God catch

Chapter 102

Chapter 102
Suddenly, the sound of bowstrings sounded, and in an instant, more than a dozen archers fell down spurting blood from their chests.

Compared with the well-trained Black Armor Army of the Qingfeng Battalion, they are several grades behind.

Moreover, although they said they took black feather bows, they used six-rank bows.

Those at the peak of the psychic realm were killed as they were, and the ones used by Li Feihu's subordinates were the worst.

"Reverse, reverse, kill!" Li Feihu raised his mace and rose into the air, leading his men to kill.


Arrows rained down like rain, and a dozen of his subordinates were shot into hedgehogs in the air and smashed into the river.

And Li Feihu threw a rope to Chu Zijiang and fell into the river violently, entering the palace for the second time.

Bang bang!

Two loud arrows shot into the air, and the two platoon boats farther away immediately issued a distress signal.

"Stop all of them, otherwise, shoot them on the spot!" At this moment, several fast boats galloped over and surrounded the scene.

On each fast boat, five or six archers raised their ink-feathered bows and aimed at Chu Zijiang Xiao Qiyue's group, and those who came were the troops from the garrison battalion of the Water Transport Envoy.

Qiu Yanqiu was not afraid at all, she blinked her eyes with excitement.

It's so cruel that the two sides will fight to the death immediately, she is so lively.

This woman is afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

And Miss Nalan was still standing on the bow of the boat with a calm expression. For those who are strong in the congealing state, these archers can't do anything to her.

"Lord Cao, you came at the right time. These bandits have killed many of my brothers, so you kill them quickly." Li Feihu saw that it was his backer who came, and immediately yelled and climbed onto the boat.

"Put down your weapon! Squat down on the spot and raise your hands. I am the commander of the Water Transport Garrison Battalion, Cao An." Cao An shouted majesticly.

"Lord Cao, these bandits actually have black feather bows in their hands, did you give them to you?" Chu Zijiang asked with a cold look on his face.

"Who are you? They help our garrison battalion maintain order in the Ansha River. Do you have to control the Black Feather Bow? Hurry up and squat down, otherwise, I will order you to shoot." Cao An reprimanded with disdain.

"Bold Cao An, you dare to be rude to Master Chu of our Qingfeng Heijia Battalion, don't you want to live?"

"Chu...Master Chu...Are you Master Chu Zijiang?" Cao An's calf twitched when he heard this, and he almost sat on the bow of the boat, and beads of sweat burst out.

Fortunately, I didn't order to shoot just now, otherwise, I guess I would have become a corpse.

Although they are all troops of the Great Chu royal family, the troops are also divided into ranks.

The garrison battalion under this Water Transport Envoy does not have many troops, only a hundred or so.

The usual role is to protect the safety of the yamen's water transportation, patrol the Ansha River and bully the common people.

It's okay to scare some small bandits, but it's not a regular army of the Chu royal family.

And the Heijia Battalion is an elite division in the regular army, competing with them in archery is no different from courting death.

Although the two are both seventh-rank officials, there is no comparison.

"Lord Cao, you haven't answered my lord's question yet?" Chu Zijiang stared at him.

"I... this... this, this matter is not up to me." Cao An was stared on pins and needles by Chu Zijiang's sharp eyes, and quickly pushed the responsibility to his boss.

"You mean Master Zhao Zhang's order?" Chu Zijiang asked.

"I... I don't know..." Cao An suddenly shook his head and twitched his lips as if bitten by a dog.

Really push Zhao Zhang on the head, when the time comes, he will either die or his crotch will be full of shit.

"You don't know, didn't you just say that?" Chu Zijiang didn't let him go.

"What did I say? I suddenly became dizzy, and I can't remember clearly." Cao An was determined to kill him and refuse to admit it. If this matter should be investigated, it would be a crime of beheading.

"Master Cao, what are you talking about with him, there is a platoon gang, just kill it and throw it into the river to feed the fish." Li Feihu is really an idiot.

Cao An was so angry that he almost vomited blood, kicked him into the river, and entered the palace for the third time today.

