Summon Qunhao

Chapter 16 [Sneak Attack]

Chapter 16 [Sneak Attack]

After taking the winning money from the bet, Gu Yue'an carefully returned to his house all the way.

He was on guard against the person who passed him the Fiery Fenqin Knife.

After today's competition between him and Xie Yuliu, as long as that person is watching from the sidelines, he will definitely see that something is wrong. The martial arts and cultivation he showed today are absolutely impossible to achieve in seven days.

Then that person will definitely come to investigate the reason.

This was something Gu Yue'an had thought of early on, so as soon as he entered the courtyard, he entered the order of knights.

This time he defeated Xie Yuliu and gained another ten practice points. At the same time, he had an extra opponent, Xie Yuliu who was in [-]% condition.

Without any hesitation, he immediately put all ten practice points into the practice room and entered the practice time.

After practicing non-stop for another ten months, Gu Yue'an has stabilized his internal strength to the point where he could attain a little consummation in the day after tomorrow. The Blazing Fire Fenqin Knife also had a new understanding after fighting Xie Yuliu, and its power was even higher. Floors.

It's just the number of knives drawn, which is a pain in Gu Yue'an's heart. No matter how hard he tries, he can't reach the number of [-] knives, and he can hardly make any progress at [-] knives.

The last ten knives lay in front of him like a moat, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get it out again.

Maybe it's like his internal strength has reached a bottleneck?
Must he wait until he breaks through the Hou Tian Xiao Consummation before he can cut out the last ten knives?

He was unwilling and anxious. Originally, he planned to spend [-] months to cut [-] knives to deal with the mysterious person who came at any time.

Now there was nothing he could do. He didn't want to face it, but he had to.

Exiting from the practice room, he thought for a while, then strode into the room.

At night, the small courtyard was silent, and suddenly, a ghostly figure floated in.

The figure stood still in the yard for a while, looked left and right, walked towards the house without making a sound, pushed the door open, and it opened.

The moment the door opened, there was only a soft sound from the east corner of the yard, as if someone had escaped.

The figure suddenly turned around, and the moment he turned around, there was a sudden sound of knives in the room, and a figure jumped out of the beam like lightning.

The sharp knife light went straight to the back of the figure's neck.

What a quick cut!

Regardless of the timing, angle, and strength of this knife, it is impeccable.

If there is no accident, the head of the figure can be taken almost directly.

It's just a pity that the figure seemed to have been prepared for a long time. When the blade approached, he turned around abruptly, and unexpectedly caught the dangerous knife with his right index finger and middle finger.

That posture didn't look like he was being attacked by someone at all, but he was waiting for the knife with all his leisure.

The man caught the knife with two fingers, twisted and flicked the two fingers in a lightning-fast manner, the blade was twisted and deformed suddenly, a huge counter-shock made the person holding the knife almost let go of the knife.

But the knife-holder didn't want to admit defeat, a gust of internal energy forced through the mutton, entered the door of the heart, and shook seven times in a row in the heart, and suddenly a strong force forcibly pushed back the force of the counter-shock, and at the same time exhaled and opened With a sound, a long knife was swung out again, forced to break through, and burned the piano with fire!
The figure gasped, but had no choice but to dodge the sudden knife move, and stepped back seven steps towards the door.

When he reached the seventh step, he stood still suddenly, and once again caught the position of the knife with his fingers in the chaotic and violent movement of the knife, and grabbed the edge of the knife in one fell swoop.

The chest was suddenly attacked, and the powerful force made the knife-wielding man's treacherous and abnormal internal energy no longer available, and he couldn't get up all the energy. flew out.

Lying on the ground, not moving.

Gu Yue couldn't move anymore, he didn't want to move anymore.

The person who made the sneak attack was naturally Gu Yue'an.

After he came out of the practice room, after thinking hard for a long time, he decided on this sneak attack plan.

He first set up a small mechanism on the door. Once the door was opened, the thin wire tied to the door would touch a small stone not far away, making a slight noise, attracting the attention of the person who opened the door.

At this time, he only needs to kill from the beam to win the battle.

This strategy is simple, but also fierce, and it emphasizes the power of a single blow.

Gu Yue'an is now relying on his whole body, which is the power of a single knife.

There was nothing he could do, so he made such a bad move.

In fact, when the man clamped his knife, he knew that the general situation was over, but he was not reconciled, so he had a few subsequent stabs, but in the end he still ended up defeated.

The gap between him and that mysterious person is too big, it's too big for him to make up for it by just practicing for a year or so.

