Summon Qunhao

Chapter 26 [Famous Jiangnan]

Chapter 26 [Famous Jiangnan]

"Let's say that Gu Xiao'an came down from the sky with a sword, almost unstoppable, but was easily resolved by Yue Zili's backhand with three swords, a plum blossom and three strokes, and Gu Xiao'an was stabbed to the edge of the ring by three swords, behind him was the rolling Gusu River Gu Xiao'an couldn't afford to be seriously injured, Yue Zili walked towards Gu Xiao'an like walking in the garden, at this moment!"

"So what now?!"

This is an inn located in Pengcheng. In the lobby of the inn, there are three or five people sitting on a table in the middle talking loudly. Their voices are so loud that they almost penetrate the entire lobby, but no one stops them. It's just that these people are dressed in quackery, so they probably won't be easy to mess with.

Secondly, their remarks also attracted the attention of the surrounding diners, who were all listening with pricked ears.

Because what they are talking about at this moment is precisely the matter of the Gusu Chen family's martial arts competition that has shaken the entire south of the Yangtze River in recent days. Gu Xiaoan.

Needless to say, Yue Zili, the head disciple of the Longevity Sword Sect, the second place in Xiao Chunwei's list the year before last, has already become a famous young hero in the world.

But that Gu Xiao'an was even more amazing. First, he challenged Tuoba Yanzhi, the young master of Mobei Iron Sword Sect, in the street as a junior. Later, he took part in the contest to recruit relatives. The No.1 Xie Yuliu under Zili, and the young master of Mobei Tiejianmen who was the first to challenge him in the street, until the end, he defeated Yue Zili in an absolutely impossible situation. Chen Guogong and Chen Gong appointed the Junjun Ma Ye.

Everyone loves to hear the story of the boy's counterattack, so that in just half a month, Gu Xiao'an has become a household name in Jiangnan.

Storytellers from all walks of life have already compiled [-] versions of his stories and circulated them around.

People listen to it over and over again, but they still can't get tired of it.

Especially this final battle is a classic among classics, that kind of defeating the strong with the weak, that kind of Jedi counterattack.

In addition, the version spoken by the person in the lobby is the most detailed version of Bai Xiaosheng's theory of swordsmanship, which is closest to the real scene at that time. Although many people know that Gu Xiaoan won Yue Zili in the end, they don't know what happened in the middle. How did you win? Most of the versions circulated in the market are made up by storytellers, and they are far less enjoyable than the real version.

So even if the guy sitting on the table in the middle of the lobby is quite an amateur storyteller, but just following the content of Bai Xiaosheng's sword manual, he still has the taste of a three-thirds of Bai Xiaosheng's professional speech , eloquently, the hooker can't stop.

"What's next, you can tell me!"

"Yeah...don't talk halfway, hurry up, I don't even have the heart to eat, I just wait for the results later to eat!"

It's probably because this guy who shows off in public should also listen to some quack storytelling from time to time, and was usually troubled by the habit of those storytelling masters leaving hooks at critical moments. At this time, he also learned it. The people from the rivers and lakes who ate at the same table with him couldn't bear to urge, and the other diners waited for a while, and they also urged.

"Okay!!!" The man whetted his appetite and drank the wine contentedly before speaking again, "But that Gu Xiaoan..."

It was another thrilling exchange of words and swords, which made everyone in the lobby feel like they were sailing in the sea, with ups and downs and blood rushing.

When he heard that Gu Xiao'an finally drew his sword, no one could see clearly that the blade was so fast, and at the same time, the majestic Yue Zili had already been cut off the stage, and the whole inn immediately cheered loudly.

"it is good!!!"


"This Gu Xiao'an is really a god, it's unbelievable that he can win this!"

"So after he wins Yue Zili, he should be the county matriarch. Why haven't you heard the news that he married the little princess of the Chen family?"

Most of the people in the lobby of this inn are not from the Jianghu, and they have enjoyed listening to the books, but they don't know about the dirty things that only the Jianghu people know about. On weekdays, after listening to the book, they also ask questions, but the answers they get are all different. It's a mess.

Why Gu Xiaoan was only here to test his sword, not to marry a wife, and he drifted away after winning Yue Zili. Isn't it stupid to beat him to death and not become the county matriarch after finally winning?

Now that I finally met authentic Jianghu people, I started to ask.

"Well..." The Jianghu people who had a storyteller addiction seemed to be a little embarrassed, but seeing the curious eyes of the people around them, and the fact that they had just enjoyed it, they simply said, "Then Gu Xiaoan After winning, the elder martial uncle of the Longevity Sword Sect seemed to be unable to afford to lose, but he suddenly launched a surprise attack. In the end, no one had time to stop him, and Gu Xiaoan was slapped by the elder martial uncle of the Longevity Sword Sect. After getting down the Gusu River, although Grandpa Chen sent people to investigate after the incident, no one has been found so far."



This result is completely different from the endings of the various versions that people are familiar with. Who would have thought that the boy who drew the sword in the counterattack would end up in this way.

"Hey, brother Luo, just tell the story, what are you talking about, let's go." Hearing what he said, the companion who was at the same table with the storyteller scolded him anxiously, stood up and put down the money, and went Pulling a table of people hurried away.

Only a group of diners who were shocked by reality after hearing the passionate story were left in a daze.

"Hey, you said, then Gu Xiaoan must have died, right?" Some people couldn't help but started discussing again.

"Could it really be like what the storyteller said, in fact, Chen Guogong has decided on the candidate for his son-in-law, so he secretly sent someone to assassinate Gu Xiaoan, so that he can't be the county matriarch?"

"Hush! Do you want to kill yourself? Slandering the emperor's relatives will lose your head! Let's go!"

For a while, the inn was chaotic, and the lobby, which was very lively half a quarter ago, suddenly dispersed and there were not many people.

When everyone was almost gone, a person who had been eating in the corner for a long time suddenly stood up, put down some money, and said: "The boss pays the bill."

Then he walked out of the inn with big strides, and when the sunlight outside the inn shone on the man's face, he smiled silently and whispered to himself, "I'm living well!"


Take a shower first, then continue writing, and strive to make everyone's reading experience not too bad.

I am also sorry for the sudden deletion and modification of the existing plot, but in order to make the whole story better, I am self-willed and will not do it in the future.

Sorry again.

No more tickets today.

(End of this chapter)

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