God catch

Chapter 129 One eye peeks into life and death

Chapter 129
8 more!
"Young Master Xiao, you can refuse, it's your right." Steward Luo asked.

"Maybe I will refuse if I meet someone else. As for Zhao Wei, he is not interested in my son's rejection." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"It means you agreed?" A trace of pity flashed across Mr. Luo's face. He wanted to remind him at first, but he didn't think that this kid was ignorant and insisted on courting death. Then we can't blame him.

"Of course!" Xiao Qiyue nodded, and found that the golden egg had cracked a crack, and a large amount of yellow energy rushed towards her body.

At this moment, the muscles are also swelling, and Xiao Qiyue is under the influence of the 'Da Zi Zai Subtle Demonic Aspect'.

It was found that the yellow gas penetrated into every cell, and actually expanded every cell inside.

The surface of the dantian did not become larger, but the interior of the dantian underwent earth-shaking changes.

It seems that in the dantian, multiple sub-dantians have been expanded for Huang Qi in units of cells.

Before long, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

The entire dantian has changed, and its shape actually looks like a beehive.

And the inside is the sub-dantian composed of individual cell groups, as many as three.

From the micro level, it is equivalent to the expansion of Xiao Qiyue's dantian volume by more than three times.

The yellow qi was too violent, another half a minute passed, and it actually filled the entire dantian.

At this moment, Xiao Qiyue's strength soared to triple.

Although the cultivation state is still at the second stage of the congealed fetus, Xiao Qiyue knows that her strength is definitely comparable to that of the fourth stage of the congealed fetus.

Is this the beauty of the 'Dazizi's Subtle Demon Phase Divine Art', starting from the microcosm, and truly embodying 'one flower, one world, one leaf, one Bodhi. '

"Okay, the bald god catcher is worthy of being a bald god catcher, he really has the guts! Butler Luo, get out of the way, we're about to start." Zhao Wei naturally showed a dry smile of a successful plot.

He retreated two feet away from Xiao Qiyue with one hand behind his back, and looked at Xiao Qiyue calmly, not taking you seriously at all.

Chen Jiao looked at Xiao Qiyue in surprise and jumped off the ring. Isn't this kid out of his mind?
"Look at the trick!" Xiao Qiyue snorted coldly, and opened his palms, one in front and the other behind.

Nalan Family's Cheats 'The waves behind the river push the waves ahead! ' With a sharp push forward.

The fleshy palm immediately swelled, hard as steel, a layer of yellowish aura was hidden under the skin, and rushed over with a terrible wind noise.

"Huh!" Zhao Wei looked at it, and immediately raised his fist across his chest and made a defensive move, because he promised Xiao Qiyue to give up ten moves first.

Subtle tact, gossip printed out!

A ray of yellow light penetrated into the air, Xiao Qiyue turned his palm into a fist, and the back fist hit the front fist hard.

Coupled with the powerful driving force brought by "the waves behind the great river push the waves ahead", and with the superimposition of the eight trigrams seal, a mighty implosion force smashed on Zhao Wei in an instant.

There was a loud shock, and the air exploded directly. Amidst the sparks flying, Zhao Wei was hit by Xiao Qiyue with both fists and sat down. .

And Zhao Wei's leisurely and leisurely exercise clothes were directly torn, blood stains under the buttocks, the buttocks must have blossomed.

All of a sudden, the audience was dumb and silent.


"Third Brother is mighty!"

"Good fight!"

The members of the Xiao family shouted loudly, and immediately, the audience burst into thunderous applause.

"The bald god catcher, great job!"

Zhao Zhang's face turned into black carbon, and he never dreamed that such an accident would happen, which completely overturned his cognition.

"I'll chop you up!" Zhao Wei felt ashamed to see anyone, jumped up from the ground with his teeth gritted, drew out his machete and struck Xiao Qiyue.

With a flash of cold light, Xiao Qiyue had already locked on to him. Seeing him draw the knife, he immediately moved his fingers. The hundred-handed Tathagata King's head-hunting stunt 'flicking his fingers like the wind and autumn will kill! '

A gust of autumn wind swept by, and the three Heavenly Demon Blades turned into three cold stars reflecting the rising sun, and accurately hit Zhao Wei's thigh with a gorgeous glow.

Zhao Wei suffered from pain, and suddenly turned to the ring and fell down in the air.

Xiao Qiyue didn't intend to let him go, and the epiphany came at this moment.

He seemed to see 'Black Old Seven' holding a stick in his hand and turning into dozens of stick shadows, like a hundred flowers blooming, hitting the 'flowers and flowing water' below.

That's right, this is the third form of the "Falling Flowers and Flowing Water" of the "Subduing Demons and Fighting Pigs with Undead Stick Technique".

There was a burst of crackling, and only the shadows of sticks were seen, like rosy flowers blooming in the sky. Amid the chaotic sound of air being torn apart, Zhao Wei fell down with his head bleeding, his legs broken and his hands broken.

"Boy, I'll kill you!" The old man Zhao Zhang was so angry that he jumped up and rushed towards Xiao Qiyue.

"Master Zhao, don't break the rules of the game!" Feeling a strong force coming from behind, Zhao Zhang grabbed Dean Qiu's arm tightly, and he was so angry that he shouted furiously, "Chubilo, you bastard!" , let go, let go!"

"Dean Qiu, this is a matter of supervision by Mr. Fang." Wu Junshan made a sudden move and locked Dean Qiu.

It means that Fang Zhiqiu, the supervisor of the ring, doesn't care about you, you are too lenient, right?

"You two are really good brothers." Dean Qiu smiled, and moved one hand to block the hand brought by Wu Junshan. Wu Junshan took two big steps back before stopping.

For a moment, his face was quite embarrassing.

Knowing that the strength difference between myself and Dean Qiu is too great, if I make another move, I can only bring myself to humiliate myself.

It's not bright in the east and it's bright in the west. Wu Junshan can't please Dean Qiu at first glance.

Dragon Claw!
A dragon shadow flashed, this is one of Wu Junshan's famous stunts.

The qi shattered on his hands, his fingers were as hard as steel, and claws of dragons in the shape of an inch-long qi gang emerged from the fingertips.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed Xiao Qiyue's collarbone fiercely. This is the rhythm to abolish Xiao Qiyue on the spot!

Even the 'oil on the soles of the feet' couldn't dodge it, because when Wu Junshan's dragon claw hand approached Xiao Qiyue in an instant, it was divided into three, and the three terrifying dragon claws directly smashed the air and blocked all Xiao Qiyue's escape routes.

The powerful stellar energy shook the air, and Xiao Qiyue immediately fell into the vortex of the stellar energy, as if seeing the hand of death.

Dean Qiu didn't expect that the head of the Wujunshan platoon gang would be "willing to risk the world's disgrace" and brazenly attack and kill a junior in public.

Dazed for a moment, God suddenly slowed down, and Zhao Zhang and Wu Junshan cooperated tacitly, and the whole person stood in front of Dean Qiu to prevent him from helping him.

"A glimpse of cause and effect, a glimpse of life and death!"

It's too late!
Escape is even more impossible!
The transformation of life and death is all about fate!
In a blink of an eye, Xiao Qiyue jumped up desperately. In the eyes of outsiders, this kid was trying to die.

Because, one meter above the head, there happened to be a dragon-clawed hand that slapped down a half-foot-wide light from the air.

Going up to the top, the head is blooming and it can't die anymore.

If he could dodge desperately, there might still be a way to survive if his body was hit by the dragon's claw.

"Head head!" Henry Zhang, the cousin below, screamed in fright.

(End of this chapter)

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