Chapter 715

After the spiritual tide retreated from the sixth galaxy, it took a shorter time to exit the fifth and fourth galaxy.

More than a hundred years passed by, as short as a breath.

In the third year of Xuantian calendar 323, the sixth galaxy, Xuanwu star.

In the underground cave, Shen Qi is concentrating on cultivation.

Although in terms of his state, there are still 3 to [-] years to use, but Shen Qi did not waste time and indulge in amusement.

Of course, he didn't retreat to force himself to practice, but practiced willfully and naturally.

Based on his experience, martial arts practice is the greatest pleasure, especially when he can see that his own strength is steadily improving in practice, and the fun has changed greatly.

More than a hundred years ago, before he was called Xuantian Emperor Zun, Shen Qi had already mastered the nine martial arts of the world, metal, wood, water, fire, earth, qi, sword, and soul, and the way of qi was the result of the incarnation of Sanqing. , Mastered as many as seven gates.

Therefore, at that time he had already mastered 15 martial arts.

But this is only a small part of Shen Qi's previous accumulated strength.

With Emperor Ming, Emperor Planting Demon, Emperor Yang, Emperor Sickness, dozens of incarnations of evil emperors, and more than a dozen soul fragments and memory fragments in the Dao realm, Shen Qi can actually absorb a lot of martial arts knowledge.

Even in the past hundred years, he spent a lot of time sorting out and absorbing these memory fragments, but he still failed to digest all the martial arts knowledge in them.

However, even if he didn't fully digest it, he has gained a lot from the more than [-] years of painstaking practice.

First of all, it was he who comprehended and harmonized six powerful martial arts in total: the Way of the Sun, the Way of the Moon, the Way of the Stars, the Way of the Earth, the Way of the Wind, and the Way of Thunder.

Among them, although the fusion of the three martial arts of the sun, the moon, and the stars is mainly based on the memory fragments of Emperor Ming, and even the name is the same as the martial arts that Emperor Ming used to combine, they are not the same martial arts.

Just as there are many rules for a kind of law due to the bias of attributes, a kind of martial arts also has many doors due to different biases of strength attributes.

It can be said that even martial arts that are completely synthesized by the same rules will also have different attributes due to different factors such as the experience, mood, and personality of the warrior.

However, Shen Qi Hehe's Sun, Moon, and Star Martial Arts, individually, are stronger than the same kind of martial arts that Emperor Ming Hehe combined, but it is not good for He Hehe Guangming Dao.Because, Shen Qi didn't even think about going to the past and forming any bright avenue.

In addition to reconciling these six martial arts, Shen Qi also reconciled several other pure ways of the five elements and the way of qi, thanks to his epiphany when Yuan Wuxing changed the world.

Now, he has mastered 2 ways of metal, 3 ways of wood, 2 ways of water, 2 ways of fire, 1 way of earth, and 9 ways of air!
Therefore, Shen Qi now has a total of 28 martial arts mastered!
As for studying these martial arts, there are more rules that you can comprehend, condense, and master by the way, one kind of one, and one kind of multiple rules, all of them add up to nearly a thousand!
Mastering so many martial arts and laws, the most direct manifestation of the increase in strength brought to Shen Qi is the increase in the scope of the largest grand case of divine sense.

When he faced the three great emperors of Wuliangdao and the six emperor-level powers of Mo Dao outside the Xuanwu Star, the maximum range of his divine sense was more than 60 miles.

Now, the range of his divine sense has reached 96 miles, which is close to ten times the maximum range of [-] miles of the general He Dao realm!
Moreover, this is because the quality of the primordial spirit becomes more and more difficult to improve as it progresses.Otherwise, based on the cumulative calculation of pure martial arts and the power of laws, the range of Shen Qi's divine sense would have already reached hundreds of thousands of miles.

Mastering so many martial arts and laws, and having such a strong divine sense, what is Shen Qi's current strength and combat power?

Because there was no one to weigh, Shen Qi could only compare himself with himself when he was hunted down by the Heavenly Demon Lord more than 100 years ago.

