Summon Qunhao

Chapter 157 [Frontier Journey]

Chapter 157 [Frontier Journey]

Moon stars are rare.

A bonfire in the field.

A horse's leg was roasting on the fire grill, and Ding Peng picked up his round moon scimitar and slashed at the horse's leg without hesitation. The night became even more meaty.

"Come here, try it, the freshly baked horse leg, wow, it smells so good." Ding Peng cut off a piece and handed it to Gu Yuean who was beside him.

Who knew that Gu Yue'an hid behind her like seeing a ghost.

"What are you doing? Is my craftsmanship that bad?" Ding Peng immediately became unhappy. He felt that Gu Yue'an, the younger brother, was a little too much recently. He had no respect for his elders. He didn't see him as a boss at all. All gone.

"..." Gu Yue'an didn't speak, and his face was ugly. In fact, it's not that he necessarily dislikes Ding Peng's craftsmanship, but that things like horse legs really arouse some terrible memories in him.

Although those memories actually belonged to his predecessor and Gu Yue'an hadn't experienced it himself, he still felt uncomfortable after all.

"Cut, forget it if you don't eat it, I'll eat it myself." Ding Peng gave Gu Yue'an a bitter look, and swallowed the roasted oily horse leg meat in one gulp.

As for Li Tanhua, he definitely doesn't eat horse meat, so Ding Peng didn't run into trouble either.

At the moment Li Tanhua is burying a beauty under the moon.

He said they were beauties, but they were actually the wooden statues he carved. He dug holes for more than a dozen wooden statues, and buried them one by one. After burying them, he stood there, as if thinking of his old friends. .

Of course Gu Yue'an knew who he was thinking about, but he didn't say anything, it was everyone's own secret and emotion.

"I said, are we really going to the frontier?" Ding Peng talked about this matter again while roasting the horse's legs while he was bored.

This matter is the deal between Gu Yue'an and the emperor.

Gu Yue'an recalled the day when she saw An Xian again.

"What's the matter, my number one scholar, do you regret it?" The fat and white father-in-law looked at Gu Yue'an with some complacency.

"I have some regrets." Gu Yue'an nodded, but she didn't really care about the attitude of this narrow-minded father-in-law.

"That's it, let's go into the palace with our family, remember to bring the thorns." The fat father-in-law said and was about to turn around and go out.

"I still don't want to be an official." Gu Yue'an didn't move. In fact, he had made it clear beforehand that this white and fat father-in-law obviously wanted to disgust him, but he wanted something from others, so he didn't have an attack.

"Hmph." An Xian snorted coldly, "I want to benefit but don't want to contribute. This is the first time our family has seen such a shameless thief like you! I don't know how you have confused the emperor! Forget it, the emperor said, If you don't want to be an official, you can go to the border area and do an errand for the old man, then no one will dare to touch your affairs in the capital."

"What's wrong?"

"You'll know when you go."

Therefore, Gu Yue'an didn't know what the specific errand was. He only knew that he needed to go to the frontier, and when he was among the border troops, he would naturally understand what the errand was.

For this reason, the emperor gave him the laurel crown of the number one scholar, and also issued him a gold medal, engraved with the emperor's special envoy of Fengtian Chengyun, so that he could act cheaply after he arrived in the border area.

In exchange, Wang Lin can build a Dagu Mansion in a relatively safe place in the capital.

In order to make Wang Lin more comfortable, before leaving, Gu Yue'an specially helped him interview a few quacks who came to join him, and he originally wanted Xie Yuliu to go to the border area together. People who drink together.

In the end, I didn't expect this guy to take a step ahead, and he didn't go to the palace test. Gu Yue'an is not lonely in this regard.

"This is a transaction, of course we have to go, otherwise our goods in the capital will be in danger." Gu Yuean lay down on the ground, looking at the vast night sky in the sky, feeling the spring night blowing from all around The wind, feel refreshed.

"But, the borderlands are all your enemies." Ding Peng's words are right, there is a prince in the borderlands, and there is also the great general of the dynasty.

The surname of Wang is Wang, so he is naturally a member of the Wang family. The current head of the Wang family in the capital is the father of Wang Shifang who was beaten by Gu Yue'an and fled back to the border to face the elders in the capital without face that night. Oh, yes, Wang Shifang is also there. Well, there is also Mobei Iron Sword Gate, which is also near the frontier. It can be said that Gu Yue'an's enemies are gathered there.