"Come on, arrest this group of robbers pretending to be from the garrison camp and put them in prison." I had no choice but to throw away the car to protect the commander. Cao An gave an order, and all the gangsters were tied up with knives.

"Master Cao, you Master Zhao Zhang is a brother who is a brother to us, why do you turn your face and deny him..." Li Feihu was so stupid that he was still thumping and shouting in the water.

This guy is usually used to being arrogant in Anshajiang, he has never heard of Qingfeng Heijiaying, and he thinks he is the sky.

"Kill it!" Cao An heard, this stupid pig can only let you take the blame.

A few black feather arrows unceremoniously shot at Li Feihu in the water.

"If you want to kill someone, you should figure it out before you kill it." Xiao Qiyue sneered, and raised her hand in the air, Ding Ding Dang Dang, all the arrows were knocked into the water by the hidden weapon.

A rope was thrown here, and Li Feihu pulled it and threw it to Chu Zijiang, "This is your business."

Because Xiao Qiyue felt it keenly.

Li Feihu is probably targeting himself, otherwise, why would Tianyang Xiao's family want to kill people to silence them.

This matter probably has something to do with Cui Dingshan, the third leader of the platoon gang.

Now that the potential is becoming hot and cold, first grasp the handle.

At that time, there will also be a way to negotiate with Wu Junshan, the leader of the platoon gang, "floating on the water with iron feet".

"Thank you!" Chu Zijiang clasped his fists together and said, "Young Master Xiao, I have something to go to Hai'an Heijia Camp. How about going together?"

"Master Chu invited me, and we just happened to drink and eat meat together." Xiao Qiyue went downhill.

Knowing that Chu Zijiang had good intentions, otherwise, Cao An would not be able to deal with Chu Zijiang, and he would not be afraid of you, Xiao Qiyue.

And this is the territory of the platoon gang. At that time, the official bandit family may not be able to survive the rookie competition in Hou Ye's Mansion.

Seeing that Chu Zijiang took away Li Feihu and a few of his subordinates who were still alive, Cao An waved his hand sullenly, "Go back!"

"It's boring, everyone is so vicious, why don't they fight? It's all because of that Chu Zijiang, who is really a bastard, a dog bites a mouse." Qiu Yanqiu pouted, she didn't see the excitement, so she was naturally unhappy.

"I didn't expect Mr. Xiao to know the general manager of the Qingfeng camp. It's quite interesting." Miss Nalan looked at the boat going away indifferently.

"A brat with a bald head, what's so interesting, cousin, you like monks?" Qiu Yanqiu laughed.

"This Chu Zijiang is not simple." Nalan Ruoshui shook his head.

"It's not easy. It's not just a general manager. At best, it's just a seventh-rank official. The third uncle is a fourth-rank official, and the eldest uncle is the dean of Tiandu Academy. He can kill him with just a finger." Qiu Yanqiu Said with a look of disdain.

"Yanqiu, you like to fight and kill. Some things are not that simple. This Chu Zijiang is named Chu." Nalan Ruoshui shook his head.

"What's the matter with the surname Chu? There are so many people with the surname Chu in the world. There is one named Chu next door to me, who is just a noodle vendor." Qiu Yanqiu pouted.

"This Chu Zijiang may have been born in the Zhennan Palace." Nalan Ruoshui said.

"King Zhennan? Could it be the prince's son?" Qiu Yanqiu is not an idiot, she is smart.

It's just that people are usually straightforward and don't like to beat around the bush. At this moment, they opened their mouths in shock.

After all, King Zhennan is the local emperor of Jiangdu Province.

The orders of the Great Chu royal family are not as effective as his orders here.

"I don't know about this. I don't seem to have heard that the eldest son of King Zhennan is named Chu Zijiang. However, it may be a nephew." Nalan Ruoshui said.

"This Xiao Qiyue, with a bald head, is a little bastard from Tianyang, how could he become friends with him?" Qiu Yanqiu expressed doubts.

"Now I kind of believe what he said." Nalan Ruoshui said.

"You mean cousin invited him to drink tea?" Qiu Yanqiu asked.

(End of this chapter)

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