surprised when he saw it, he didn't ask any more questions.

Afterwards, Shen Qi jumped up to the big tree next to him, and saw that the surrounding area was quiet, but the sound of fighting and roaring was loud in the direction of Qingcang Valley, so he jumped down and said: "Master Uncle, I want to go to Qingcang Valley to have a look." , I’ll trouble you to take care of it here.”

"Then you have to be careful, and remember to put safety first." Chu Suanran asked with a rare serious expression.

Shen Qi nodded, and ran towards the direction of Qingcang Valley.

After knowing that there are dozens of innate warriors in Qingcang Valley, Shen Qi has already given up the idea of ​​taking advantage.He came here mainly to see the martial arts of the innate warriors.These innate warriors don't get together casually. If you miss this time, it will be difficult to see you again.

Shen Qi stopped at a place more than half a mile away from Qingcang Valley, found a big tree growing on the top of the mountain, and climbed up.

Looking around, I saw that the cyan beam of light above the ruins of Qingcang Valley had faded to almost nothing, and around it, tens of thousands of warriors had already fought with tens of thousands of wild beasts.However, if you look carefully, you will find that the wild beasts are more likely to run directly towards the ruins, and only attack violently when they are stopped by warriors.

At this time, Shen Qi discovered that at some point, the barrier outside the ruins lost its blocking effect, and no matter whether it was a human or a beast, anyone could enter at will!

In an instant, Shen Qi's heart was beating - should I also go in and try my luck?

Just when Shen Qi thought so, he saw a large gray figure appearing in the northwest of Qingcang Valley. With a long and high-pitched wolf howl, it rushed away from everything in front and went straight to the ruins of Qingcang Valley!
Shen Qi's expression changed after he glanced at it—this pack of wolves probably has more than [-] wolves, and it's impossible for Baifengling to have such a large pack of wolves, and he doesn't know how it appeared!
Compared with the previous pack of beasts, although the pack of wolves is also manic, it is much more organized. However, in a short while, the warriors or other wild beasts in the northwest direction were either driven or bitten to death, opened the gap, and rushed in one after another. In the ruins!
Before all the wolves entered the ruins, the sky was dark.

Shen Qi looked up, his color changed again.

I saw the sky was pitch black, full of birds!In addition to the common birds, there are also some raptors that shuttle among them, or casually peck those small birds, or plunge into the ruins!

Shen Qi even saw a few ferocious eagles with three or four feet long wings and tiger stripes looming on their bodies!

In an instant, Shen Qi's heart shuddered - a strange beast, a tiger pattern carving!
The imagination is also true, the cliff mountain is nearby, and there are so many innate warriors here, how could the tiger-patterned eagle not come?

He saw several of them, so how many did he not see?
Besides the tiger-patterned carving, were there other strange beasts attracted to it?

Thinking of these, Shen Qi no longer had the idea of ​​trying his luck in the ruins.

Down below, the fight was over, because the warriors and wild beasts who were still alive had rushed into the ruins, leaving only the wounded screaming all over the place, and a small number of warriors who had self-knowledge and scattered around.

The ruins of Qingcang Valley are also seven or eight miles in size, and Shen Qi can't see anything meaningful here at this time.

However, just when he was considering whether to take a closer look or leave directly, he heard a long and angry howl: "Damn you dare!"

Following the prestige, he saw a tiger-striped sculpture flying obliquely towards the sky at the edge of the ruins on his side.However, the tiger-striped carving had only just flew more than a dozen feet away, when a blue light palm several feet in size caught up with it and slapped it down with one palm!
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(End of this chapter)

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