God catch

Chapter 1027 Ou Lian's Origin

Chapter 1027 Ou Lian's Origin

"The story you made up is not pleasant at all." Ou Lian snorted.

"Whether it sounds good or not is second, the key is that you are in this situation.

Therefore, you must cooperate with me, otherwise, your ending will be a tragic weapon.

But your enemy, that is, your elder brother who only has power in his heart but no blood relationship, is proud of himself.

At that time, Fang Tianyu will be unified, and you, hehe. "Xiao Qiyue smiled.

"How do you want to cooperate?" Ou Lian thought for a long time, as if she had made up her mind.

"I'm going to deal with the Daxia League now." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Hehe, you have no chance of winning against Daxiameng." Now it's Ou Lian's turn to be proud.

"It's not that there is no chance of winning, but only [-]%." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.


Oline snorted back.

"I'll show you something." Xiao Qiyue stepped out of the eight-story demon tower, revealing Mi Fengwu.

"She is only in the realm of the empty realm, and you are no match for Shi Qiaoshan. Moreover, the Daxia League has recently added many masters, and you have no chance of winning. Hehe, I have to congratulate you, because the Six Kingdoms The country is going to be destroyed." Ou Lian snorted.

"Then I have to be happy for you, because you are the next opponent of the Daxia League. Even if you can escape, your family will be finished, including your hope Ou Yuanyuan." Xiao Qiyue laughed.

"Impossible!" Ou Lian snorted.

"Hehe, let's talk about Fangtian Academy again. You think you are perfect, and you want to secretly control Fangtian Academy through Ou Yuanyuan. Moreover, your Ou family has been cultivating masters in Fangtian Academy. If you want to use this as a base, I can say Right?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"You continue to make up." Ou Lian snorted, but her popularity was a little out of order.

"It's a pity that you didn't figure it out. Fang Tian Academy is not under your control at all, Ou Lian." Xiao Qiyue said.

"I'll tell you now that our Ou family has already controlled Fang Tian Academy. Moreover, we will use this as a base to expand, and then the Ou family will officially show it." Ou Lian sneered.

"Do you know who the dean of Fangtian College is?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"Wu Lingtian, although not many people know this name, but it's not difficult for me." Ou Lian seemed slightly satisfied.

"Then do you know who Wu Lingtian is?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"Who can he be? He's just a strong man in the Sky Realm and the Sky Gate Realm. Yuanyuan has already controlled him." Ou Lian snorted.

"Control, that's just your wishful thinking. To tell you the truth, Wu Lingtian also has a nickname called 'Ghost Seeing Sorrow'." Xiao Qiyue said.

"It's him?" Ou Lian was really moved, her eyebrows were raised.

After thinking about it, he said, "So what? Although the Nine Yin Sect was powerful in the past, it is not so good now."

"Nine Yin Sect is just a cover, but the real behind-the-scenes of Nine Yin Sect is Soul Palace.

There is another branch of Soul Palace, called Hell Gate.

I was thinking, in the hands of Soul Palace, would Ou Yuanyuan still be able to escape?
I'm afraid, Soul Palace has already seen through your Ou family's plot.

Ou Yuanyuan is sleeping, you are using secret techniques to help her.

But, have you ever thought that the Soul Palace is a sect that cultivates the soul as its Dafa.

This is just right, take Ou Yuanyuan as a test object. "Xiao Qiyue said.

"I promise to cooperate with you, but the premise is that you rescue Yuanyuan first." Ou Lian said.

"Yes!" Xiao Qiyue nodded without saying a word.

"Why should I trust you? Just you and the woman from the eight-story pagoda?" Ou Lian looked at Xiao Qiyue suspiciously.

"You don't care what method I use, as long as I bring Ou Yuanyuan back. However, I can only guarantee that she is still alive, not dead." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Deal!" Ou Lian nodded.

"You have to pay attention during this time, you may be targeted by Brother Jin." Xiao Qiyue reminded.

"Hehe, if I don't let him stare at me, he will never be able to. Of course, it is difficult for me to get away from him. So, I guess I can't participate in the battle between you and the Daxia League." Ou Lian smiled.

