Summon Qunhao

Chapter 12 [Fire Burning Qin]

Chapter 12 [Fire Burning Qin]

With another win today, Gu Yue'an felt a little windy when he walked.

Naturally, after seeing Fan Mozhi's end and Liu Sanbian's panic queen, those who originally had bad intentions for him weighed their own strength and gave up.

So the number of people staring at Gu Yue'an decreased by more than half today, he didn't have to hide and go out anymore, he walked out of Chen Gong's mansion swaggeringly.

Even when he went home, for the first time ever, he made himself two taels of soju.

After returning home and closing the door, Gu Yue'an studied the new rewards he got today while drinking and eating.

First of all, the new skill [Photographic Memory], he clicked on the skill bar and saw the extra passive skills in it.

"[Photographic memory]: As the name suggests, the host can remember every book he has read verbatim, and the moves he has learned can recall every detail at any time."

As soon as Gu Yue'an saw this description, he knew that he had found a treasure. A photographic memory has always been a necessary skill for traversers, and now he finally has it.

It is equivalent to him suddenly becoming half a martial arts prodigy.

With excitement, Gu Yue'an clicked on the [Kung Fu Room] option again, and there was a new function in the option, battle.

However, he was not in a hurry to look at this new function, but first checked the conversion ratio between practice points and practice days.

Now after he won the first battle, he got ten practice points. After clicking on it, he jumped out of the exchange interface. One practice point can be exchanged for one month of practice time.

Very good deal.

This couldn't help but make him look forward to defeating a new opponent again.

After all, practice points are life!
After reading it, Gu Yue'an turned to look at the new battle function.

"Battle function: the host can choose to fight with the mirror image of the main body, or the mirror image of other opponents who have fought with the host. Each time the strength of the mirror image is different, a certain amount of battle points will be charged."

"Attention, this is the first time to open the battle function, free trial, only this time."

Seeing this new function, Gu Yue'an has basically confirmed that this chivalrous order is an almighty martial arts master machine, as long as the host he gets is not a born idiot, he can become a grand master no matter what.

The so-called people are refreshed on happy occasions, Gu Yue'an drank for a while, then went to the yard to punch and draw a knife for a while, and when he returned to the house to drink again, he actually fell into a deep sleep.

After a long sleep, when Gu Yue'an woke up again, it was already dark outside the room.

Because he drank too much wine, he felt parched, so he got up unsteadily and wanted to find water to drink.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard some subtle sounds, like the sound of clothes flapping.

This time, Gu Yue'an immediately woke up from the remaining drunkenness, and he immediately used the skill of [Ear and eyesight] to listen.

After hearing it, he really realized that something was wrong, someone had entered his house.

Who is it?
Those guys who don't know what to do and want to flatter Tuoba Yanzhi?
Or a blind thief?

Gu Yue'an collected her breath, grasped the long knife on the table, and cautiously approached the door quietly.

The opponent's movements were extremely light, obviously a martial arts master.

If it weren't for Gu Yue's internal strength and the passive skill bonus of [Earing and Eyesight], the opponent might not even be able to find out if he touched behind him.

This is where it gets tricky.

Gu Yue'an couldn't help feeling remorseful, she knew she wouldn't drink any alcohol, and went to the practice room to practice a little earlier, so that she could protect herself a bit more.

In the current situation, we can only see if we can find a chance to escape.

Huddled by the door and waiting for the opportunity, Gu Yue'an suddenly discovered a very bad thing.

He couldn't feel the movement of that person anymore, could it be that...

"Crack——" There was a sudden bang.

The wooden door in front of Gu Yue'an was suddenly pierced through, and a lightning-fast hand grabbed Gu Yue'an's neck before he had time to react, and lifted him out of the room.

Fine sawdust hit his face, scratching his face sorely.

But most of all, the suffocation.

A sense of suffocation came from his neck, and the hand that grabbed him was tightly bound like cast iron, making him unable to struggle at all, and unable to mobilize the slightest bit of internal energy.

Not to mention drawing a knife.

It wasn't until this moment that Gu Yue'an realized that his martial arts, which had already made him feel complacent, were not enough for real masters.

Others only need one hand to make him breathless.

"Big... Hero... Spare me!" Gu Yue'an struggled a few times, but the more he struggled, the harder it was to breathe, so he gave up and begged for mercy.

The sneak attacker didn't mean to kill Gu Yue'an right away, after hearing his begging for mercy, he let go of his grip, but he didn't let go completely.

His hand was still sticking to Gu Yue'an's neck, a faint breath leaked out from that hand and penetrated into Gu Yue'an's body.

Gu Yue'an felt like a stream of water was swimming in his body, as if he was exploring for something.

