God catch

Chapter 155 The Examination of the Mother-in-Law

Chapter 155 The Examination of the Mother-in-Law
"Your mother is too unreasonable. You are her own daughter. How could you do this? But, why does this jade pendant feel a little weird to me?" Xiao Qiyue has already guessed what kind of token it is, it is a couple at all Mandarin duck jade, a thing for men and women to make love.

"Anyway, I have to tell you that my mother asked me to bring my friend in, and it must be a man." Zhang Yingying rolled her eyes and said coquettishly.As soon as he finished speaking, he held the corners of his clothes with his hands, and his head almost fell to his chest.

I am scum!It is also fashionable in this other world to use boyfriend and girlfriend to fool parents.

"Hey, aren't you afraid that I'll make a fake show?" Xiao Qiyue laughed dryly.

"Isn't that the purpose of your participation in the rookie competition?" Zhang Yingying lowered her head with a shy face.

"That... Isn't that Zhang Yucheng's conspiracy?" Xiao Qiyue was stunned for a moment.

"Conspiracy, where is the conspiracy?" Zhang Yingying was taken aback, and gave Xiao Qiyue a hard look.

"Isn't it a conspiracy? Could it be that Master Hou agreed?" Xiao Qiyue became more and more confused.

Here, it seems to be a little different from my own speculation.

"Father marquis took great pains to organize this rookie competition, all for me. He wanted to send me out of the Marquis's mansion early, but I don't like ordinary people. Father marquis can't say it clearly, so he can only do it this way." Zhang Yingying said .

"Then you agree?" Xiao Qiyue was a little dumbfounded.

"I can't see my father being too embarrassed. Besides, my father wants to marry me to Beijing, and I refuse to die. Also, this is just a stopgap measure. At that time, I will directly say that I don't like him. There’s no way, is there?” Zhang Yingying’s face turned red to the base of her ears.

"You are clever but you were misunderstood by your cleverness. Unfortunately, you were taken advantage of by others." Xiao Qiyue snorted.

"Use, who is using me?" Zhang Yingying straightened her face and asked hastily.

"That Mo Xiaofang is the 'husband' Zhang Yucheng arranged for you.

At that time, he will definitely win the first place, that guy is a half-step Profound Handle Realm powerhouse.

Moreover, it is estimated that there are backhands.

With him here, who can win the first place?

At that time, it's up to you.

In this way, it played a transitional role for Zhang Yucheng to win the Marquis position..." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Ah... I... I didn't expect this to happen. Brother Xiao, what do you think?" Zhang Yingying panicked, reached out and grabbed Xiao Qiyue's hand and shook it, even her brother shouted out.

"Just marry her." Xiao Qiyue deliberately wanted to scare her.

"You...how can you say such things?" Zhang Yingying's face became serious, she was pitiful, tears rolled in her eyes.

"What does this have to do with me?" Xiao Qiyue spread her hands.

"Anyway, I won't marry him. If you can't win the first time, I'll die. At that time, I will make you feel guilty and suffer for the rest of your life." Zhang Yingying looked like she was relying on you.

"He's half a step in the Profound Handle Realm, so I can't help it even if I risk my life?" Xiao Qiyue was a little speechless.

"Don't worry, I'll be buried with you when you die." Zhang Yingying bit her lip, her 'popularity' unexpectedly became upright and unwavering.

"Then I have to fight." Xiao Qiyue nodded helplessly.

"If you don't work hard, you will have two lives, just figure it out." Zhang Yingying looked relaxed, as if she had nothing to do with her.

"Jingyue Mountain Villa is built in the valley, and there is a [-]-meter-wide stream flowing slowly. On both sides are lush green forests and cliffs, which are hundreds of feet high. It is not easy to get down." Zhang Yingying said.

"How to get in?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

Because, he can feel that there is a forest at the entrance of the valley, this forest must be weird, and it is reckoned that a magic circle mechanism has been set up.

"I've been here many times, but every time I couldn't get in. My mother was so determined that she wouldn't let me in unless I brought someone with me. But this time it's different." Zhang Yingying said, pulling out a mallet and placing a piece at the mouth of Taniguchi. The smooth mirror-like stone was struck, as if there was a certain rhythm.

"Miss!" Soon, a row of trees in the forest slid away automatically, and a middle-aged man dressed as a woodcutter, with a rough face and a tattoo of a soybean big eagle icon on his arm walked out.

Xiao Qiyue glanced at him, at the Profound Handle Realm.

It seems that this Mirror Moon Villa is not simple.

However, in Xiao Qiyue's memory, he had never heard of this place.

Even in Hai'an Academy, I have never heard of such a villa.Probably because of other provinces or too far away.

"Uncle Ying, I brought him here to see his mother." Zhang Yingying pointed at Xiao Qiyue.

"Boy, what's your name?" Uncle Ying put on a serious face, and took a step forward.

Immediately, Xiao Qiyue felt the turbulent Gang Qi shaking the air, overwhelming it like a mountain.

When Zhang Yingying saw it, she opened her mouth wide in nervousness.

Xiao Qiyue immediately began to run the 'Da Zizi Subtle Magic Aspect Magic Art', and when the magic energy turned, the magical action of 'loach drilling holes', a trace of blood immediately overflowed from the body, and Xiao Qiyue was wearing a fish-dragon suit, and immediately Slippery autumn.

Most of the powerful Qi gang was slipped by Yulongyi, Xiao Qiyue clasped his fists calmly and said, "I am Xiao Qiyue, a native of Tianyang County."

Immediately, Zhang Yingying breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the next moment!
"How old is it?" Uncle Ying narrowed his eyes and took another step forward.

A foot into the mud, the turbulent air waves rolled up the dead branches and fallen leaves, forming a leaf ball the size of a foot, and smashed towards it.

"Ten...six...years old." Xiao Qiyue quickly spun around on the spot, and returned to the original point after the frontal impact flashed by the air waves.

However, I still felt tightness in my chest and almost vomited.

This guy is too strong.

It is estimated that it is comparable to Zhang Yingying's personal guard in Houye's mansion, 'Zuo Lao'.

This time, in order to confuse Zhang Yucheng, Zuo Lao didn't follow.

"Where did the teacher come from? Have you ever won an exam?" When Uncle Ying saw it, the boy was able to answer standing up. Although it was very difficult to speak, the investigation was not enough.

A palm hit the ground, and suddenly, there was a bang, and a large pile of dirt and rubble suddenly jumped up from Xiao Qiyue's two feet, and rushed towards him.

This hand of "Beat the Cow from the Mountain" is very skillful.

"Uncle Ying, you are going too far!" Zhang Yingying screamed in fright and rushed towards Xiao Qiyue. She wanted to use her body as a shield to force Uncle Ying to retreat.

However, Xiao Qiyue discovered that Uncle Ying had no intention of withdrawing his palm.

Clay figurines also have three points of energy!
'The universe is gone! At the same time as the eight Heavenly Demon Blades popped out instantly, Xiao Qiyue threw Zhang Yingying out with a "wave behind the river pushes the wave forward".

The sword palace took shape in an instant, and he threw it at Yingbo.

Uncle Ying never expected that this kid would ignore the attack of gravel and mud, and use a desperate fighting style.


Xiao Qiyue was spinning in the air and was thrown out by the flying stones.

However, Uncle Ying also capsized in the gutter, and hastily withdrew his palms and slashed towards the Sword Palace.

With a bang, the sword palace was directly smashed to pieces by Zhang Gang.

However, the soil was also scattered on Uncle Ying's head and body, making him miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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