Summon Qunhao

Chapter 109 [Wan 2 and Lefty]

Chapter 109 [10 taels and the left-handed man]

If you want to say who is the most famous person in the capital recently, it must be Gu Xiao'an.

First, they sent off the orphaned girl thousands of miles away, and even killed Liu Chilong, Lou Chaoyun, and Lou Yu, all of whom were well-known figures in the Jianghu.

With a white body, he has never been heard of in the temple, and he is far away from the rivers and lakes, but he has set off a power that shakes the sky.

Even the high court officials who have always looked down on the recklessness of the world have heard about this person, and have a certain attitude of joy or support for what he has done.

But if you want to say who is the most concerned about Gu Xiaoan in the whole capital, it's none other than the gamblers in the Gold Tower.

In the previous three games about Gu Xiaoan, a total of more than 800 million taels of silver floated in the Gold Sales Building like running water.

Those who win are naturally happy and hope to win again, while those who lose are jealous of losing, hoping to win back both money and face.

So everyone in the Gold Sales Building is waiting for Gu Xiaoan to make a comeback, hoping that he can make a big comeback.

I just waited for two days, but the more I waited, the more I was disappointed. First, His Highness the Crown Prince went north to defend the border, which means that His Royal Highness, who has never been unfavorable, surrendered first, and Gu Xiaoan lost his most important enemy.

Then there is no way to mention this battle, let alone the opening.

So in the past few days, the sales hall, which was full of hard-to-find ones every day, immediately became deserted.

In particular, there was a stinging rain early this morning, and the heavy rain prevented many people from going out. In addition, the cricket trays opened in the Selling Gold Building today are all things that are tired of seeing. I don't want to come.

Just when the few gamblers in the building were really bored watching the cricket fight, they were about to fall asleep in the first rainstorm in early spring.

Suddenly, the sound of hurried footsteps broke the sleepiness of many people.

"Who, running so fast in heavy rain, going to the funeral!" A gambler who was about to fall asleep cursed there dissatisfied.

But the next moment, many people who were planning to open their mouths to join in the scolding also shut their mouths.

Because the person who came was the fast-horse messenger from the Gold Building, who was responsible for delivering the most important news, and it was this person who brought Gu Xiaoan's real-time newsletters last time.

At this moment, seeing this person wearing a rain cape, stepping in from the gate covered in rain, the rain was still stumbling on his face, but he didn't seem to feel it at all. He took out a message box from behind and opened it. The box took out the note inside, and read aloud: "It's the exact moment when Gu Xiao'an's carriage entered Luogu Lane, and finally stopped in front of Jing'an Mansion!"

The gamblers in the building were stunned for a moment at first, and then suddenly, the whole building shook.

"No way! Gu Xiaoan is serious!"

"Damn it, I've never convinced anyone in my life. This Gu Xiaoan, I really did. You're so courageous!"

"What a completely desperate bastard."


The voices came and went, but they all revealed one meaning, that is, uncontrollable excitement.

Gu Xiaoan finally came again.

"Open! Open quickly!"

Needless to say, even if the gamblers didn't open their mouths, the people in the selling gold building quickly withdrew the cricket game and opened a new one:
Can Gu Xiaoan successfully kill Duguyu and escape from Jing'an Mansion?

Was it to kill Duguyu?

Many people have some understanding. In recent days, the news has spread randomly. First, they said why His Highness the Crown Prince had trouble with Gu Xiaoan. It was because the Crown Prince had suffered a defeat in the frontier and was ginsenged. He sent captive the wife and daughter of the man who joined him, intending to threaten him.

And that person is Yu Shi Li Ran.

It's just that during the process of plundering, he met Gu Xiao'an, a fierce god, not only was he not captured, but he also suffered heavy casualties.

After that, Gu Xiao'an escorted Li Ran's wife and daughter all the way to Beijing, and only then did the three big bets happen.

I just heard that Li Ran's daughter is alive, but his wife is dead. Among the people who blocked him at the beginning, the leader was Dugu Yu, one of the thirteen generals under His Royal Highness, who killed Li Ran's wife. The culprit should be Duguyu.

Gu Xiaoan is helping people to the end, and even the grudges have to be left to others.

That Dugu Yuyuan also had a good plan, although His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is going north to guard the border, but he has hid in the Prince's Mansion. It is expected that no one in this world should be able to hurt him, but he did not expect that there is such a fierce god as Gu Xiao'an in the world , not afraid of the sky, not afraid of the earth, even if you are hiding in the prince's mansion, I will still come to kill you.

Thinking of this, many people who originally thought that Gu Xiaoan was just a reckless person also felt admiration in their hearts.

It is rare to draw swords to help when the road is injustice. Sending lonely people thousands of miles away without fear of power is a hero. Now that the wind and rain in the middle of Beijing are killing people, but they still demand perseverance. Many people have to praise that a hero is a boy.

"I crush Gu Xiaoan!"

"I crush Gu Xiaoan!"

"I believe that Gu Xiaoan will succeed!"

Unprecedented unity in the Gold-selling Building, and at this moment, another person suddenly came outside the building, also wearing a rain cape like the fast horse before, with a rain hat on his head, no face could be seen at all, All he could see was the white clothes he was wearing and the old shoes on his feet.

This person seemed to be completely deaf to the grand occasion in the Pinjin Building, and walked up to a maid who was collecting chips around, and stopped.

A gambler who was close couldn't understand this person's attire, and said in disgust: "Hey, you smelly beggar, this is not the place for you, get out."

The man in the bamboo hat ignored him completely, but took out ten gold leaves from his pocket and put them on the maid's tray for collecting chips.

The gambler who was cursing before was stunned for a moment, but when he saw clearly that the ten gold leaves were specially made by Shen Ji, he couldn't say a single word that he was going to scold.

10 taels... That's... a whole 10 taels, just taken out so lightly.

At that moment, he kept circling a sentence in his mind, do rich people wear clothes like this now?

"Guest... May I ask which side do you want to be on?" The maid who received the chips has been welcoming and sending them all year round. She has seen all kinds of scenes, so her expression has not changed a bit, she just asked with a gentle smile. The bamboo hat guest who has been silent until the end.

"Gu Xiao'an." The bamboo hat guest only uttered three words, and then walked towards the outside of the building without looking back.

A curious gambler looked at the ten Shenji gold leaves on the tray. He looked down from the upstairs, and only saw a sword in his hand. He was probably a swordsman. Looking at it by hand, this person still seems to be...

left handed?

Second more.

The king of scrubbing is back!

Thank you for not paying back too much, Yun Jiyu, Xiao Hei Ouyang, book friend 1610251413 for your tip.

And, today, I was too hostile and couldn't bear to piss off people in the book review area, introspect, delete the comments, and don't engage in unnecessary disputes with unnecessary people in the future, take this as a warning.

(End of this chapter)

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