God catch

Chapter 220

Chapter 220
"It is being repaired, but the master said that there is still one main material missing, called 'Guiyuan Stone'.

This stone has very strong flexibility, if it is missing, the Yulongyi will not work even after repair.

Wearing it on the body is like wearing an iron armor, not to mention clumsy, and it loses its stretchability.

Hard and uncomfortable, half of the defense ability will be lost.

The ability to avoid water in rolling water and paddling is also [-]% to [-]% worse. "Luo Chao replied respectfully.

"Since Master Bu asked you to come and find me, it must be hard to find the 'Guiyuan Stone'?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"That's right! We've searched the entire Haishakou and it's not there, and we even summoned the weapons shop in the provincial capital to say there's none.

However, after searching later, we found that the 'Guiyuan Stone' was among the auction items in Yipinxuan at night.

Originally, I thought it would be fine to just take pictures internally, but Yipinxuan refused this time.

If we openly participate in the auction, we are afraid that there will be more competitors, and we may not be able to win it with our ability.

After all, there are many strong players among the bidders.

So, Master and Father asked me to come and say hello to you, Young Master Xiao, to see if I can use your special power.

For example, borrow the power of the City Lord's Mansion.

For example, Mr. Xiao, your extensive network of contacts and so on. "Luo Chao said.

"The auction participants are so powerful that even Bu Yaoshi and Qi Ye are a little afraid to join forces. Who are they, do you know?" Xiao Qiyue was also a little surprised.

Haishakou is only half a level higher than Hai'an City, and the scale is actually about the same.

That is only half of the pattern mentioned because of its military fortress status.

How could there be someone who even Seventh Master feared?
A small auction, could it be that there are strong people from the Mortal Realm coming?
In this way, is it possible that those guys will also participate in the underwater treasure hunt at the mouth of the Red River?

In this way, once Miqiutu's affairs were exposed, it would be basically impossible for him to get rid of it.

"The three major families of Haishakou will definitely participate, as well as some masters and leaders in Yuzhou. There may also be some thieves with unknown origins, and lone rangers. It is said that there have already appeared strong people in the extreme realm." Luo Luo Chao said.

"Borrowing the power of the City Lord's Mansion..." Xiao Qiyue murmured, thinking that he had no friendship with the City Lord Luo Zhaotong, and now he didn't even know who he was, so how could he agree.

Unless there are great benefits, but the biggest treasure I can get now is the Miqiu ruler, which is impossible to get out.

And this tiger charm space box, it is impossible to give it to him.

When he was thinking about it, the manager of Qisheng Hall 'Liu Shichun' came down in a hurry and said, "Young Master Xiao, Director Guo is here again."

"What is he doing here?" Xiao Qiyue raised her eyebrows, a little annoyed.

"I don't know, I'm chatting with Qi Ye. Qi Ye said that you are retreating to adjust your breath, and Manager Guo said that you can wait. It seems that there is something wrong. Otherwise, you will leave early." Liu Manager replied.

"No one with you?" Luo Chao asked.

"I brought a few servants, nothing else." Manager Liu responded.

"Shouldn't be here to fight." Luo Chao said from the side.

Xiao Qiyue hurried to the hall.

"Zhennan has met the guard." As soon as he saw Xiao Qiyue, Guo Zhennan immediately stood up and greeted him.

He bowed slightly, looking very polite on his face.

A glance at his "popularity" on the head, the outside and the inside are the same, not pretending.

This guy is suddenly so polite, could it be that he has something to ask of himself?

If Mr. Guo became like this because of his status as a guard, it seems that even a sixth-class guard doesn't have that much magical power.

Although Guo Zhennan, the general manager, has no rank, his master Luo Zhaotong is a fourth-rank official, Flying Leopard General, and second-class earl.

Moreover, the most important thing is that he is the local emperor of Haishakou.

"Boss Guo is being polite." Xiao Qiyue arched her hands and said.

"I heard that guard Xiao passed by Haishakou, and the city lord said that the guard came from a long way, so he must do his best to invite the guard to sit at the mansion." Guo Zhennan said.

I just couldn't find a reason to visit, and when I fell asleep, someone gave me a pillow, just right.

"City Lord Luo is polite. Xiao passed by Haishakou on business, so he should visit the general." Xiao Qiyue cupped her hands.

"Our City Lord's Mansion has been built for more than 200 years. In order to prevent pirates, the defense and residence were integrated to make this fortress. It has gone through more than 200 years of wind and rain, but because it is built of stone, it is not afraid of wind and rain. Tsunami." Along the way, Manager Guo acted as a temporary guide.

"This is the special feature of the city of military fortresses." Xiao Qiyue smiled, and when he arrived at the main building of the City Lord's Mansion, he found that it was a huge stone bunker.

Luo Zhaotong had already brought several subordinates to greet him in front of the hall gate.

This person had a thin face, a height of about 1.9 meters, and bronze-colored muscles swelled up in lumps. Xiao Qiyue could feel that it must be full of explosive energy.

This person may be a martial artist whose main cultivation method is physical training.

All warriors who mainly train their bodies have particularly well-developed muscles.

What's more, some warriors can even train their bodies to become strong and brawny, and ordinary spiritual soldiers can't hurt them.

They have a super destructive ability with every punch and kick, and they have the power to sweep away thousands of troops in battle.

There are two thick fingers on his head, which appear to be vigorous and powerful, twisting like the roots of an old tree and standing upright towards the sky.

His strength directly reaches the 'innate superior state', and there is a faint majesty of a tiger and leopard in his breath, he is indeed worthy of the title of 'Flying Leopard General'.

"Guard Xiao is frighteningly young." Luo Zhaotong smiled as a greeting.

"Hehe, the city lord's body is the favorite of beauties." Xiao Qiyue joked.

"Beauty loves heroes. Luo can only catch small thieves and pirates here, not a hero." Luo Zhaotong smiled, stretched his hand in, and said, "Guard Xiao, please!"

"General, please!" Xiao Qiyue said politely, but she didn't dare to offside.

"Okay, let's go together." Luo Zhaotong grabbed Xiao Qiyue's hands and walked in side by side.

Xiao Qiyue was stunned, isn't she too intimate?

How can I, Xiao Qiyue, be treated so courteously by a fourth rank general?

However, in an instant, a strong force came, and Luo Zhaotong's five fingers suddenly bent and contracted, pinching like iron clips.

Want to test me?
Xiao Qiyue felt it was funny, this Flying Leopard General was quite competitive.

However, guessing that on the surface, he only had the strength of the upper Xuangang, Luo Zhaotong didn't dare to use all his strength, and only used three parts of his strength.

It must be to make myself 'pain' a bit, to give a blow.

Don't think that you're just a bodyguard following the prince, this is my territory.

"Hehehe, the general's hall is very distinctive." Xiao Qiyue walked with a smile without changing his face, letting Luo Zhaotong exert his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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