"I lost." After Gu Yue'an said this, she simply closed her eyes and waited for death.

But after waiting for a long time, nothing came, so he could only open his eyes again.

Instead, he saw the mysterious man looking at him faintly.

"Your martial arts have improved by leaps and bounds." The man said in a high and low voice.

"That is, who made me a genius?" At this time, Gu Yue'an also became a bachelor, rolled his eyes, and uttered nonsense.

"Are you really not afraid of death?" The mysterious man glanced at the knife in his hand, then looked at Gu Yue'an and said quietly again.

"Killing you is death, and not killing you is death." Gu Yue'an looked at the mysterious man, and burst out laughing, "I, Gu Yue'an, am a good man, and I am willing to be under the control of others for the rest of my life. Why don't I fight to the death and maybe win?" If you can live, but if you lose, you will die, why not?"

What Gu Yue'an said was half-truth and half-false, but it was also somewhat heroic.

The mysterious man took another look at Gu Yue'an, as if he said to himself: "It's a good one who wins the life, loses the death..."

After a pause, he continued: "I came here today to tell you one thing. Three days later, your opponent will be Mobei Tuoba Yanzhi. I don't care what methods you use to improve your skills, as long as you can If you win him, I will offer the antidote with both hands..."

"Let's do it for ourselves." Putting down these words, the mysterious man also put down the knife in his hand, and disappeared without a trace like a ghost.

Gu Yue'an stared blankly at the gently shaking knife, a little at a loss.

He wasn't surprised that the man didn't kill him, because since that man had injected him with a controlling poison and was going all out to teach him martial arts, he definitely wouldn't kill him so easily.

At most, it is to torture him.

In the end, that person didn't even torture him, but just told him that he would fight against Tuoba Yanzhi three days later.

In fact, this is an inevitable result, as long as he continues to move forward, he will inevitably face Tuoba Yanzhi.

It's just that it's a little unreal, but he has actually come to this point, and he's going to fight Tuoba Yanzhi.

Thinking about that day, Gu Yue'an couldn't even hold back the inner strength attached to Tuoba Yanzhi's wisp of sword.

What about now?
Trying to recall the battle between Tuoba Yanzhi and Yu Chaosheng that day, what is surprising is that the strength of those moves seems to be rehearsed slowly in front of his eyes, each move can be vividly remembered.

It should be that the passive skill of photographic memory has taken effect.

This made Gu Yue'an overjoyed. Originally, he was worried that he would be unprepared for facing Tuoba Yanzhi, but now at least he had a comprehensive understanding of his moves.

It's just that Tuoba Yanzhi is already a leader in the younger generation, not only with high martial arts, but also with a more powerful martial spirit body protection.

Gu Yue'an was very lucky before, and he never met anyone with a martial spirit along the way. Even if he was as strong as Xie Yuliu, he still didn't have a martial spirit, so he was defeated by Gu Yue'an forcefully.

Now it's Tuoba Yanzhi, but there is no way to escape, this person is like a hurdle, Gu Yue'an has to cross it.

It's just that he doesn't have such a thing as Wuling himself. Although he has seen it several times at close range and knows its extraordinary power, he has never faced it head-on. He can only infer and verify some things from the sidelines and some ancient records.

Martial spirits originally existed in the form of spirit bodies, and they could only passively boost the owner's strength, and could not face the enemy head-on, just like Yu Chaosheng.

But as the owner's strength increases, the Wuling seems to be able to materialize. While blessing the owner, it confronts the enemy head-on, producing a miraculous effect of two enemies and one.

This is where the true strength of martial arts fighters lies.

And from the ancient records that Gu Yue'an saw, including some rumors and strange stories, it was even mentioned that some people with extraordinary talents and geniuses can have two or more powerful martial spirits to fight for them.

Wuling has always been a mountain that cannot be climbed.

Thinking of the sword slave that Tuoba Yanzhi summoned that day was even stronger than himself, with the iron sword waving, he easily defeated Yu Chaosheng.

Gu Yue'an was a little suffocated.

How to do?
Gu Yue'an didn't know, and could only desperately replay the details of the fight between Tuoba Yanzhi and Yu Chaosheng that day over and over in his mind, trying to separate each move, trying to find the flaws in it.

Three days passed quickly. During these three days, Gu Yue'an had been dismantling those moves almost without sleep, and finally gained some experience.

At least the odds of winning against Tuoba Yanzhi himself will not be too small.

It's just... Wu Ling.

In any case, he can only go into battle with a knife.

What he didn't know was that during these three days, something absolutely beneficial to him happened.


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(End of this chapter)

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