He finally took advantage of this opportunity to take a breath and see the attacker clearly through his night vision.

This is a man wrapped in black clothes. His body is thin and thin. He can't tell if he's male or female. His aura is also very ethereal. I can't feel his... presence at all?

Almost like a ghost.

The ghost explored Gu Yue'an's body with his inner energy, threw Gu Yue'an on the ground, and said with a cold snort: "The mentality of the Longevity Sword Sect...boy, are you impatient? "

His voice also fluctuated from high to low to soft and sharp, making it completely unrecognizable.

"Hero... villain..." Gu Yue'an was trembling all over after being told about her second biggest secret, almost incoherent.

"I heard that the Longevity Sword Sect killed several disciples in Nanshan area more than half a year ago, and lost a copy of the "Longevity Classic", did you do it?" Before Gu Yue'an could deny it, the man in black continued road.

Upon hearing this, Gu Yue'an directly kowtowed and begged for mercy, and said loudly: "No, no, Hero Mingjian! It's not me, not a villain!"

Seeing that Gu Yue'an was in a panic, the man in black just snorted coldly and said, "It's easy to survive, just open your mouth!"

Gu Yue'an froze for a moment, and shouted desperately in her heart that she couldn't open her mouth, but her body opened her mouth subconsciously.

There was only a sound of "嗖——", an unknown object came through the wind in the darkness, and rushed into Gu Yue'an's mouth.

Caught off guard, he subconsciously swallowed it again, only feeling a bitter taste of medicine spread in his throat.

"Cough—" He coughed hard, trying to cough it out.

But it was too late.

"What did you eat for me?" He dug his throat with his hands in horror, trying to spit out the unknown thing by inducing vomiting, but after vomiting a few times, there was nothing but acid water.

"Don't bother, Seven Day Broken Heart Powder will melt in your mouth..." The ghost didn't really stop Gu Yue'an from inducing vomiting, but just said leisurely.

"If you don't take the antidote for seven days, you will die from heartbreak?" Gu Yue'an was used to seeing this kind of routine in martial arts novels, but she didn't expect to experience it for herself.

He forced himself to vomit several times, but nothing came out. He simply gave up, looked coldly at the man in black who couldn't see clearly in the darkness, and said, "What exactly do you want?"

"Aren't you pretending to be a villain now?" The ghost smiled, pointing out Gu Yue'an's pretense and arrogance.

Gu Yue'an didn't care, she just looked at this ghost.

Since he didn't kill him immediately, he also fed him poison.

This person must have a plan.

"Actually, I'm here to save you." The man in black paused, then suddenly changed the topic.

"How do you say that?" Gu Yue'an raised her eyebrows, not believing his nonsense at all.

"You secretly learned the inner strength of the Changsheng Sword Sect, and you were implicated in the death of four disciples of the Longevity Sword Sect. Once someone finds out, you will have no place to die." The man in black probably glanced at Gu Yue'an, rather Analyzing it a little bit, "Besides, I can tell you that someone is already watching you."

This last sentence is another threat.

And this threat really made Gu Yue'an feel scared.

He had thought before that if he had achieved internal strength in the future, he would definitely be discovered by others, but he didn't expect to face this problem so soon.

It's really a bit carried away.

"Then..." Thinking of this, Gu Yue'an let go a little.

"Sit cross-legged." The man in black was not polite, and immediately said to Gu Yue'an in an orderly tone.

"What?" Gu Yue'an was still a little hesitant.

"Do you want to live?" This sentence had a double meaning, which made Gu Yue'an lose his temper completely.

He sat cross-legged as instructed, and subconsciously sank to his dantian.

"Cheer up, you have to follow what I said and do it meticulously, otherwise if you make a mistake and your life will be lost, then it's none of my business." The man in black reminded.

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for Gu Yue'an to ask a question, he spoke.

"Intent to guard the dantian."

Gu Yue'an had long intended to guard his dantian, but the meaning of his words was to teach him how to practice.

"Qi is generated from a hundred meridians and gathers in the dantian, which is the innate way, but..." After that, the man in black read a long sentence.

The main idea is to say that the general orthodox method of training qi gathers the qi generated by the body's various meridians into the dantian, and then proceeds step by step, but this method is different.

As for why it was different, the man in black immediately told Gu Yue'an.

He asked Gu Yue'an to move the qi of the dantian upwards along the qi veins. The general way of luck is to move the qi from top to bottom, which is considered counter-practice.

Gu Yue'an hesitated for a moment, thinking of all kinds of things, she still gritted her teeth and turned luck.

But when the man in black said a word, Gu Yue'an was startled, and almost went astray and lost his temper.

