God catch

Chapter 1014: You Have a Big Misfortune

Chapter 1014: You Have a Big Misfortune

"Death? It's up to you, you don't have the qualifications to say that." Xiao Qiyue was crazy.

"Kill this bastard!"

"Cut his tongue."

"Don't be verbose, just do the flipping."

"Eldest son, if you don't torture him to death, you are not the most outstanding son genius in my Tai family."


Hundreds of young people started booing and shouting.

The sword is out!
A shadow of light swirled through the space like a ghost, and cut towards Xiao Qiyue's mouth.

However, Xiao Qiyue stood motionless.

And the ghost nine swords of the Taicang River sank into the sea, just like that without a sound.

"Brother Tai, aren't you too kind? Can't you be ruthless?" Sister Feng thought that the Taicang River was deliberately releasing water.

"A little bullshit emperor outside the island scares you? Tai Cangjiang, are you too spineless?" Tang Chun sneered.

"You have backbone and guts, come here." Tai Cangjiang is not stupid, others can't see it, but he can feel it.

Although I only used the first form of the Tai family's "Ghost Nine Swords", "Hell Ghost", but this style focuses on speed.

If Xiao Qiyue can dodge it, it also shows that he has a good foundation.

"Come on, let's see how your Brother Chun handles this shitty little emperor?" Of course he couldn't show weakness, Tang Chun immediately took a step forward.


Tang Chun looked up and saw a palm shadow coming.The fellow immediately tensed up, as if several layers of petals had opened on his body.

This is the Tang family's 'Sixty Armor Technique'. In Tang Chun's eyes, even if this kid slaps him directly, it is impossible for him to do it to him.

Because, the Tang family has more than 100 sixty-sixth armor skills, and those who can penetrate the [-]th floor with their palms are already strong in the Great River Realm.

What's more, I have a body with a hundred overlapping layers, and it is difficult for those who encounter the hundred veins of Dajiang to penetrate it instantly.

However, the next moment, Tang Chun's smile froze.

Because, I really got a slap in the face.That slap was so painful that half of his face was swollen.

"Hahaha!" Tai Cangjiang took the lead, and a group of young people laughed out loud.

"No matter who you are, you have to die!" Tang Chun's face turned green in an instant, and he raised his arms, and the petals rolled towards Xiao Qiyue like rain.

This is the Eighteen Hands of the Tang family's fancy style. The densely packed petal dark darts are like a spirit disc from hell, and Xiao Qiyue is instantly submerged in the sky full of petals.

"Tang Chun, stop now!"

At this time, there was a shout, and in an instant, the petals in the sky were smashed into pieces by a palm.

In front of him, a bald man appeared, with a small tuft of hair growing on his forehead.

In ancient times, three-year-old children wearing a large apron were more popular with this pattern.

This person is Mi Yang, the head of the nine-story demon tower who is in charge of the distribution of the demon tower, and also the master of the seven-star tower.

"Master Mita!" Deputy Hall Master Yan hurriedly stood up and said hello.

"Deputy Hall Master Yan, why did you let them mess around in the Demon Pagoda Hall?" Master Mita was so angry that his lips were a little nagging, and he stared at Yan Xingkong with a black face.

"This is just a normal competition. Both sides have agreed, how dare I let them mess around?" Yan Xingkong quickly defended himself.

"That's right, who told that kid to be ignorant.

A newcomer dares to make a big head against us.

You really think you are an emperor, don't you?It's good now, it was directly killed by my Tang family's eighteen tricks, without even a corpse, who is to blame? Tang Chun looked smug, and looked at Tai Cangxing and other young people while talking.

"What does the emperor have, one of us who just goes out here is a hundred times better than them." The round-faced young man looked disdainful.

"The key is who is willing to be that kind of dog emperor?" Feng Feifei was as coquettish as a flower, with a noble face.

"Okay, you are all arrogant, and you are all the favored children of heaven. But, Tang Chun, take care of the troubles you caused yourself." Mi Yang snorted.