The current him is at least ten times stronger than then, and his combat effectiveness is more than ten times stronger than then.

If Shen Qi meets the Heavenly Demon Lord at that time again, Shen Qi has the confidence to fight against him, even if he is invincible, he will definitely not be defeated.

Of course, Shen Qi knew very well that if he was making progress, the Heavenly Demon Lord must also be making progress.Even because he is just entering the holy realm, the Heavenly Demon Lord may progress faster than him.

Therefore, Shen Qi did not feel complacent and slack because of the rapid increase in strength over the past hundred years, but stuck to his heart, and practiced martial arts methodically with a more pious attitude.

Sensing something suddenly, Shen Qi opened his eyes, then disappeared, and reappeared in a hall in the Xuanwu Xingfen Dojo.

This is the place where Shen Qi gives instructions on the internal and external affairs of the sect. If the disciples who are in charge of all aspects of the sect's affairs need to report to him, they will come here and wait.

He is not in closed-door training, but in a state of semi-submerged cultivation. While practicing, he notices that there are people waiting in this temple, so he will naturally come out to meet him.

"Master." Ji Changsheng bowed his hands to Shen Qi first.

More than 100 years ago, during Yuan Wuxing's battle outside the sky, Ji Changsheng was slightly injured than Qin Xiang'er, so it only took him nine years to recover and start managing some important affairs of the sect again.

Now that a hundred years have passed, Ji Changsheng's strength has naturally increased, and he finally synthesized a way of time 30 years ago. In the early stage of the realm, it directly jumped to the late stage of the Dao realm.

If one can master one or two more ways of time and space, so that there are more choices of martial arts for proving the Dao, it will be regarded as the ultimate state of harmony.

Of course, Ji Changsheng's actual strength has long been comparable to the ultimate He Dao realm, and he can be called a one-character emperor in theory.

It's just that he has always been humble and likes to keep a low profile, so he still insists on being called the Emperor of Longevity.

"What's the matter?" Shen Qi asked directly.

Generally speaking, it is not an important matter, and a few true disciples will not come to disturb his practice.

Ji Changsheng took out a jade slip, handed it over, and said: "Emperor Honglan of the Phantom Killing Dao asked his true disciples to send the jade slip. He wanted to get rid of leading the Phantom Killing Dao. Anyway, he left the Wuliang Dao and switched to the Supreme Dao. I would like to invite Master Do me a favor."

After listening to the words, Shen Qi couldn't help frowning slightly after taking the jade slip to read the video and audio information inside.

The Honglan Emperor is naturally the former Illusory Killer Honglan True Lord Fu Hongyi.

Back then, after the death of Empress Qingye, there was a rather fierce struggle for the position of Dao Lord within Huan Sha Dao at the very beginning.

Although Empress Qing Ye had quite a few true disciples, there were only two who entered the He Dao Realm at that time, one was Caiyi Emperor Li Shuang, and the other was Lan Ling Emperor Zhuo Yan. .

Therefore, in addition to the true biography of the two Empresses Qing Ye, several Supreme Elders in the middle and late stages of the Dao Realm also intend to compete for the position of Dao Lord.

But then Wuliangdao came to intervene, and the position of Taoist master fell to Zhuo Yan, the emperor of the blue spirit who was willing to bow to Wuliangdao.

Zhuo Yan has a good way of dealing with people. At first, she united with Caiyi Emperor Li Shuang, Fu Hongyi and other outstanding true disciples of Empress Qingye, and with the help of Wuliangdao's power, she sent several Taishang who had intended to fight for the position of Daoist to the top. The elders expelled and expelled, framed and framed, but within two to thirty years, they have truly mastered the power of life and death within the Dao of Fantasy Killing.

[Third update.Make up for the chapter on the guarantee update owed this month. 】

 Thank you [Yanyu Yixiaoxiao] for your 1000 starting point coins reward and support!
  Thank you [qieSha] for your 1000 starting point coins reward and support!
  ~~Maybe that’s all for today’s update, let’s say good night in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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