This is what the man in black said: "...the anger passed through the Ziwei Palace, went straight into the mutton, and broke through the door of the heart."

It's fine to pass Ziwei Palace, that's Ren Mai's way of walking, which is quite normal, but Shanzhong is the death spot for all martial arts beginners.

Ordinary people's internal strength is not yet mature, and the meridians and acupoints of the whole body have not been polished, so they are extremely fragile, and Tanzhong is even more fragile among the fragile ones. All sects try their best to avoid letting beginners touch it.

But this technique is so vigorous from the very beginning.

And what is more violent and terrifying is the next sentence, breaking through the door of the heart.

The heart gate is the heart, the first vital point of the human body, where all the blood gathers, unless it is a martial artist who has already entered the innate realm, those who have not yet entered the heart gate will seek their own death.

This technique is a technique to seek death.

"Your internal energy has already been achieved, don't be afraid, rush!" The man in black saw Gu Yue'an's hesitation, and shouted suddenly, like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning.

Gu Yue'an's heart shook, she thought that she had already taken the Seven Day Broken Heart Powder, if she broke through the door of her heart, she would die, if she didn't break through, she would die, as soon as she gritted her teeth, she would just go for luck.

The next moment, he only felt that the blood in his whole body seemed to be boiling up, trying to burn him to death.

But that feeling lasted for less than a breath. Gu Yue's heart was in severe pain, but her consciousness was clear. He heard the man in black yell again: "Stick to your mind, let your energy flow through the sky!"

He didn't dare to be negligent, and followed what the man in black said.

It's strange to say, although it was extremely painful when it hit the heart, but then according to the man in black's method, there was a clear stream of qi all the way down from the top of the head, which slowly surged up from the spine, making Gu Yue'an happy as if soar.

"This..." He was speechless in surprise, and looked at the man in black.

"The Burning Body Art of this sect is an incomparable skill. Not only can it be practiced to enter the border quickly, but it also has the miraculous effect of crossing the border when facing the enemy." The man in black seemed to be more satisfied with Gu Yue'an's understanding, and said a few more words , "I will teach you, how much you can comprehend depends on your own creation."

What he didn't say is that although this method of burning the body is man-made and has infinite uses, it has a fatal drawback, that is, it is extremely difficult to break through, and if you can't learn from the acquired to the innate before the age of 30, the practitioner will be heartbroken. Burst and die.

"...Thank you." Gu Yue'an didn't know what to say, so he could only say thank you.

"Don't thank me first, I still have something to teach you." The black-clothed man waved his hand, but did not accept Gu Yue'an's thank you, and then moved his hand, calling for a knife, and Gu Yue'an dropped the long knife on the ground It actually flew into his hands as if alive.

This level of internal strength cultivation is really appalling.

"Next, I will teach you a set of saber techniques. I will only practice it once. How much you can remember is up to you." As soon as the words fell, the man in black stepped forward and drew his saber.

There is no moon tonight, and the sky is so dark that it is almost impossible to see much.

Fortunately, Gu Yue'an has night vision ability and can clearly see every movement of the man in black.

The man in black looked hale and hale, and his saber movements were gentle and slow, like playing a piano, and his hands were in a continuous tone.

It looks like it's a set of gentle knife techniques.

Gu Yue'an was definitely disappointed.

But gradually, he realized something was wrong.

With the gradual development of the knife technique, it is like the piano music is broken from sequence to sequence, and gradually becomes wild and hasty, like ten thousand horses galloping, and the rain is like an arrow.

The sound is clanging.

The man in black's sword skills became more and more violent and crazy, as if even the piano of the melody was burning, turning into a ball of fire.

This fire burned more and more vigorously, and in the end, it even wanted to burn this dark night.

"Choke—" the long knife was sheathed.

The man in black didn't look tired at all.

However, Gu Yue'an was sweating profusely, his whole body was already drenched.

Good... What a brutal sword technique.

"How much do you understand?" the man in black asked.

"No... I don't know." Gu Yue'an really didn't know, he still had that fire in his mind, that fire that seemed to be able to burn everything.

"This... what kind of sword technique?"

"...The fire burns the harp." The man in black hesitated for a moment, then stuck the knife on the ground, replied and jumped away.

"I will come to check your entry in seven days. If there is no progress, you will know what will happen to you." An ethereal voice came.

There was a sentence that Gu Yue'an couldn't hear.

"Old Zhou, you finally have a successor to your burning qin. You have knowledge in the world, so you can rest in peace."


The new book urgently needs a large number of recommendations and collections. If you think it looks good, please write a comment, crab and crab!

And, thank you Wanshang for becoming my sister, I will work hard on this book!

(End of this chapter)

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