Summon Qunhao

Chapter 119 [Surprised by the Gap]

Chapter 119 [Surprised by the Gap]

The Chunwei martial arts test starts on the eighth day of February. The eighth day is the entry test, which is just for registration and lottery preparation. The ninth day is the day when the martial arts test officially starts.

The martial arts test is divided into three rounds, the first round is about strength, a total of five days, the first day is the assessment of internal strength, all those whose internal strength level is lower than the acquired small perfection will be dismissed, this is to prevent too much skill Lowly people sneak into the examination room, which eventually leads to ugly results.

The next four days will be a round of battles. Let the people left on the first day face off against each other. After ensuring that everyone has competed with others, the final sixteen people will be selected to enter the second round.

However, because Gu Yue'an was hand-picked by the emperor and recommended by Chang'an's Gu family, he didn't need to participate in the first round of assessment. He only needed to wait at home for the second round.

In the past few days, he did not say that he had made any special preparations, and the tension did not exist. Compared with the situation when he first came to this world to participate in the Chen family's martial arts competition to recruit relatives, he who held the knife for so long, Already heartbroken.

During the day, he would drink and draw his sword in his own house. Anyway, Xie Yuliu lived in his house. After the incident in the Prince's Mansion, Wang Lin also stayed completely and became the housekeeper of the ancient mansion. Drinking is not without company.

In the evening, he focused on practicing "Ode to the Great Compassion of Yin and Yang at the Interaction of Heaven and Earth", washing the acupoints. Since Ding Peng put forward the fulcrum theory that time, he has started to stimulate some acupoints first, so as to stimulate the inner Qi to penetrate the body first. Going out on this road, after a few days of practice attempts, the effect is also very obvious.

In this way, five days passed in a hurry, and the sixth day came, but it didn't start the second round.

In the second round of Chunwei, there is no round-robin battle, because everyone's strength has reached a certain level, so the specific matchup situation needs to be determined by drawing lots.

The sixth day is the day of lottery.

The lottery was arranged in the Chunfeng Building, and Bai Xiaosheng was entrusted by the Ministry of Officials to handle it, because anyway, these people who participated in the martial arts test were all from the Jianghu, and the Jianghu is a matter of the Jianghu, so it can be regarded as a feature.

This morning, the sky was a bit gloomy, not as warm as the spring breeze a few days ago, and the continuous spring rain was finally coming.

Early in the morning, the invitations from Chunfenglou had already been delivered to Gu Yue'an's house, two of them, one from Gu Yue'an and one from Xie Yu.

Xie Yuliu is a stubborn person, and he did not accept the recommendation of the Gu family. He fought in rounds of battles in the past few days, but in fact, it didn't take much effort. Basically, the opponent fell as soon as he flashed his sword, so he just went to After two days, there were no opponents behind, and they all won without fighting.

At the third quarter of the day, Wang Lin prepared the carriage and waited outside the door. Gu Yue'an and Xie Yu stayed in the carriage and headed towards Chunfeng Tower.

When they arrived at the Chunfeng Building, the outside was already full of luxurious carriages of various colors. Compared to them, Gu Yuean's carriage with a few arrow holes still looked a bit out of place, but Gu Yuean just liked this carriage. Scars are also medals.

Walking into the Spring Breeze Building, took out the invitation card, and was guided by the servant to the seat prepared in advance. There were already many people in the building, and they were all whispering something upstairs and downstairs.

Gu Yue'an was not interested in listening to what they had to say, and next to him was Xie Yuliu who cherished words like gold, so she just closed her eyes and rested her mind.

At the moment of Chenshi, almost all the people in the building had arrived. On the platform in the center of the building, a short figure with a monkey face slowly climbed to the center of the platform, but it was not a little ape. Zeng Jingheng, who is coming again?

As soon as Zeng Jingheng took the stage, the laughter from all around couldn't be stopped.

Without it, his appearance alone is enough to make people laugh, coupled with his obscene aura, it is impossible not to make people laugh.

But here, besides the martial arts newcomers from outside the capital, there are also many people from the capital. I have seen his heroic appearance when he released the spring list last time, so I know that he is indeed of a certain level, so there is not so much ridicule. .

Those who came from outside did not dare to be too presumptuous.

