Summon Qunhao

Chapter 49 [Yuxuansu]

Chapter 49 [Yuxuansu]

Yuxuansu's reputation in Jianghu is moderate, when mentioning Yuxuansu, probably few people know about it, but when the Three Watches Sword is mentioned, some people will ponder for a while and then say, I've heard that they are famous in the Guanzhong area.

Some fame in Guanzhong means that it is very famous in Chang'an.

Most people in Chang'an know Yu Xuansu, one of the reasons is that he kills people very quickly.

Some said that he would never kill for more than three breaths, and some said that he would kill in the third watch and would never keep anyone until the fifth watch.

This is how the nickname San Gengjian came about.

Another main reason why Yuxuansu is well known by Chang'an people is that he is a member of the Gu family, or in other words, he used to be a member of the Gu family.

On the surface, the Guanzhong Gu family does all kinds of business, such as Buxing Tea House, Escort Inn, and Silver Iron Shop, but the core business is the business of killing people.

This was a secret at first, but later it became a secret that wasn't a secret, because the Gu family's business was too big and famous, and everyone in the world knew about it.

When the Gu family's murder business was at its peak, all seventeen states, counties and counties in the whole world were all stalls of the Gu family. After paying the money, within three days, that person will surely die.

At that time, there was a Hades post, which said that the Gu family killed people. Whenever an order was received, a famous post would be sent to the person who was going to be killed, saying what time tonight he would come to take your life, and please prepare for the future, so as not to There is no coffin for death.

The people who received the name cards were naturally terrified. Most of them ran away, and a few resisted. In the end, they were inevitably killed by the knife.

Sometimes people can also see the way to make money. Whenever a famous person in the world receives a post from the king of hell, he will start a gamble, betting on how long that person can last, or how to die, and he will make a lot of money. .

Now that the Gu family is few and far between, naturally there is no Hades post to talk about, but there are rumors about the gambling game. The third watch swordfish Xuansu became famous because of a gambling game. That time he took the order to kill three people overnight. People were in the three directions of Chang'an City, and almost everyone thought it was impossible for him to complete it. As a result, those three people died at dawn, and the reputation of the Three Geng Sword was also spread at that time.

Recently in Chang'an City, it was rumored that Xuansu, the third watch sword fish, had abandoned his old club, the Gu family, and switched to the Yang family, the century-old enemy of the Gu family, causing an uproar all over the city.

Because Yu Xuansu is a figure that the Gu family has been advocating for in recent years, and it is even rumored that he is a direct disciple of the previous Patriarch of the Gu family, his switch to the family is undoubtedly a fatal blow to the Gu family.

It was also the main reason why people in Chang'an felt that the Gu family was about to perish.


late at night.

Hairpin House.

Yu Xuansu was sitting in the best greenhouse in the Zanhua Building drinking wine, and the most popular red girl in the Zanhua Building was sitting beside him, flicking her bare hands and rolling her eyes.

But in fact, Yu Xuansu doesn't like drinking at all, and he is hardly close to beauty.

Like the woman who debuted with him, who is as famous in Chang'an City, who likes to spend a lot of money, rides the fastest horse, drinks the strongest wine and plays with the most beautiful women, she is also the Fei Lianbi who abandoned the Gu family for the Yang family some time ago. He looks like a saint without desires or desires.

But he actually has desires, not swordsmanship. Everyone outside thinks that he has no desires and actions because of his transcendence in swordsmanship. In fact, he is really very interested in swordsmanship. It can be said that he likes it very much. But his favorite will always be Gu Changan.

He likes Gu Changan.

But Gu Changan didn't like him, he worked hard for a long time, from the age of 13 to 23, but Gu Changan still regarded him as his elder brother.

Last month, when he tried for the last time, Gu Changan just smiled at him. Gu Changan hadn't smiled at him for many years. That smile meant that he would never have a chance in this life.

So he switched to the Yang family, not because he really wanted to completely betray the Gu family, but just to remind Gu Chang'an of him.

He received a letter from Gu Chang'an tonight, and made an appointment at the Hairpin Flower Tower, so he naturally came.

He thought, tonight, as long as Gu Changan said a soft word, he would leave the Yang family without looking back and return to the Gu family, as long as...

Just one word...

"Master Su, your wine glass is empty." At some point, Yuniang, the most popular woman, came to his side, picked up the jug and filled the empty glass for him, and when she put down the jug, she didn't move her hands. Sensually rubbing against his hand.

Yuniang is undoubtedly very beautiful. Although her beauty is not the best in the Hairpin Flower Tower, she is also ranked in the top three. Her hands are soft and cool as jade. Usually listening to her play a piece of music earns 100 taels of silver. Sitting with her and drinking a drink is a sky-high price of 1000 taels, which is money that ordinary people can't earn in a lifetime, let alone, having a spring night with her, how many people in Chang'an City smashed their heads and smashed into the sea It's impossible for her to have any money, but obviously, now she is willing to recommend herself as a pillow.

It's a pity that Yu Xuansu just sneered in his heart, a bitch who betrayed his master.

Knowing that he is now standing on the opposite side of her master's family, and still graciously leading him upstairs, Baba thought that she could get the protection of the Yang family just by sleeping with him.


Thinking of this, Yu Xuansu thought again that he was just a villain who betrayed his master, but he was laughing at fifty steps.

Shaking his head, he waved his hand to let Yu Niang go down, but Yu Niang insisted on playing another song.

"Will it break the formation?" Inexplicably, he wanted to hear this kind of song that was incompatible with the fireworks of the Hairpin Flower Tower.

Maybe he had already acquiesced in his heart, maybe tonight... the person who came was not Gu Changan.

"Isn't the golden thread clothes bad?" Yu Niang was still trying, her eyes were like silk, and advised Jun Mo to cherish the golden thread clothes, if there are flowers, it's worth breaking straight, and she just took off her clothes and said that I want it.

Yu Xuansu didn't answer her any more, just picked up the wine glass and drank it down.

Yu Niang bit her lip and played the prelude.

It has to be said that Yuniang's ability to become the top card of the Hairpin House is quite strong. With a light twist of her fingers, the guqin that originally played the melodious "Gold Thread Clothes" immediately made the sound of clanging on the battlefield.

Yu Xuansu held the empty wine glass and stared blankly at the place in the room where the candles couldn't reach, he heard that it seemed to be raining outside the window.

At first, it was little by little, but gradually, the rain became heavier, and the raindrops kept hitting the tile eaves outside the window. The melody had entered the middle sequence, and the increasingly complicated fingerings stirred up a roar like ten thousand horses galloping together.


"Om—" the sudden song stopped abruptly.

The string was broken, and Yuniang, who was playing the piano, seemed to be afraid of being scolded, and she froze there, not daring to make a sound.

Yu Xuansu didn't bother with her, because he heard footsteps.



Someone was walking up the floor.

It was a firm, steady, yet seemingly hostile step.

This is the pace of killing.

Yu Xuansu suddenly laughed, he sat up straight, he stopped waiting for Gu Changan who would never come, and stared at the closed wooden door.

Wait for the footsteps to come to the door.

"Tuk-tuk." There was a knock on the door.

"Who is coming?"

"Gu Yue'an."


First more.

Running naked next week is extremely painful. I hope that the boss who has a book list can quickly help to add a book list, otherwise the data next week will definitely be very ugly. .

In addition, I would like to thank the self-love for the reward, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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