Summon Qunhao

Chapter 9 [Like Spring Breeze]

Chapter 9 [Like Spring Breeze]

Fan Mozhi was still rolling on the ground, holding his broken arm, screaming continuously.

The people off the court had recovered from their astonishment, and began to whisper.

"This Xiaoer doesn't seem to be that bad, but this Fan Mozhi, who was full of big words before, was cut off with a single knife."

"It's just that the method is a bit cruel. There's no need to cut off other people's hands."

"But the knife is really fast, anyway, I didn't see it clearly, did you see it clearly?"


"By the way, what's the name of this little girl?"

"It seems to be called Gu... what Ann?"

Fan Mozhi's screams in the arena became louder and louder, and even attracted the attention of people farther away. The arbitrator couldn't stand it any longer. He waved his hand, and several servants in black came running out of nowhere. Come out and lift him down.

It's just that before leaving, he was still staring at Gu Yue'an with vicious eyes, and he seemed to be muttering something.

However, Gu Yue'an was still in self-shock, and didn't care about Fan Moli's resentment at all.

He just kept asking himself.

Is my knife really that fast?
I... really won?
I... actually won?
He looked at his hands as if dreaming.

"Changsheng Jianzong's Zhunjun Ma Ye is about to play! Everyone, hurry up and watch!"

I don't know who yelled such a voice, the people who were still watching from the audience immediately swarmed to the other side.

But there were still a few people who stayed in the audience, staring at Gu Yue'an, obviously with ill intentions.

Gu Yue'an also discovered these people at this time, but there was no good way, so he could only choose to ignore them.

When he got off the ring, the middle-aged man, who had always seemed taciturn, said for the first time: "The knife is good."

It also meant that Gu Yue'an was a little flattered.

Because there were several people staring at him, Gu Yue'an couldn't leave the venue now, so he could only walk towards the crowded place as much as possible.

And the place with the most people at this time is naturally around the ring of the martial arts competition ring of the Zhunjun County Ma Ye, the first disciple of the Longevity Sword Sect.

Gu Yue'an squeezed into the crowd absently.

By the time he squeezed to the front, the duel on the ring had already begun.

I saw a young man in brocade clothes standing on the left, with red lips and white teeth, and a long sword on his waist, he could be regarded as a pretty boy.

But Gu Yue'an knew that he must not be the head disciple of the Longevity Sword Sect, Zhunjun Ma Ye.

Because his temperament is not right, and his eyes are not right.

For some reason, after winning the match just now, Gu Yue'an had an extremely keen perception of a person's temperament and aura in vain.

His eyes dodged inadvertently, and his hands seemed to be shaking?

Gu Yue'an naturally followed his eyes to look at the opposite, his opponent.

The legendary... the head disciple of the Longevity Sword Sect.

Gu Yue'an unconsciously held her breath.

It was a young man in a white robe and a high crown, with a long sword in his waist, and his attire was no different from the descendants of the Longevity Sword Sect that Gu Yue'an first met.

He has a stern face, but strangely, his eyes are as gentle as spring water.

An absolutely contradictory combination, but it just happened to appear on his face, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

On the contrary, it adds a bit of mysterious style.

This is a very strange person.

But shouldn't the first disciple of the Longevity Sword Sect be a very strange person?

I saw this very strange Zhunjun Ma Ye raised his hand, bowed to the young master opposite, and said, "Brother An Pei, I haven't seen you for many years, but I still look good."

The young master who was called Brother An Pei was still a little nervous at first, but when he heard his opponent calling him, he quickly cupped his hands and said, "Brother Zili, I haven't seen you for many years...but I didn't expect to meet you in the first battle."

In the end, he couldn't help a wry smile at the corner of his mouth.

Indeed, no one would want to face the head disciple of the Longevity Sword Sect.

"Brother An Pei, don't underestimate yourself. Your Nanshan sword is so mysterious that it is still vivid in my mind." Zhunjun Ma Ye smiled very gently. His originally stern face suddenly matched Seeing the spring water in his eyes dizzy.

Like a spring breeze.

Almost at the same time, everyone present thought of this word.

This is the real spring breeze.

Gu Yue'an couldn't help thinking of Yu Chaosheng whom he had met before, he was also the good son of Zhuoshi, and he was also like a spring breeze, but compared to the person in front of him, he was far behind.

"Forget it, let brother Zili see, I am a fool with a sword, have I improved in these years?" Brother An Pei was about to draw his sword after speaking.

But Brother Zili dissuaded him, saying: "No hurry, Brother An Pei, so what if you take a look at my sword first?"

After he finished speaking, the sword in his hand was drawn out. It was not very fast, but it was not slow.

The sword didn't go towards Brother An Pei, but stabbed three times in the air.

Ethereal and ethereal, like a branch trembling three times in the wind in winter, a plum blossom fell on the ground, like falling snow.

Brother Zili puts his sword back into its sheath.

Brother An Pei was already stunned there, as if he hadn't reacted from the ethereal sword just now.

After a long time, he raised his hand and said, "I lost."



There was a roar of applause from the audience.

Some people really understood it, but most people were actually amazed at the powerful methods of the head disciple of the Longevity Sword Sect. They didn't even make a move, and just relied on stabbing three swords in the air to convince the opponent to admit defeat.

This kind of demeanor is already the demeanor of a master.

In fact, that sword was indeed extremely wonderful.

That sword was originally the most common form of plum blossom three strokes in the Longevity Sword, and many beginner disciples of the Longevity Sword Sect know it, but the biggest difficulty of this style is that it is easy to learn but not easy to master.

If you are slow, you will lose your spirituality. If you are too fast, you will lose the natural emptiness.

Many people who have been immersed in kendo for decades may not be able to make it well, let alone make it as beautiful as this Zhunjun Ma Ye.

This sword is enough to show that this Zhunjun Ma Ye has reached a level unmatched by his peers in terms of internal strength and swordsmanship, and more importantly, his understanding and state of mind have reached a state of harmony .

So Brother An Pei knew that he had lost before he even fought him.

Although Gu Yue'an didn't understand so much, she also vaguely understood the ethereal antelope horns in that sword.

Thinking back to that sword, he even lost the courage to draw it.

Thinking about it this way, most of his joy of winning the first battle of his life was lost today.

But after being absent-minded for a moment, he immediately realized that those guys who harbored ill intentions towards him were also in that trance state.

Not missing the opportunity, he quickly squeezed out of the crowd, and fled before those people could react.


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(End of this chapter)

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