God catch

Chapter 1074 Three Great Immortals

Chapter 1074 Eight Immortals
However, Xiao Qiyue suddenly and miraculously discovered that although she was stuck.

However, the blue enchantress and the flying centipede can move freely.

This is a major discovery.

After a detection, I understood somewhat. It turned out that the two things were shielded by the causal space.

Therefore, the soul lock thread of Opel country did not find the two guys before, only the lock caught Xiao Qiyue.

And the causal space is a self-contained system, which is the most mysterious system in the world.

"Senior Shishi, Senior Kongjian, Senior Lenglang..." Xiao Qiyue greeted them one by one, using causal sound transmission directly.

Although her flesh and soul are locked, the three self-portraits in the Karma Hall cannot be locked. This is Xiao Qiyue's last trump card.

"Boy, let the fart go." Leng Lang snorted.

"My name is Xiao Qiyue, the emperor of the Six Fan Kingdom, and I want to save you." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Just you, a brat." Leng Lang snorted disdainfully.

"I don't want to pull it down." Xiao Qiyue said.

"What's the best way, little brother?" Master Kongjian seemed a little moved.

"He has a way of farting. If he had, we would have gone out long ago. Why wait to die here?" Leng Lang was called a 'prodigal son', and he had a bad temper.

People say that the country is easy to change, but the nature is difficult, and this is what he is talking about.

"Young man, what are you talking about? Let go of your fart." At this time, Li Shishi's voice came stinky.

"What are you dragging, it's fine if you don't want to live, the big deal is that everyone will die together." Xiao Qiyue became angry.

"Little brother, do you really have a solution?" Xia Lingmian asked in a coquettish voice. It is said that this girl used to be a very enchanting girl, a nine-headed vixen.

"I'm not sure it will work, but you can try it. At present, this method is the only way." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Hehehe, little brother, you really have a way to save us, and I promise you with your body." Xia Lingmian had a vicious look on his face, and Xiao Qiyue couldn't help but shudder. I don't want to court death yet. How many can stand it?

"Brother, Miss Xia's lingering technique is unrivaled in the world. At that time, the young heroes who wanted to try it in the capital were all ranked outside the Wumen." Wang Wentian laughed.

"I'm not interested in her." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Cut!" Xia Lingmian's eyes were full of contempt.

"It seems that you like Miss Li." Luo Chenghu laughed dryly.

"I still need a girl, she can consider it if she wants." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Boy, you die right away!" This forced out the demonic nature of our number one beauty, and a black air burst out, but it was all sucked away by the altar, and none of it could reach Xiao Qiyue.

"Let's save it, Miss Li, otherwise, you will be the first to be sucked dry." Master Kongjian said hastily.

"Even if I am sucked dry, I will castrate this bastard." Li Shishi was so angry that Xiao Qiyue couldn't help but shudder.

"If you don't want to die, don't be arrogant. Shut up for me." Xiao Qiyue behaved even more aggressively.

Li Shishi was stunned for a moment, and opened his mouth wide to look at Xiao Qiyue. You know, since she was born, she grew up with a golden key in her mouth. How could anyone dare to scold her like that.

What's more, after becoming enlightened, his magical powers shocked the world, and even the Demon God Tian was tossed to pieces.

"Miss Li, let's discuss it. You should sacrifice a little bit. At least, it's better to live than die." Luo Chenghu said cheekily.

"Miss Li, don't you want to take revenge? Don't you just let Ou Baoguo pass by so freely and happily?" Master Kongjian grasped the key to the problem. If he was born on earth, he would definitely be a psychological master.

"That's right, Miss Li, we have suffered hundreds of years, we can't just let Ou Baoguo go away and be happy like this, we will die in peace." Wang Wentian sighed.

"Let me tell you, this Xiao Qiyue is the Supreme Master of my Nine Demon Realm. He is only 27 years old this year. He has already stepped into the high-ranking realm of Human Immortal. His combat power is stronger than that of Mi Jiu. Miss Li, in fact, you I agreed to his request and didn't bury you." Mi Jiu persuaded.

"We must avenge our revenge, otherwise, we will not be reconciled after we die. So what if you are a maid for others, so what if you are a concubine, at least, we have all avenged. Otherwise, Miss Li, will you die in peace?" No, Luo Fengyun also came to join in the fun.


Immediately, under the bombardment of more than a dozen people, Li Shishi was really tempted.

"Okay, boy, I promise you. However, if you can't escape, I will be the first to crush your eggs." Li Shishi is really fierce, this witch is different.

Xiao Qiyue only felt a pain in the egg.

"Using the superposition formation of three talents, let's work together. Those around the altar, with me as the leader, work together to transmit the remaining strength and energy." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Nonsense! If we can transfer energy, do we still need you?"

Leng Lang was disappointed, thinking that this guy had some unique technique, but it turned out to be such a bad idea.

"Of course you can't, as long as I'm the leader. I'll tell you to pass it on later, and I'll add some energy to you first." Xiao Qiyue said.

"It's useless, even if you have the elixir, you won't be able to reach us." Wang Wentian sighed.

"We have tried thousands of times, each is an independent seal, it should be the partition function of the altar. It makes it impossible for us to discuss with each other and transfer energy to each other." Luo Fengyun said.

"Hehe, aren't you guys communicating with each other now? Before, could you?" Xiao Qiyue sneered twice.

"That's right, why did I forget about this? It seemed like it couldn't be passed on before, it could only be guessed." Leng Lang was the first to wake up.

"Brother, could it be connected by your method?" Master Kongjian suddenly became excited.

"Of course, this is my art of sharing.

Therefore, my elixir can also be shared with you.

It's just that I can only carry it for 10 minutes, and now my strength is exhausted, unless you cast the Wutian curse and agree to become my subordinates.

Otherwise, everyone will be screwed.

Because this sharing requires unity and solidarity, once one of them has two hearts, everyone will follow suit. "

Xiao Qiyue said foolishly.

Such a fierce new army can't be wasted. At that time, all the six fans will be recruited, hehe, it will not be a problem to unify Fang Tianyu.

"I swear, with Wutian Demon Ancestor..." Leng Lang was the first to be straightforward, and then Master Kongjian followed.

Of course Luo Fengyun and Jiang Yuantian would swear more, after all, there are Mi Jiu and Huang Ruojun around.

Li Shishi was the last one, and in the end, he couldn't hold everyone back. The most important thing was that he wanted to take revenge, so he swore an oath.

Haha, there are eleven more prison cells in the Human Shaped Mountain.

Because, even Huang Xuan and Luo Yi, including Huang Ruojun, swore an oath.

Here, only Mi Jiu doesn't have to swear.

"This is a fairy-level Nine-Turn Golden Elixir. Swallow it, and we will use one day to nourish our bodies." Xiao Qiyue bit the elixir by himself, and then shared it through the causal line.

"God, what a elixir, I have it." Master Kongjian shouted.

"Yes, yes, it's true, it can really be shared." Leng Lang was completely convinced.

"Shut up quickly and resume your cultivation." Master Li snorted.

"Why do I feel like I've been practicing for a month?" One day passed, Xiao Qiyue stopped teleporting because he couldn't stand it anymore, Master Kongjian said.

"Yeah, it's like a dream, it's been a month." Xia Lingmian also replied.

"The next day we will practice the superposition technique together. Only by cooperating tacitly can we hope to transfer the energy to Youlan together." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Uh uh, you made a mistake, didn't you pass it to Youlan, didn't you just destroy it?" Leng Lang seemed to have discovered a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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