"Then what capital do you have to convince me that you can send a master?" Xiao Qiyue snorted.

"I'll tell you a secret." Ou Lian smiled mysteriously.

"Hmm." Xiao Qiyue snorted from his nostrils.

"But not now, I'll tell you when Yuanyuan is rescued." Ou Lian said.

"Why should I trust you, unless you swear an oath of no demons." Xiao Qiyue pretended to be serious, and dug a hole first.

"Okay! I swear, I swear by the Heavenless Demon Ancestor, if Yuanyuan is rescued by you, my secret will definitely help you once. Otherwise, my Oulian family will end." Oulian really swears.

"Forget it, you swear I have something else to say, goodbye." Xiao Qiyue's heart was already happy, and she glanced at the human-shaped mountain in the space of stars. Sure enough, a new stone prison appeared, and inside it was imprisoned. Ou Lian's 'soul oath'.

Should I try to incite her to slap her across the face, maybe it won't do the trick, she is not making a slave oath.

Although this soul oath is a bit tasteless, it will only work when Ou Lian repents.

But, at least, he controlled a little of Ou Lian's lifeline.

Xiao Qiyue secretly ordered Mi Wufeng to fight, and Haiyun took Jiang Ling and a group of people to Fangtian College to fight. Of course, the purpose was to attract the dean's attention so that he could secretly search for Ou Yuanyuan.

On the morning of the third day, under the leadership of Hai Yun, 10,000+ arresting troops from the Six Fan Kingdom rushed towards Fangtian College with a murderous look.

A county that was seized by Fangtian Academy was conquered in just one day, and returned to the Six Fans Kingdom.

The remaining two counties, Haiyun, didn't pay any attention to it, but took tens of thousands of arresting troops straight to the campus of Fangtian College.

The vice president, Yulong, was injured as soon as he appeared, and the arresting army stormed the gate of the college fiercely.

Beforehand, Xiao Qiyue had already stepped on the spot accurately, and specially designed a powerful thunderbolt for the gate of Zhengda College. The gate was crumbling and rippled, and it probably wouldn't last long.

Sure enough, the dean Wu Lingtian appeared with a gloomy face, and he did not expect that the strength of the six-fan national arresting army was so strong.

However, Wu Lingtian, the ghost, did not immediately rush out of the academy to fight the arresting army.

Instead, with one move, a group of hidden secret masters were sent out.

Xiao Qiyue glanced at it, and sure enough, his soul energy was soaring, and he probably belonged to the soul palace.

Therefore, Transsion mainly entangled Haiyun, and if he could make a 'talker', he would do it first.

It's enough to hold back the people in the Soul Palace, and he seized the time to sneak into the academy quietly by turning into air.

So, with a wave of Hai Yun's hand, the intensity of the attack was weakened, and he shouted for the dean to come out.

Because of the contact jade piece given by Ou Lian in advance, Xiao Qiyue used causal deduction and shot a yellow line deep into the back mountain of the college.

The previous offensive of the Six Kingdoms was too fierce, which caused Fangtian Academy to send most of its masters to the front door, and the back was naturally vacant, and Xiao Qiyue went to the backyard easily.

The magic moon mirror swiped, and soon, Xiao Qiyue sneaked in from the gap in the defensive formation.

Soon, the core was reached.

There, there is actually a small palace.

The whole body of the palace was black, and a wave of soul-moving aura shrouded the palace like a mist.

The palace is octagonal in shape, and a skeleton skeleton stands at each corner point.

Xiao Qiyue had just approached the palace with the wind, and suddenly, a skeleton moved slightly, and in an instant, eerie ghost screams rang out all around.

The eight-boned skeletons all came alive, a green light flashed in their eyes, and they opened their mouths together to scream. Suddenly, ghost sounds shook in the air, Xiao Qiyue's head was dizzy, and he almost fell out of the air due to the shock.

Fortunately, the flame of reincarnation suddenly stretched, and Xiao Qiyue woke up.

This guy was sweating profusely, crying like ghosts and howling like wolves.

(End of this chapter)

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