God catch

Chapter 229

Chapter 229
Throwing it into the air, the thing actually floated in the air like a kite and flew for a long distance.

Xiao Qiyue suddenly thought of the scene when he was chased by that weird thing in Kang's tomb, and that thing turned into wings and slid with the wind.

Then try it out, so I tore the glue into a pair of paragliders, put it on myself and jumped forward.

The body lightened unexpectedly, and suddenly, he floated up, and kicked his feet hard on the ground.

A bounce jumped a few feet into the air and kicked forward, Shi Nianjiao actually took him to slide a distance of [-] meters in one step.

Xiao Qiyue suddenly became excited. In his previous life, he had also received special training in this area in order to perform tasks in the dragon group.

It can be said without bragging that he is an out-and-out paraglider master.

come again...

Under the ever-changing spirit, Xiao Qiyue forced out the qi through her legs, thinking of the principle of a jet plane, her feet are the vortex nozzles, and in this way, she made progress again, and she actually glides 300 meters in one step.

Then, kicking her legs continuously, Xiao Qiyue achieved a distance of one or two miles in one breath.

However, due to the limitation of jumping ability, it can no longer be improved.

It is certain that if the jumping height increases, the gliding distance will definitely be farther.

Even, if he can break through the Transcendence Realm, it won't be a problem to slide a few miles.

That is really a fight with Yufeng Flying.

You must know that among the warriors in this world, those who can truly fly the imperial object are the few top experts.

It is said that at least one has to reach the realm of the real baby. Although the Yuandan realm can also control objects and fly with the wind, the flying distance is not far, only a few miles.

To be precise, it can only be regarded as gliding, which is similar to the principle of a glider.

It's just that a strong person at this level has enough true energy, and can let the true energy blend into the air and slide.

In this way, Xiao Qiyue spent the whole afternoon tossing about the corpse glue.

It can be regarded as a preliminary introduction, but the size of this corpse glue is too small, and if it is pulled too much, it will not be able to reach it. After all, it cannot become thinner and larger without limit, which is still not satisfactory.

Seeing that it was almost dusk, Xiao Qiyue put away the 'Corpse Nian Glue' and returned to Qishengtang.

After washing up, he had dinner, and then went straight to Yipinxuan accompanied by Qiye and his group.

The lobby of Yipinxuan is in the shape of a semi-arc, and there is a stage-like auction table in front of it.

Below, there are only wooden chairs covered with animal skins, surrounded by square tables, which are like the decoration of a restaurant lobby. When I entered, I found that it was already full of people.

However, Qiye had reserved a table by the window first.

While participating in the auction, you can also enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Red River outside, and taste wine and food casually.

However, when Xiao Qiyue and his party walked to the table he reserved, Qi Ye's expression changed, and he glanced at the butler Liu Shichun.

The butler suddenly sweated profusely, and hurried to the counter behind to ask what's going on?

Because, the best seat I booked has already been given to others.

At this moment, sitting on the seat in front of the carved square table was a young man with skin as white as jade, a hero scarf on his head, plain white cloth clothes, and a pair of thick-soled black cloth shoes.

But sitting on the side is an ordinary old man wearing a plain blue cloth robe and ordinary eyes.

What a handsome young man!
It was the first time that Xiao Qiyue praised a young man. Although the young man was dressed in common clothes, it was hard to hide his handsome appearance.

If you put on lipstick, put on rouge, change into female makeup, and put on a princess hairstyle, you will probably fascinate a lot of boys and buddies.

Could it be that women disguised themselves as men?

Or shemales?

Xiao Qiyue always felt that this person had a hint of femininity, so she let go of her causal eyes, and couldn't help being a little surprised that she couldn't see through.

If this person is an ordinary person, I can definitely see through it at a glance.

If you can't see through, it means that this person has the super baby's ability to see through the causal eye.

And this person is dressed so ordinary, like an ordinary person.

It must have been done on purpose, it must be the young master from a big family who wants to experience the world in a low-key manner.

"Where did you two come from? How dare you occupy Master's table?" Seventh Master became furious, and stepped forward to pat the table.

This slap almost frightened Xiao Qiyue's heart, so he quickly grabbed Qiye and said, "Qiye, forget it, let's change the table."

Because, Xiao Qiyue discovered that the plain old man sitting beside him was an out-and-out master.

The "popularity" on the head becomes a flower, and the flower looks like a water leopard as a whole, with many leopard-like patterns on it, this is a "human flower" who has become a strong person in the mortal realm, and is on the same level as Lianbai of.

"What are you afraid of? This is Haishakou, and I, Luo Qingtian, still have some weight in my speech." Qi Ye shook his head with a fierce look on his face.

I feel that I am losing face. I originally booked a Fengshui throne to entertain Xiao Qiyue, a distinguished guest. How could such a mess happen?

"Seventh... Seventh Master, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. This young master just likes this seat, and he doesn't listen to advice at all. This young master, this seat is indeed ordered by Seventh Master, can you discuss it carefully?" Yipin Du Luo, Xuan San's treasurer, was almost frightened, and his forehead was full of sweat, so he hurried over to smooth things over.

"What about the seventh master and the eighth master, uncle, it's really annoying to give him a piece of gold and tell them to go away quickly." The boy in plain white clothes frowned, he didn't take the vicious Qi master seriously at all.

Hearing this, the old man in Tsing Yi didn't say anything, slipped out a twelve tael gold ingot from his sleeve and put it on the table, gave Qi Ye a cold look, and said, "Take it, get out of here."

"Hahaha, did you see that there are actually people showing off their wealth to me at Haishakou, and sending Seventh Lord me with gold." Upon hearing this, Seventh Master burst out laughing angrily.

"Not enough, is it? Another ingot." Mr. Su Bai responded.

There was another 'bang' sound, and another golden ingot appeared on the table.

Immediately, all the noisy bidders in the lobby quieted down and looked at the table with their eyes.

"Go to your mother..." Qi Ye became furious, and slapped the gold ingot on the table with a slap.

However, Xiao Qiyue at the side quickly stretched out his hand to support him, and dragged him to the side forcibly, whispering, "That old man is not simple!"

"What are you afraid of? This is Qiye's territory." Qiye will quit.

"The Transcendence Realm..." Xiao Qiyue muttered.

"Ah...I...uh..." Qi Ye was dumbfounded for a moment, his face changed three times, and it was very embarrassing to be there for a while.

How can he provoke such a strong guy?If you want to die, you have to find the right place.

"Hehehe, you are guests from afar, and Qi Ye is a landlord. The ancients said that it is a joy to have friends come from afar. I will leave this table to you." Xiao Qiyue said haha, and looked at the third shopkeeper Du Luo Glaring, he said, "Hurry up and arrange a table."

(End of this chapter)

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