God catch

Chapter 204: Divine Bird Inheritance

Chapter 204: Divine Bird Inheritance
You know, although the fire snake is only made of blood mist, it also has a hint of spirituality, and its heat is terrifying, and it is the nemesis of ghosts like ghosts.

Otherwise, Lei Ha wouldn't be so frightened.

Of course, Lei Ha also had small thoughts and wanted to escape when he took the opportunity.

Lei Ha let out a scream, it turned out that a spark flew out and exploded him.

Immediately, a hole burst in Hun'er's belly, no wonder it didn't hurt.

"Leiha, you can say hello if you want to leave.

How about, this young master opens the iron gate to let you go outside to the world of flamboyance?
Even, wandering around in Nuanyu Wenxiang Building? "Xiao Qiyue didn't even look at him, and drank half of the dragon's blood in one gulp, and said in a strange way.

At that time, Lei Ranzhi, the third-grade spiritual pharmacist, exchanged his life-saving grace for about ten catties from the Valley of Beasts. He used more than half of it that day, and there was still a lot left.

It has to be said that Lei Ranzhi had a deadlock with Xiao Qiyue because of Liu Danyi's relationship.

However, this person is still admirable, and the remaining half dragon blood insisted on not taking it back.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be cheap for Xiao Qiyue.

It was a king cobra of a different species that was about to turn into an earth jellyfish and had been practicing for 300 years.

"Don't dare, Leiha, how dare I? It's better for me to follow you. Mr. Xiao, why don't you let me go back to that temple quickly?" Leiha bowed and begged.

"Go back to that comfortable nest, no wind or rain will keep you alive. No, no, no, starting today, I will drag you out to enjoy the wind, rain, thunder and lightning of nature at any time." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

Lei Ha immediately babbled, and said harshly, "Xiao Qiyue, if you want to kill you, kill me quickly.

I know, you have that copper coin, you can kill ghosts.

I, Lei Ha, don't want to be reincarnated in this life, I just want to really die! "

"Aren't you dead?" Xiao Qiyue glanced at him,
"I'm not dead yet, I want to die completely." Lei Ha quickly shook his head.

Just now, of course, Xiao Qiyue used his Luobao copper coins to fuck Leiha.

The entire secret room is within the range of Luobao copper coins, and ordinary souls cannot escape.

Otherwise, how could Xiao Qiyue release Lei Ha so easily.

"That's not easy, you just need to tell about the assassination of the master Chu Zijiang's family." Xiao Qiyue said like a good friend talking.

Speaking of this, Xiao Qiyue was quite distressed.

Even if you have Tan Zhenren's 'Luobao Copper Coin', even your own mysterious ball can swallow and digest the soul.

However, after devouring it, it will be gone, and Hun'er's memory cannot be extracted.

The "soul-searching Dafa" written in the novel, stripping the soul and withdrawing the thoughts, swallowing the ghost can get its memory, etc. are purely fictitious.

There may be such a great law in this world, but it has not been encountered so far.

Otherwise, just refine Leiha's soul and extract the memory directly, why bother to force this kid so painstakingly.

"You should just kill me." As soon as this matter was mentioned, Lei Ha immediately became vigilant.

What he poses is the appearance of a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

Boom boom boom!
Xiao Qiyue was so angry that he just drank half of the dragon's blood and had enough energy and blood. He punched more than a dozen punches in one breath, making Leiha terrified, his body twisted, and he was completely out of shape.

I have been beaten and disabled several times, my soul is in a shambles, and I will disappear completely soon.

However, Lei Ha gritted his teeth and persisted, unexpectedly not saying a word.

Xiao Qiyue is really helpless when encountering this kind of special 'will'.

"I don't understand. Is it so scary when you say it? You are dead, why are you protecting them? What did they do for you?" Xiao Qiyue asked, and hit Tianhuo Fengding again with one finger mouth on the top.

It was louder this time, but there was still no movement.

It seems that he still has insufficient blood.

Xiao Qiyue was about to finish his work when the flying centipede flew in from the outside, screamed and rushed to the top of the secret room.

Then, head to foot, the body shrunk into a pole shape, the wings flapped back violently, and rushed outwards with a strong rebound force.

The little guy bumped into the lips of a firebird on the outer wall of the 'Tianhuofengding'.

"What are you doing, playing suicide?" Xiao Qiyue was a little dizzy.

At this time, the Firebird on the wall actually started to light up, and a red star the size of a grain of rice spat out from the Firebird's mouth and began to roll on the tripod wall.

There is a door!

This is a phenomenon triggered by the Heavenly Fire Phoenix Cauldron.

Xiao Qiyue got angry and slammed into the mouth of the beast again with her finger.

There was a bang, and a little spark was spit out from the beast's mouth, and the spark rolled.

Soon, it merged with the sparks in the bird's beak to form a small fire ball the size of a soybean rolling on the whole tripod.

Soon, the cauldron seemed to be burnt red.

Expanding with heat and contracting with cold, the phoenix cauldron began to expand.

While Lei Ha was dumbfounded, the toy tripod swelled to a size of one meter before stopping.

Xiao Qiyue knew that Tianhuo Fengding had activated about [-]% of its power.

He immediately lifted the lid of the furnace.

It's like opening Pandora's box.

A group of golden flames rushed out, swallowing Xiao Qiyue all at once.

The temperature in the room rose suddenly for several generations, and Leiha was so frightened that he quickly dodged to the most remote corner and lay down on his stomach, not daring to move.

Soon, a stern smile appeared on his face.

"Die boy, it's better to be incinerated by fire."


The flying centipede screamed, Xiao Qiyue opened his mouth in a daze, and the little guy jumped into his heart.

Suddenly, a chill spread from the heart.

It's like drinking a glass of iced sour plum soup in the hot summer.

Xiao Qiyue felt better, and hurriedly refined the 'Inheritance Bird Fire' according to the Drow Chess method.

In Drow's memory, the firebird seemed to be a blue sparrow.

Drow chess called it 'Huoli Sparrow'.

However, the refining speed is far behind the process of scorching skin and flesh.

Xiao Qiyue's whole body was burned, as if a piece of red-hot chrome was branded inside and outside her body at any time, that kind of pain was simply unbearable.

Amidst the roars, Leiha could only pray to God to let this demon be burned to death earlier.

Because, Lei Ha also thought about jumping directly at Yin Qi.

However, this guy is like a big furnace now, how dare he get close?
Do not enter the stranger, you will die if you get close!
Moreover, gradually, the fire spread to the entire underground chamber.

Lei Ha struggled, screamed, and begged God in horror to bless him from being burnt out of his wits.

"Xiao Qiyue, wake up quickly, wake up, hold on, save me quickly..." Lei Ha only wanted Xiao Qiyue to wake up at this moment, and he had been cursing him to death just now.

I don't know how long it took, anyway, Lei Ha felt that he had been suffering for 1 years.

His body was as thin as a wisp of smoke, which could be blown away by a gust of wind at any time.

The flames were finally extinguished, and puffs of green smoke filled the entire underground chamber.

Lei Ha found that Xiao Qiyue had an extremely thin layer of shiny substance on her body.

The guy went over very curiously, reached out his hand to touch it, and immediately gave Bing De a flash.

"It's so cold!" Reha cried out tremblingly.

(End of this chapter)

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