God catch

Chapter 245 The Water Goddess

Chapter 245 The Water Goddess
"Of course, you think, if you are a foreigner and it's your first time in Haishakou, do you want to inquire about various information.

And you are here to participate in the Monster Killing League, so naturally you need to find out more information, only in this way can your life be guaranteed. .

And to inquire about the news, of course one has to find a well-informed person in this area.

And I'll ask you, but you don't want to ask, who doesn't know about Haishakou?
And you don't know me, it shows that you are ignorant, and you don't have much money or influence.

Because if you have money, you can go to 'One Eye Knowing Paradise' to buy news, right?
So, you can't get any useful news.

At that time, he joined the Monster Killing League in a daze, and he didn't know how he died.

You said, is it wrong for me to say that you are not doing well? "Bao inquired clearly and logically, and his mouth was full of foam. While talking, oil came out of his mouth, and he sprayed Xiao Qiyue all over his body.

However, this guy really has some truths to say.

"You're wrong about this. If I'm ignorant, if I'm not doing well? How can I have the Cloud Order?" Xiao Qiyue smiled, and took out the silk scarf in his pocket to wipe the oil stains on his body.

"It can only be said that you have spent all your wealth in exchange for it. Are you clinking poor now?" Bao asked disdainfully and shook his head.

"Forget it, I won't chat with you anymore. I want to ask, is the 'Yunwu Tea Man' here?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"Boss, of course I have to show off, and I'm finally on the stage. Otherwise, how can I show my status." Bao asked and snorted.

"Do you know the details of the Yunwu tea man? I'm from another place, and I'm still at a loss. You're right. I don't know why I lost my life unless I asked about it." Xiao Qiyue asked .

"Of course I know." Bao inquired nodded, looked at Xiao Qiyue with a look on his face, and then didn't say anything.

"A little thing." Xiao Qiyue took out a silver ticket from his sleeve and tapped it on the table.

"Forget it, since you're doing so badly, I'll let you down, and I'll let you know if you can drink a few jugs of wine." Bao asked without looking at it, and stretched out his greasy hand to grab the banknote.

However, the next moment, the expressions of that group were very funny.

His mouth was wide open, and he suddenly looked frightened as if he had seen a ghost.

Because, the bank note couldn't be grabbed, it was stuck firmly on the wooden table.

Bao Wenwen wiped his eyes and found that the banknote had not been slapped into the wooden table with his palm.

Otherwise, the board will definitely sink.

But the bank note was not patted into the wooden table, and it was stuck so tightly that it couldn't be picked off.

The key is this point that surprised Bao inquiring.

Moreover, it was still a silver note of 1 taels.

Such a lavish shot, such a weird skill, completely overturned Bao Diao's previous cognition of looking at people's faces.

"You answer my question first, and the money will naturally be yours." Xiao Qiyue smiled.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you're satisfied, otherwise, I wouldn't dare to ask for the banknote." Bao Inquired hurriedly nodded, and said, "This 'Yunwu Tea Man' has a very mysterious background. In fact, only I know. He came from the sea. here."

"Come from the sea?" Xiao Qiyue's heart skipped a beat, as if she was getting closer to the truth.

"You think too much, thinking that there really are mountain spirits and water monsters.

I mean he used to be a fisherman, and he got dragged overboard once while fishing, and he was gone for days and nights.

Just when the fishermen who were with him thought he must not even find the body, he came back again. "Bao inquired about this point and deliberately stopped for a while.

"How does he explain these days and nights?" Xiao Qiyue asked curiously.

"It is said that it was a dream, and it was saved by the goddess of water." Bao asked.

"Who would believe this?" Xiao Qiyue shook her head and threw a peanut into her mouth.

"Yeah, I don't believe it.

However, the fishermen are convinced.

Because, they believe that there is a water god in the water.

For example, fishermen at sea have to sacrifice to the sea god Mazu when they go out to sea, and what's even more ingenious.

Yunwu tea man, no, he was not called Yunwu tea man at that time, he should be called 'Tian Niu'er'. It is said that in the dream, the goddess of water gave him the good fishing skills.

Since then, relying on this craft only one year to make a fortune.

When he had money, he went ashore. From selling fish to making a lot of money, he built this magnificent sea drunk house.

In the end, I made many friends and became the famous "Little Mengchang" in Haishakou City. "

"It must have been decades since he was rescued by the Goddess of Water?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"Of course, it's been 40 years. He was only seventeen or eighteen years old at the time. I heard that his sixtieth birthday will be celebrated in two years." Bao inquired and nodded.

"Then his water skills must be very high, otherwise, so many heroes in the world would listen to him." Xiao Qiyue asked deliberately.

"There is no need to say water skills, I used to be a fisherman, so I have practiced water skills well.

That is, I didn't have to come up after being held underwater for two hours.Then it got even worse. It is said that once a big buyer came and needed ten black-spotted carps.

He lurked in the water for a day and a night, and got ten black-spotted carp.

Some people laughed at him, saying that he was about to become a fish spirit.

He also proudly said that he was the reincarnation of the fish spirit, possessed by the goddess of water.

Just because of his watery nature, all the quacks who want to kill monsters have to listen to him.

As for his specific strength, I don't know how powerful he is.

Because, I have never seen him compare with anyone. Bao inquired and smacked his lips.

"Hello everyone..." At this moment, a bright voice came.

"Here we come! That guy with a lion-skin hero hat and a body as strong as a buffalo is him. Otherwise, he wouldn't be called 'Heavenly Bull' when he was young." Bao asked and snarled behind the rockery on the east side. Mouth.

Xiao Qiyue took a look and found a middle-aged man with a height of 1.9 meters, a thick back, a hero hat made of pure lion skin, lion fur boots, and two lion paws on the back of his waist. The man came over.

With the lion on the...

Xiao Qiyue was a little speechless, and she was not afraid of the heat in such a hot day.

However, Xiao Qiyue understood after glancing at it with his causal eyes.

Dare to feel that this full-body lion suit is actually armed to the teeth.

The gloves made of lion paws must be this person's weapon, and the lion fur boots must have a special role in attacking.

As for the lion head hat on the head, it must have something to do with underwater kung fu.

Moreover, these full sets of equipment contain more spirituality, and must be made of the fur of a lion that has reached the level of a spirit beast.

At this time, Xiao Qiyue found that the blood jade lion in his sleeve moved again, and the blood-red line of cause and effect plunged into the whole body suit of the Yunwu tea man.

Are they the same kind?
So it resonated.

And the "Water God Empress" mentioned by the Yunwu Tea Man may have raised a group of lions, and these lions are all spirit beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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