God catch

Chapter 132 The Passed-Down Complex

Chapter 132 The Passed-Down Complex

"Probably not. I didn't know Lingmei when I first arrived in Hai'an. Instead, I heard Feng Cui'er from 'Nuanyu Wenxianglou' play 'Ambush from All Sides'. It was so soul-stirring and exciting." Xiao Qiyue shook shook his head.

He was pretending to be ignorant while pretending to be ignorant. The masked woman who played the piano on the big boat of Ansha Heqiu that day was probably Nalan Ruode's younger sister.

"That day on the big boat at Ansha River Qiu's house... Feng Cui'er is a brothel girl.

Although the sound of the zither is good for killing and cutting, if you listen to my sister 'Ruoshui' playing a piece of 'Tianjingsha'.

Only then will you know what is called the sound of nature, but not the fireworks in the world. "Sure enough, Nalan Ruode shook the peach blossom fan in his hand and said with a free and easy smile.

"If you have the opportunity, you must pay a visit. When the time comes, you must ask Brother Nalan to introduce you." Xiao Qiyue replied with a smile.

Nalan Ruoshui's clean and beautiful face, ignorant of human fireworks, appeared in front of his eyes again.

Even though she was wearing a veil that day, she couldn't stop Xiao Qiyue's eyes of cause and effect.

"Sigh... I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint brother Xiao." Nalan Ruode shook his head in disappointment.

"This..." Xiao Qiyue really doesn't understand.

"My sister 'Ruoshui' is pure and noble, never playing the piano to a cow.

To tell you the truth, Brother Xiao, this son is also well-known in the provincial capital, and he can play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

The level of appreciating piano art is not bad?

You actually said to her "play the piano to the cow", and from then on, she never played it to me again, so you can't be angry. "Nalan Ruode's words are not deceitful, because it can be seen from his popularity that he looks like an unlucky child with a drooping head.

"Uh, Feng Cui'er is similar. At that time, the golden carp general Luo Junxian was rejected." Xiao Qiyue deeply felt the same way, as if all talented women had the problem of being 'noble'.

"That can't be compared. My sister's master is 'Qinxian Luo Qingchen'. What is Luo Junxian? The 'surname Luo' of the Qinxian family comes from 'Wangyue Lake'. It is said that hundreds of years ago there was an amazing Talented ancestor." Nalan Ruode shook his head disdainfully.

"Qin fairy? It is said that Luo Qingchen, a master of Qin art, can attract a hundred birds and phoenixes when he plays the piano, and the flowers will bloom. Who would have thought that she is so powerful, and she was born in 'Watching the Moon Lake'?" Xiao Qiyue also I was taken aback.

Wangyue Lake is famous, and it is beyond the 36 sects.

However, none of the major sects dare to stroke the tiger's beard lightly.

"Brother Xiao, don't you know? There is an ancestor in Wangyue Lake named 'Luoyue'. It is said that she had a complex with a generation of martial arts king Miqiuhe." Nalan Ruode said.

"Wu Wang's woman?" Xiao Qiyue felt her heart beating a little disobediently.

"Of course this is just a legend, but for this legend, no sect would dare to provoke Wangyue Lake?" Nalan Ruode said.

"I didn't expect that my sister would be able to worship such a prestigious place as a teacher. It's really luck in life." Xiao Qiyue sighed.

"Unfortunately, she is just a named disciple.

When Qinxian was passing through the provincial capital, he ran into my sister by chance and saw her playing the piano, so he gave some advice.

For so many years, even my younger sister has only seen Qin Xian once.

It's a pity that I can't be by my side to listen to the teachings at any time, otherwise, the piano art may be even more amazing. "Nalan Ruode was quite shocked.

"Didn't Lingmei go to Wangyue Lake to find her master?" Xiao Qiyue asked in surprise.

"I found it, but how many people in the world know where Moon Lake is?

Like the mysterious King Wu, he only hears his name but doesn't see his form.

Some people also said that King Wu used the will of martial arts to set up something. Without the pass token of Wangyue Lake, he could not enter. Naturally, King Wu did this to protect Wangyue Lake.

My sister only has a token of a named disciple, but that is not a pass token.

This is also the heartache of 'Ruoshui' all her life. She practiced the piano crazily, and only hoped to see her master again in her lifetime and be fortunate enough to become a true disciple of Wangyuehu.

Even, when she was seriously ill, she left a suicide note, hoping that when the master came again, her ashes would be scattered by the Moon Lake. "Nalan Ruode sighed.

"What an infatuated woman." Xiao Qiyue couldn't help sighing.

The first round of the preliminary round was over in the morning, and the second round was held in the afternoon. Xiao Qiyue entered the third round without even playing a game.

Because, all the players who drew him gave up voluntarily.

Naturally, all the spectators came down to his status as a seventh-class bodyguard, and there was no point in offending such an awesome person just because of a game.

The quarterfinals in the third round will advance to the semifinals tomorrow afternoon.

When Luo Yueer first walked to the street, she showed up and said that Ms. Zhang Yingying was invited.

She could hide from the first day of the junior high school but not the fifteenth day, so Xiao Qiyue followed suit.

It is expected that with her current status, Zhang Yingying will not make herself too miserable.

Xiao Qiyue was already ready to be 'covered and beaten'.

"You kid sent out all the 'Flying Flowers Picking the Moon', and you will definitely have to eat a board when you go home." As soon as he returned to Qiu's house, Dean Qiu said with a smile.

"A seventh-class bodyguard who is only 16 years old, a genius in the Embryo Consolidation Realm, my father will understand my painstaking efforts." Nalan Ruode shrugged, with a fearless look on his face.

"I'm afraid it's too late for you to start." Dean Qiu said.

"Well, a commoner suddenly became a guard, it must be because of Tianyang's case.

However, I can't figure out who has the ability to give him the title of bodyguard?
Moreover, Jinyi Baihu is a sixth-rank official position, which is a position of real power.

In our region, apart from King Zhennan, the Governor, and the Governor have this ability, no other family has the possibility. " Nalan Ruode shook his head.

"You forgot one family." Dean Qiu shook his head slightly.

"Which one?" Nalan Ruode looked at his uncle.

"Your admiral also has this ability." Dean Qiu said.

"Well, but I'm doing both." Nalan Ruode suddenly smiled strangely.

"You kid dare to take the idea of ​​'Ruoshui'? I guess there is no way." Dean Qiu was taken aback.

"Oh... I also know there is no way.

Ruoshui's character, not to mention a seventh-class guard, even the son of Hou Yeguo's family would ignore her.

I am worried that she has been sinking in the 'Watching the Moon Lake' and cannot extricate herself.

Instead of letting this kind of illusory goal delay her life, how about finding another interest for her? "Nalan Ruode suddenly slumped down on the chair like a ball.

"That's not necessarily true, cousin." At this moment, Qiu Yanqiu's teasing voice sounded from outside the door.

"Cousin, you have come to bury me again." Nalan Ruode smiled wryly.

"I'm telling you seriously, since I saw Mr. Xiao on the boat a few days ago, I have mentioned that bald-headed cousin five times." Qiu Yanqiu chuckled.

"Wouldn't she be really interested in bald heads?" Nalan Ruode was taken aback.

Today's 4th update, Gouzi is very sincere, a middle-aged uncle, very hardworking.

Let me see your 'subscription' and 'monthly pass'!
(End of this chapter)

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