The boss is going against the sky

Chapter 746 The division of holy land, between years

Chapter 746 The division of holy land, between ten years

Walking along the way, exchanging various information about the holy realms with Xuannv, Shen Qi finally had a general understanding of the holy realms in the martial arts world today.

There are not many holy places in the Nine Nethers, but there are still twenty or thirty.

There are three main reasons for this.

One is that Jiuyou is the most primitive land left over from the mainland in the world of martial arts. Not only is it extremely rich in aura, but also has various resources. Even the traces of various martial arts and law powers are easier to observe than outsiders.

Second, it is because the lifespan of the holy land is too long, often as long as tens of thousands of years.Therefore, even though it was very difficult to enter the holy realm, the number gradually accumulated over time.

Finally, it is because of the excellent aptitude of the creatures in the Nine Nethers. Not to mention the gods and demons, there are also strange beasts and demon spirits everywhere. Most of the creatures have at least innate strength when they become adults .

With such a foundation, there will naturally be far more creatures in the supernatural powers, golden cores, dharma phases, and even the harmony of the Tao than outside.

For example, according to Xuan Nu, she dare not say how many there are now, but before she was trapped in the Netherland, there were at least tens of thousands of beings in the Nine Nethers.

If this number is still maintained now, it will be a hundred times the number of He Dao realms outside of Jiuyou!
It can be said that there are so many He Dao Realm masters, but there are only twenty or thirty Saint Realm ones, which is already considered a small number!

In addition, one thing that must be explained is that among so many He Dao realms in Jiuyou, there should be quite a few of them like Shen Qi, although they are still in the He Dao realm, but have the strength comparable to the initial stage of ordinary holy realms.

Therefore, if such strong men with the strength of the holy realm are counted, the number is estimated to be hundreds.

Later, another important information that Shen Qi learned from Xuannv was the method of dividing the small realms of the holy realm.

Generally speaking, those who have only attained one kind of Dao are the early stages of the Holy Realm.

If there are two or more kinds of ways to be certified, it can be called the middle stage of the holy realm.

After that, you need at least two avenues of power that can be mixed with each other to be regarded as the late stage of the Holy Realm.

But because the difference between the strength of the Three Thousand Ways is sometimes very large, so when it comes to the strength of each holy realm, it cannot be judged by the number of ways it has mastered, but which kind of way it has mastered.

Therefore, as Tu Shan Xuanwei said before, he said that he was in the early or middle stage of the holy realm, just listen to it, and don't underestimate it.As for its strength, only after a hands-on fight can one know a little.

In fact, every holy land must have its own uniqueness, which must not be underestimated.

Then, there is a special classification method of holy land, that is, ordinary holy land and longevity holy land.

Ordinary saints will undoubtedly die when they reach the limit of their lifespan; however, even if they only master one way in the longevity holy land, under the influence of the secret method of longevity, they can live for hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years.

And the long years have undoubtedly increased his chances of mastering more avenues, so the longevity holy land is generally powerful.

However, the secret method of longevity is something that can be encountered but not sought after, and it can even be said that it is destined by nature.

Because every secret method of longevity, no matter how it achieves the effect of longevity, involves the essence of life, that is, the true spirit.In other words, it is precisely because some true spirits have their own particularities that they have corresponding secrets of longevity.

In addition, the secret law of longevity is not given by heaven, but depends on you to reach the holy realm and comprehend it yourself.

In other words, only when you have reached the Holy Realm and studied and enlightened, will you know whether you can create the secret method of longevity that suits your true spirit.

From this we can see how low and rare the chance of the existence of the Immortal Saint Realm is.

As far as Xuannv knows, there are probably only about five longevity holy places in this martial arts world.

"Does that mean that if a true spirit can't create a matching secret method of longevity, it can only sink into reincarnation forever?" Shen Qi couldn't help asking when hearing Xuannv talk about it.

Xuannv shook her head and said, "I don't know either. The true spirit is one of the most incomprehensible things in the world. Since the beginning of the world, it seems that no one has really understood the nature of the true spirit, let alone much relevant information. pass down."

Hearing what Xuannv said, Shen Qi couldn't help but feel a little heavy in his heart.

Because he has mastered a law of the spirit, and in the world he wants to prove, the way of the spirit is also a very important martial art.From what Xuannv said, it seems that no one has synthesized the way of spirits since ancient times, so it undoubtedly shows that the way of combining spirits is extremely difficult.

Of course, Shen Qi was only slightly depressed.

Martial arts practice has never been said to be easy, and the road that Shen Qi has traveled before, he has encountered many difficulties and obstacles, and in the end, he has overcome all of them and reached this step?
He believes that as long as he keeps working hard and unswervingly determined, he will finally be able to prove the Tao!
With the experience in Yanggu and Qingqiu, in the following days, under the guidance of Xuannv, Shen Qi traveled to famous places in Jiuyou, visited various races of creatures, and even directly visited some holy places, or He Dao Realm with the strength of the Holy Realm.

With Xuannv, the Immortal Saint Realm, even if her strength has receded to the extreme of Hedao state now, no creature race on Jiuyou Dao would dare to underestimate her. Environment, not just one or two.

Therefore, Shen Qi following Xuan Nu was really like traveling. He hardly encountered any decent enemies along the way, not to mention embarrassing, and he always received all kinds of warm hospitality.

As time went on, Shen Qi became more and more sure that Tu Shanxuanwei was definitely not the only one who had been greeted by the Supreme Holy Venerable in the Nine Nethers, and who had the power of the Holy Realm.

Because, the powerful people in the Holy Realm that they met along the way, not to mention being responsive to him, but also tried their best to befriend him and sell him favors.

Shen Qi once guessed why the Supreme Being did this, but he had no idea; and Xuannv seemed not familiar with the Supreme Being, so she couldn't give Shen Qi any inspiration.

Later, Shen Qi simply stopped thinking wildly, but focused on seeking opportunities to prove the Dao from these powerful people in the holy realm who wanted to sell favors to him.

Still the same sentence, as long as he proves the Dao of the World, everything is easy to talk about.And if he can't prove the Dao, then he doesn't have to pay back these favors.

In this way, there is nothing to dare to take.

Therefore, after Shen Qi observed the power runes of the Dao of Illusion of Tu Shan Xuanwei, the lord of the Qingqiu Kingdom, and synthesized the two Dao of Illusion that suits him, he comprehended and synthesized many other types of runes along the way. Budo.

Among them are the ways of the five elements, the ways of earth, wind, thunder, and qi, and the ways of stars that you have mastered before; Way, wait.

When Shen Qi followed Xuannv to almost all the places worth visiting in the Jiuyou Continent, ten years had passed!
In the past ten years, Shen Qi and Xuannv first visited the south of Heishui in the Jiuyou Continent, and after arriving at Yuyuan, the land of sunset, they went back and visited the north of Heishui.

Now, he once again stood on the shore of Yanggu.

At this moment, watching the sun rise from Yanggu once again, and watching the three-legged golden crow spread its wings in the sun and scream silently, Shen Qi made a very important decision even though his face and heart were calm.

After he finished watching the sunrise, not far away Xuannv also received her merits from the practice, Shen Qi told her this decision.

With Xuannv's usual calmness and composure, she couldn't help being surprised after hearing Shen Qi's words: "What? You're going to the realm of death?!"

[Second update. 】

 ~~good night~~
(End of this chapter)

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