"Ahem, everyone." The little ape made a bow to all sides as usual, and said, "My next Bai Xiaosheng, Zeng Jingheng, will preside over the lottery today. Please give me your advice."

Seeing that the little ape on the stage had a completely different aura as soon as he said something serious, Gu Yuean nodded slightly on the stage. , I am afraid that no one thought that there would be such a situation today.

Gu Yue'an thought about it, and invited this little ape to a meal after a while, so he could be regarded as an old acquaintance from a foreign land.

The specific process of the lottery is that the officials of the official department put the names of the martial arts newcomers who participated in the second round of the martial arts test into a box, and then Zeng Jingheng drew them out in pairs on the stage, and the officials of the official department put them in a box. The audience is responsible for recording.

I saw a few boys from the Chunfeng Building carrying a huge box covered with a black cloth and putting it on the stage. Zeng Jingheng was pulling the black cloth aside, and there was a faint exclamation from the building.

Because the box was actually made of a pure colored glass, it was completely transparent, and the situation inside the box could be clearly seen from the outside, which limited the possibility of black box operations to the greatest extent.

Look at the texture of the box, the glass is probably an extremely valuable material, and only an organization like Bai Xiaosheng is so rich and powerful that it can produce this kind of thing.

"I believe you have also seen that, in order to ensure the absolute fairness of the lottery, this year's lottery uses this solid colored glazed box." Zeng Jingheng introduced the box calmly, and then announced the official start of the lottery.

Gu Yue'an didn't know the few people who were drawn at the beginning, but after the draw was over, he remembered them all, because the people who were drawn had to go on stage to confirm their presence, and then meet with their opponents in advance.

Xie Yuliu was drawn earlier than Gu Yue'an. His opponent, Gu Yue'an, was no stranger. He was an acquaintance. It was the Biyou Palace who fought against Tuoba Yanzhi outside the restaurant in Gusu City. Yu Chaosheng, watching him take the stage, still looked like the Pianpianjia young master.

Gu Yue'an felt that time flies so fast.

After Xie Yu left the stage, Zeng Jingheng drew again, and it was finally Gu Yue'an.

When Zeng Jingheng uttered the three words Gu Yue'an in front of everyone, Gu Yue'an could clearly feel that the audience was silent for a while.

That's right, he changed his name back, he didn't want to be called Gu Xiao'an anymore, he wanted to tell everyone that his name was Gu Yue'an.

In fact, using a pseudonym is a sign of lack of confidence. It is a subconscious evasive behavior for fear of something too strong to attack and be unable to resist.

However, Gu Yue'an no longer needs those things. He can tell everyone what his name is.

"Gu Yue'an? Isn't it Gu Xiao'an?"

"This Gu Yue'an, is it Gu Xiao'an's cousin?"


When Gu Yue'an left his seat and walked towards the high platform step by step, he could clearly hear such whispering voices.

And when he stepped onto the stage, the voice disappeared, because they already knew that Gu Yue'an was Gu Xiao'an, and Gu Xiao'an was Gu Yue'an.

Replacing the name seems to be just an insignificant performance, but in fact, it is a declaration that Gu Yue'an can really stand in front of everyone without fear, and tell them that I am me, and I am everywhere. I won't go, I won't be evasive anymore, and I won't be desperate anymore, I'm here, you want to find me, come on.

Standing calmly on the stage to meet everyone's gaze, Gu Yue'an invisibly exuded an inexplicable aura, making the building very quiet.

It also made everyone suddenly realize that this young man on stage is no longer the little guy who was chased all the way from Jiangnan to Chang'an, like a bereaved dog. ignore the presence.

His name is Gu Yue'an.

Zeng Jingheng, on the other hand, seemed to be a little careless, as if he hadn't noticed the change in the atmosphere in the building at all. His somewhat short hands struggled to pick out the paper with his name in the glass box. He took out a sheet from the pile of papers, unfolded it, and read aloud: "Wang Shifang!"

Wang Shifang.

As soon as the name came out, Chunfenglou, which had gradually started to whisper, fell silent again.

"Wang Shifang." After a while, Zeng Jingheng saw that no one came up, and read it again.

But, still no one came up.

"Is Wang Shifang here?" Zeng Jingheng looked around.

The silence in Chunfeng Building was terrifying.