"I think the emperor wants you to die, because you offended him too hard. This is not to kill you yourself, but to dig a hole to bury you." Ding Peng said conspiratorially.

"If you come, let's be safe." Gu Yue'an didn't think too much about it. With his current martial arts and the number of martial spirits he possessed, he could go anywhere in the world. He originally wanted to leave the capital and go outside for a walk. Now the emperor's errand is not to say that it is particularly in line with his wishes, but it can be regarded as half completed.

"And there is one more thing." Ding Peng is still continuing the conspiracy theory.

"What?" Gu Yue'an really didn't want to talk to him.

"People from the Zhang family, and those people from that night, didn't follow." Ding Peng looked meaningfully at the dark night around him.

"Isn't this a good thing?" Of course, Gu Yue'an thought that he would be besieged by the Zhang family as soon as he left the capital, or that he would meet that terrifying master that night. To be honest, he was really looking forward to meeting that person. Clash again.

But, strangely, nothing.

Those people seemed to have evaporated from the world. Except for a few gangs of horse thieves, there were no other surprises along the way.

It's almost no different from going out to play.

"The calmer it is, the more terrifying it is." Ding Peng rarely said something that seemed to be very philosophical, "This is the calm before the storm."

"Then let the storm be more violent." Gu Yue'an's mouth curled into a smile, and his heart was beating again.

The longer he stayed in the capital, the more difficult it seemed for him to feel the beating of his heart. Sure enough, only in a wider world, in a more unknown world, would his heart leap .

He is a man in the rivers and lakes. Unknowingly, he has recognized this identity, and he has also confirmed that what he needs is not rules, fine clothes, or supreme power, but freedom.

It is the joy of dancing on the tip of a knife, and it is the ultimate danger.

The extreme danger made his heart beat.

He likes this feeling.

"Xusu—" At this time, there was a sound of grass moving, and it turned out that Li Tanhua's burial beauty had returned.

Gu Yue'an immediately took a bottle of good wine from the side and threw it over.

Li Tanhua took it, opened it, took a sip, and said with a smile, "Good wine."

Before going out, Gu Yue Ante brought a lot of good wine and wood. On the one hand, he loved wine and was afraid that he would not be able to buy good wine on the road. On the other hand, he wanted to increase his friendship with Li Tanhua, especially wood. up.

Seeing Li Tanhua's satisfied look, Gu Yue'an couldn't help but open the Knight Token to take a look at the latest progress:

"Name: Li Tanhua

Realm: half-step master (the realm increases with the realm of the host, the highest can be promoted to the realm of the world's great master)
Weapon: Throwing Knife
Special skill: Xiao Li Fei Dao (Xiao Li Fei Dao, there is no false hair, after using it, it will enter a dormancy period of up to one month)

Friendship: Moral friendship (friendship can be improved through a series of behaviors such as gift giving, conversation, and sworn worship. The better the friendship, the higher the loyalty of the knight to the host, and there will be many unexpected benefits.)
Character description: A seven-time Jinshi, father and son three-time prodigal son, peerless swordsman, ruthless prodigal son, people know that his flying knife is useless to kill people, but few know that his flying knife is also carving his injuries all the time. "

Gu Yue'an's eyes lit up when he saw the friendship between morality and righteousness. Before he set off, his friendship with Li Tanhua was just a casual acquaintance, but through the conversation along the way, sending wine and wood, they finally improved their friendship.

Seeing this, Gu Yue'an suddenly sat up and began to practice. The moonlight is just right tonight, which is a good time to practice.

At the same time, he also wanted to see if he had a chance to get something from Li Tanhua.

A utilitarian but innocuous idea.

 Second more.

  I originally wanted to write the third update, but my back pain recurred, and I feel that I really need to take care of myself in the near future.

  By the way, I would like to ask for a recommended collection, as well as a monthly pass.

  And thank you are you stupid, Yun Jiyu, book friend 171151006 for the reward.

  Thank you again for the 11 reward for going to Wandering [-] alone, and for the five more... I will definitely make it up!

  Goodnight everybody.

(End of this chapter)

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