God catch

Chapter 118

Chapter 118
"Okay! Since you want me to join the investigation of this case, you have to give me the power. Otherwise, how many people are willing to sell me a seventh-class guard with a false title?" Xiao Qi The moon is in power.

Naturally, this guy also has selfish motives.

If Chu Zijiang could give himself some power, it would be much easier to investigate the case of the ancient county magistrate's extermination of the family in the future.

"En!" Chu Zijiang nodded, and actually touched the 'Secret Token' in his sleeve.

This thing is really good material, it can be compared to Shang Fang's sword.

Although Chu Zijiang's is just an iron plate, it is probably the lowest level among secret agents.

However, it is estimated that no one in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty is willing to offend a potential spy.

However, in the end, Chu Zijiang's finger slipped away from the spy order.

It seems that this order is of great importance, and he has not yet gained Chu Zijiang's trust.

If it was Leiha, Chu Zijiang would probably lend him a loan.

This, Xiao Qiyue is not annoyed at all.

If Chu Zijiang gave him the spy order, he would be looked down upon by him.

At least it shows that he is too hasty in trusting others.

"Hehe, it's fine if Master Chu is inconvenient." Xiao Qiyue smiled, and when Chu Zijiang heard this, he knew that this guy was a little unhappy.

Because, even Brother Chu has changed his official title to 'Master Chu'.

Naturally, Xiao Qiyue did this on purpose.

"Hehehe, Brother Xiao was joking. After you said that, I suddenly remembered something and almost forgot." Chu Zijiang smiled and stretched out his hand, "Please give me the token of the guard .”

Xiao Qiyue didn't know what he meant, so she took it out and handed it over.

After taking it, Chu Zijiang turned to the back of the token, stretched out his fingers and flicked the back several times as if he was practicing finger skills, then returned it to Xiao Qiyue, and said with a smile, "Brother Xiao, please put a drop of blood on the back. "

Xiao Qiyue was also very curious, so she followed suit.

A drop of blood dripped onto the back of the originally empty token, and soon the blood was absorbed into it.

The next moment, a burst of blood flowed out, and soon, a few words appeared on the back.

"Hundred households of Jinyiwei! Well, it seems that I have been promoted again?" Xiao Qiyue was really surprised for a while, never expecting that the guard's token has such a magical effect.

There is actually a hidden mechanism inside. Thinking about it, Chu Zijiang seemed to follow a certain pattern when he stretched his fingers and flicked on the back of the token, which is probably a secret order to open it.

This 'Jinyiwei Baihu' is a sixth-rank official position with real power.

Moreover, the Jinyiwei of the Great Chu Kingdom is not like the bad streets in the Ming Dynasty. The official members are extremely rare. It is said that there are only a few thousand people in the whole country.

However, there are as many as tens of thousands of peripheral members, who have similar functions to the auxiliary police.

Moreover, since the guard token has already been pre-stored in this position in the foundry mansion, it means that the superior has agreed, but it has not been opened.

Why do you want to open it now, that means the higher up can give it or not.

There is also a possibility that the superior has agreed to give him this real job.

It's just that Chu Zijiang temporarily suppressed it, and I guess it depends on his performance and attitude to decide whether to give it to himself.

Chu Zijiang was eager to solve the big Lin Yang case, so he had to unseal it ahead of time.

"Hehe, Brother Chu won't blame me, will he?" Chu Zijiang apologized.

"No! To be honest, I still deserve to be unsealed now! After all, although I have solved a few cases, it is not enough to get such a rich real power reward." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"Master Baihu can find out the loopholes in Lin Yang's case, and he deserves it." Chu Zijiang looked serious, and at this moment, he seemed to be in the tone of a superior, and he was doing business.

"Don't worry, there will be results within two days. However, you have to let me see Lin Yang's body first." Xiao Qiyue expressed her resolute attitude.Otherwise, Chu Zijiang would feel that he was at a disadvantage.