"Wang..." Just when Zeng Jingheng was about to say this name for the fourth time, the spring rain finally fell outside the Spring Breeze Building, hitting the tiles on the eaves continuously, making a tick-tock sound.

And it was in this ticking sound, in the distance, the thunderous sound of horseshoes came.

Moreover, listening to the sound of hooves getting closer and the ground trembling slightly, there were quite a few people coming.

So the Spring Breeze Building was silent all the time, hearing the sound of horseshoes coming outside the building, and then stopping suddenly, like a piece of music that came to an abrupt end.

There was only a long neighing sound outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of sharp footsteps, and with a bang, the door of Chunfeng Building was pushed open, and a young man in iron armor who was drenched in rain suddenly broke into the silent room.

The young man inspected the Chunfeng Building with cold eyes. The rainwater on his body slipped from the iron armor and hit the ground with a muffled pattering sound.

After a long time, he said, "Who is Gu Xiaoan?"

Take a breath.

Gu Yue'an nodded towards him and said, "I am, but my name is Gu Yue'an."

"I don't care what your name is." The young man looked at Gu Yue'an and said word by word, "I just want to tell you that my name is Wang Shifang, and I will kill you. Prepare a coffin for yourself earlier."

Gu Yue'an laughed, and said: "It's useless to speak well, see you in the ring." He pointed to the note in Zeng Jingheng's hand with Wang Shifang's name on it, and strode off Taiwan, walked towards the door.

Missing the young man, Gu Yue'an didn't look at him.

There was a cruel smile on the young man's face, or disdain, as if he didn't think Gu Yue'an could leave, he turned around and looked at Gu Yue'an who had already walked out the door.

At the same time, many people in the building by the window also opened a gap in the window and looked outside the building.

Outside the building, in the spring rain, a group of about 50 armored cavalry stood quietly on the street, faintly surrounding the Chunfeng Building, and if you want to leave the Chunfeng Building, you must pass them.

But looking at Gu Yue'an, who had already left the door, those well-equipped, armored knights who covered their whole body with iron armor, who could only wish to have their teeth covered, didn't even have the slightest intention to step aside.

Gu Yue'an walked down the steps step by step. The spring rain wet his clothes, but it couldn't stop his steps. He was still moving forward, and after two steps, he was about to reach the knights.

But those knights still didn't move, and the young people on the steps didn't speak. Instead, they folded their arms, and there was a look of cat and mouse in their eyes.

One step, those knights are already in sight, another step, the situation is irreversible, either Gu Yue'an makes a move, or he turns his head to let the young man speak, but either way, Gu Yue'an will fall into an absolute disadvantage.

However, Gu Yue'an still took that step without any hesitation.

next moment.

An extremely astonishing scene happened. Following Gu Yue'an's step forward, the knight in front of him, the horse under his seat had been trained in many ways, even if the open flame was shaking in front of his eyes without the owner's order, he would not The war horse that could move suddenly, its legs went limp, and with a low cry, it collapsed on the ground, and the knight on the horse was caught off guard and was brought down.

It didn't matter if one fell to the ground. These cavalry were battle-hardened, and they didn't panic at all.

But as Gu Yue'an moved forward step by step, the horses of those cavalry fell to the ground one by one and retreated. It was like seeing some unstoppable king, and he knelt down on the ground in worship.

The Spring Breeze Building was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, but on the steps, the young man with his arms folded looked at Gu Yue'an's receding back, and after a long time, he squeezed out a sentence: "Useless things. "

Gu Yue'an walked far away, Wang Lin's carriage rushed over, he got into the carriage, and the moment he finally put down the curtain, he seemed to have a sense of something, he turned around suddenly, and seemed to see a pair of autumn water-like clothes in a daze. Eyes, flashed past, like a gap in the gap.

the same moment.

In the Spring Breeze Tower.

In a private room with the windows closed, a man held a long test against a game of chess. After a long time, he smiled and said, "You said you wanted to come and see the excitement today, but now you've seen the excitement, what do you think?" Sample?"

"It's not good." The girl on the opposite side gave another shot.

 First more.

  I wanted to update this afternoon, but I was dragged to my grandmother's house for dinner. I came back late, sorry everyone.

  At three o'clock today, I will come back after taking a shower.

  Ask for a subscription and ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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