God catch

Chapter 149 Connectors

Chapter 149 Connectors
Zhang Kui is an important pawn placed by Zhang Xihe, and he has been secretly cultivated since he was born.

Except for Zhang Xihe, no one knew his real identity.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Zhang Xihe to entrust something as important as the Sky Devouring Fruit to him for safekeeping, so that it can be used to save lives in the future.

But now it seems that this kid is actually getting involved with Zhang Yucheng?
Then think of Wu Junshan, the head of the platoon gang, who did not leave Zhang Yucheng's "trace line" to speculate.

It is very possible that Zhang Kui is Zhang Yucheng's real internal support in the platoon gang, and one of the backbone members of the Houye Group.

The situation went completely in the opposite direction to what I had originally speculated. If I had shown the Lord Hou's token, wouldn't that have exposed everything?
This completely overturned Xiao Qiyue's plan to come to Zhang Kui for help, but he was bound to get the Sky Eater Fruit himself.

Otherwise, in the next fight with Zhang Yucheng, he will lose the greatest protection.

Moreover, even some of the secrets of Huihun Cliff are related to Sky Eater Fruit.

How to do?
"Is the guard Xiao here to show off his prestige?" Upon seeing Xiao Qiyue, Zhang Kui immediately asked murderously.

"Why did the second leader say that?" Xiao Qiyue responded coldly.

"He killed our guardian of the island as soon as he came, does Guard Xiao really think that there is no one in the platoon?" Zhang Kui sneered.

"This guard is a legitimate defense. Could it be that if your guardian wants to kill this guard, this guard has to stick his neck out so that he can't kill him?" Xiao Qiyue replied forcefully.

"It's just to tell you to disarm your weapons, why do you want to kill someone?
This place is the site of our platoon gang, you have to follow the rules when you come here.

Otherwise, if anyone can carry a big sword with an iron hand to slash and kill, the platoon gang has already been wiped out hundreds of times. " Zhang Kui snorted.

"It's a joke, is there any king in the world.

You are the people of Da Chu on the territory of Da Chu.

The bodyguard was ordered by Shangfeng to investigate Cui Dingshan's case.

The sword is a gift from the royal family, what qualifications do you have to tell me to take off the weapon? "Xiao Qiyue's face was full of righteousness, and immediately received praise from the policemen.

"The matter of you killing Guardian Cui, the head of the family will go to the prefect to judge, but, guard Xiao, what are you doing here?" Seeing that Xiao Qiyue couldn't help it, and the clippers of the Heijia camp outside did not leave completely, but stopped. Waiting in the river.

Zhang Kui took a step back and recorded the bad debt in the Hai'an mansion first.

"There are some things that need to be investigated secretly. I want to ask you, the second master, alone as a guard." Xiao Qiyue looked imposing, full of official air.

"That's fine, I'd like to see what you can find out, you guys step back first." Zhang Kui waved his hand.

The axemen standing on both sides saluted and retreated outside the house.

"You guys go out first too." Xiao Qiyue said to Wang Butou, and Wang Butou also nodded and took people out.

The two confronted each other for 3 minutes.

"'Yingying' asked me to ask you to get something back." Xiao Qiyue deliberately pretended to be very close to Zhang Yingying, and the word 'Yingying' emphasized her tone.

"What Yingying Yanyan, Guard Xiao, what are you talking about? Could it be that you went to Nuanyu Wenxiang Building last night?" Zhang Kui asked in a strange way, but the popularity on his head was trembling violently ' for a while.

Play tricks on me!

Xiao Qiyue sneered in her heart, and said, "Which Yingying family will my bodyguard serve, of course it is the one from Lord Hou's Mansion? I know very well about the draft competition, and tomorrow's game is left. Yingying doesn't like Mo Xiaofang."

"Then I have to congratulate Guard Xiao in advance, for being favored by Ms. Yingying, he is just around the corner." Zhang Kui clasped his fists, showing a slight look of disdain.

"We don't need to go around in circles anymore. Yingying told me that she has reached a critical moment in her contribution, so Master Hou gave her a big gift." Xiao Qiyue cut to the chase.

"What does this have to do with me? What a joke." Zhang Kui sneered.

"Is it okay?"

Xiao Qiyue responded, and suddenly stretched out her hand, and spun the emerald ring finger that was given by Master Hou on the table.

Immediately, a rose pattern appeared on the table, and in the center of the rose was two words - Xihe.

When Zhang Kui saw it, his pupils twitched immediately, and the popularity on his head actually jumped.

It seems that this kid was also taken aback.

For more than twenty years, this is the first time Zhang Kui has seen his father's secret order.

Xiao Qiyue found that Zhang Kui's popularity was shaking violently, as if fifteen buckets were fetching water, up and down, which showed that his mood was suddenly messed up.

However, this kid is very calm on the surface.But he asked, "Xihe, could this finger ring belong to Lord Hou?"

"Well, Master Hou was annoying Miss Yingying, so he gave her this and told her to come to you to get something." Xiao Qiyue said.

"How could Master Hou's stuff be 'hidden' here with me? It's a big joke." Zhang Kui shook his head with a noncommittal expression.

However, the popularity above his head has turned into a rough sea, and his mood is extremely bad.

"Oh? It seems that I have to call your personal guard Zhang Yongzhao in to ask." Xiao Qiyue lazily leaned back on the chair.

Because Hou Ye entrusted Zhang Kui to this person at the beginning, it is expected that this person will know about the Sky Eater Fruit.

And Zhang Kui has been insisting on not recognizing each other, one possibility is that he wants to swallow the sky fruit.

The second reason is that I don't want to give it to myself, and it is possible that the Sky Devouring Fruit is gone.

"Hahaha, good!" Zhang Kui laughed three times suddenly, and stretched out his finger to press on the table. Suddenly, it was still the same rose, but there was a word 'Zhang' in the stamen.

"I'm sorry, Guard Xiao, I have no other choice. After all, you must be careful with what Lord Hou tells you." Zhang Kui cupped his fists.

However, the popularity on the head is the opposite attitude.

It turned into a sharp knife and aimed at himself.

This guy has murderous intentions.

"I just brought back something for Yingying. The guards don't know about other things. Of course, Yingying has some 'feelings' for the guards, and the guards should run errands for her." Xiao Qiyue was a little ambiguous. .

"Has Lord Hou confessed anything else?" Zhang Kui asked suddenly.

"Master Hou, no, no, I only saw Master Hou once in the Zhang residence.

What's annoying is that he somehow provoked that iron general, and almost got a wrench.

Maybe he has some opinion on me, or maybe he doesn't want to see Ms. Yingying and associate with me. "Xiao Qiyue shook her head, knowing that Zhang Kui was talking about herself, and she was just trying to figure out her relationship with Lord Hou.

First of all, I have to get rid of myself, so I have to push Zhang Yingying to top the tank.

"Guard Xiao, General Zhang Yucheng is Lord Hou's cousin, and his words carry a lot of weight. Otherwise, Guard Xiao would be in trouble if he wanted to enter Lord Hou's house." Zhang Kui said kindly.

"Follow the fate, this guard can only take one step at a time." Xiao Qiyue nodded helplessly pretending to be a little bit.

Soon, Zhang Kui moved out a box, which was only a foot long.

(End of this chapter)

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