After all, it would definitely cost a lot of money to raise an ordinary commoner to a seventh-class bodyguard, a sixth-rank full-time job.

You know, how much contribution Wang Butou has made?He is just a seventh-rank headhunter now.

These sixth-rank officials are the deputy mayor of a prefecture-level city in modern society. I am afraid that those civil servants will not have this opportunity until they are around forty.

Although the promotion system in ancient times was relatively subject to outside interference, it was not so easy to get promoted.

Otherwise, those students who passed the Jinshi examination would be better off waiting until their beards are all white and they are just alternate officials, and Fan Jinzhongju will not go crazy.

Even for a genius like Sun Zhangcheng, if he hadn't joined the Zhennan Palace, it would be impossible for him to be a Jinshi.

"We are keeping his body, you come with me." At this point, the two entered the stage of handling the case.

However, as soon as he walked out of the door, Lei Ha hurried in and said, "Report to Master Chu, the Jiangdu Bronze Armor Regiment, 'General Baihe' Master Zhu Yuli has arrived."

Zhu Yuli was fat and white, dressed in a light gold and copper-colored silk robe trimmed with white cranes, he looked ordinary, like an ordinary person.

However, Xiao Qiyue didn't dare to look at him like that.

You must know that the royal family's "Bronze Armored Regiment" has a higher standard than the Black Armored Army, and has fewer people. All of them are elites. The threshold for soldiers to join the regiment is the peak of the sixth level of Tianmen.

It can be said that if one of the Bronze Armored Army is picked out at random, it can defeat the original Du Butou.

The Black Armored Army was wearing iron-cast armor, while the Bronze Armored Army was all wearing bronze armor. In terms of the value of the materials used, they were several levels behind.

The Heijia Battalion has several branches in Jiangdu Province, while the Bronze Armor Regiment has only one branch in Jiangdu Province, and has no other branches.

Moreover, General Baihe Zhu Yuli, who is the leader of the Bronze Armored Regiment, must be at least a fourth-rank official.

And there are a lot of other positions such as fifth-class bodyguards.

More importantly, the Bronze Armor Group is not under the control of the admiral Jiangdu, and the governor can't control them. They directly obey the King of Zhennan.

Looking at the popularity of this person again, he is indeed a master.

Popularity is the size of a cigarette, a natural master.

This kind of strong person can turn the inner qi into the real qi to attack the target through the air, and truly realize the destruction of qi through the air without hurting people with the help of real objects.

"Do you still have time to drink, kid?" Zhu Yuli blamed Chu Zijiang immediately when he saw Chu Zijiang.Glancing at Xiao Qiyue, "Who is this?"

"Master Zhu, he is the seventh-class bodyguard from Tianyang County, Mr. Xiao Qiyue, who comes from a hundred households of Jinyiwei, and he assists his subordinates in solving the case." Chu Zijiang clasped his fists and hurriedly introduced.

"Hehe, the bald-headed god catcher." Zhu Yuli smiled, with a teasing tone in his tone, naturally he didn't take Xiao Qiyue seriously.

"The guard Xiao is not bad, he discovered the fake Lin Yang." Chu Zijiang said.

"How is the case going?" Zhu Yuli restrained his smile, his face tensed.

"This subordinate is going to take Mr. Xiao to see Lin Yang's body." Chu Zijiang said.

"Well, I'll join in the fun too." Zhu Yuli snorted.

Lin Yang's body was kept in a secret that was 30 meters deep underground, and there were as many as a dozen layers of protection outside, and there was even a magic circle to protect it.

And Xiao Qiyue discovered that the power of the spy was as high as Xuangang.

It can be seen that Lin Yang is important?
"This man is also capable of killing. There is not a single part of his face intact. But apart from this face, there is no evidence on his body that can prove his identity." Looking at the corpse, Chu Zijiang shook his head helplessly. .

(End of this chapter)

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