"What are you going to clean up? Even the scumbags have been gasified by my Tang family's Eighteen Styles. Are you still telling me to go to the Six Fan Kingdom to pay for it? Master Miyang Pagoda, that's impossible." Tang Chun shook his head.

"He is a genius who was solemnly recommended by the Tower Master Taihao, you can explain it to the Fifth Elder yourself." Mi Yang flicked his sleeves, his face darkened with anger.

Because, Tai Haoting is the core five elders of the Nine-story Demon Tower organization, with a high position and authority, an eight-star tower master, a strong man in the sky, and one of the big names in the Nine-story Demon Tower.

"I... this..." Tang Chun panicked when he heard this, and his face instantly turned black like a lump of pig blood and shit.

Tai Hao could not afford to offend him. Moreover, this person had a hot temper. If he found out, he would probably be beaten to death.

Although the Tang family also had an elder named Tang Qian who entered the Presbyterian Council, he was only ranked ninth, and he was still a long way from the level of the empty realm. Even if he stepped forward, he would not be able to save his own life.

"Tai...Brother Tai, I beg you, little brother." Tang Chun panicked and saw Tai Cangjiang, and immediately walked over to beg someone with a sad face.

Because, Tai Cangjiang is one of the geniuses of the Tai family, and Tai sounds like he quite likes this offspring.

If he is willing to come forward, the pain of flesh and blood will definitely be inevitable, but his life may be saved.

"Brother Tang, this, you know my grandfather's temper. It's not that I won't help you, but I can't say anything about this..." Tai Cangjiang babbled, fearing his ancestor from the bottom of his heart.

"Deputy Hall Master Yan, please prove it. Both sides agreed to the competition at that time. Besides, you also agreed." Tang Chun looked at it and hurriedly begged Yan Xingkong.

"I agreed, it's not that you have been running on Xiao Qiyue all the time. Otherwise, he wouldn't have stimulated him to fight you desperately." Yan Xingkong regretted it so much that he was about to hit the wall.It is estimated that if I really track it down, I will not be able to get rid of it.

"Hey, it's all the work of the old Dongbula. Why didn't he tell us Xiao Qiyue's real identity in advance." Tang Chun was furious, since he was dead anyway, so he just scolded him to his heart's content.

"Didn't Master Dongta reveal Xiao Qiyue's recommender in advance?" Master Mita was taken aback, with a gloomy expression.I'm an old fox, and I understand it when I think about it.

Xiao Qiyue took a look, damn it!Dongbula's old plotter slipped away quietly at some point, and he must have expected this kind of result a long time ago, he is really a scheming master.

"No, I just said that Xiao Qiyue came to change the tower, and said that the tower was destroyed or something." Yan Xingkong said quickly, at this juncture, the responsibility can be pushed away a little bit.

"I understand. The Northwest Prison was founded by Dongbula, and the Northwest Prison was almost destroyed by the suppression of the Six Fan Kingdom. It must be that Dongbula wanted revenge, so he deliberately didn't say anything. Well, this old thing has a heart It's too poisonous." Tang Chun came to his senses and continued to curse.

"This is an inside bar! How can we have such a person here?" Feng Feifei snorted.

"You guys are blaming the Pagoda Master, it's because you are too arrogant, you all think like a dog that you are number one in the world.

One sentence is like a dog emperor, and the other is a sentence of rubbish. He is also an emperor after all. How can he bear the wind and rain outside?

Does this have anything to do with me telling you beforehand?It is true that the Northwest Prison has grievances and grievances with the Six Fan Kingdom, but that is also a matter of juniors. I, the majestic Seven Star Pagoda Master, will get involved in these matters. I can't afford to lose this person.

Tang Chun, you have been swearing at people just now, do you think the owner of this tower is made of mud and paper?
Give me a slap! "Dongbula appeared.

"Isn't it you, an old bastard, or something? The majestic Pagoda Master of Seven Stars also does such indecent things, are you ashamed of it?" Tang Chun also went all out, and directly replied.

This time it was Dong Bu's hand that slapped Tang Chun to the ground, bleeding from his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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