God catch

Chapter 251

Chapter 251
When the icy mist was flying, Feng Qi had a hard time adapting.

In a panic, the silver blade turned and cut towards Xiao Qiyue's head.

And in order to stimulate Gangmang, Feng Qi's popularity 'You Tan Zhi Hua' rises up.

When Xiao Qiyue saw it, she suddenly rubbed her feet together, and jumped up abruptly, and the black and white lines flew up on her head, immediately wrapped Youtanhua dozens of times.

I don't know if it's worth it or not, this is basically an instinctive action of Xiao Qiyue's haste.

He just wanted to drag Feng Qi's popular You Epiphyllum into the Karma Academy.

Then, the small silver knife in Feng Qi's hand shook violently, and slashed to the side.

Xiao Qiyue understood that her entanglement with You Epiphyllum actually shook Feng Qi's attack, causing the little silver knife to deviate from the direction.

This is something that should never happen to a master. If you are fighting against a master, this small deviation may kill you.

It can be seen how terrible it is to be attacked by people?
Seeing Feng Qi shaking down and then raising the small silver knife again, she can't be allowed to make a second knife.

Xiao Qiyue suddenly stretched out her hand to the self-Buddha statue in the Palace of Karma, and the Eight Diagrams Seal hit the 'You Epiphyllum'.

The flower of popularity jumped, but was entangled and pulled back by Xiao Qiyue's black and white popularity thread.

But Feng Qi was so shaken that his whole body trembled, the silver knife almost fell off, and he opened his mouth wide in pain.


Xiao Qiyue yelled, and the Buddha's palm grabbed You Epiphyllum firmly, and lifted it up like pulling a carrot.

And the black and white popularity line also exerted force, and under the joint efforts of the three parties, Feng Qi's whole body became frantic.

A dark green blade popped out of his body and slashed towards Xiao Qiyue.

The knife that appeared this time was definitely the real thing. Just as it flew out of Feng Fei's body, it caused turmoil in the world, and a terrifying murderous aura swirled towards the wind and waves.

"Get up!" Xiao Qiyue hoarsely said, ignoring the arrival of the dark green knife at all, and fought with all her strength.

At this time, the self-image of the Demon Lord in the Karma Academy suddenly opened his eyes, and when he stretched out his hand, a palm of demonic energy pressed on You Epiphyllum and shook it.

The demonic energy around You Epiphyllum was immediately crushed and disintegrated by the demonic energy in the self-image, while the flower of popularity lost a large amount of demonic natal energy to protect it, and finally shook and was pulled away from the top of the head.

Porf... Chi...

Feng Qi, who was manipulating the Moyu knife to kill him, suddenly opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and the Moyu knife was retracted and twisted outward.

Suddenly, a wave of water broke through, and the person was thrown into the water like a fish and disappeared.

"Miss...you..." Hong Lingluo was shocked when she found Feng Qi with a mouth full of blood.

"Quickly carry me away." Feng Qi snorted and sank into the water.

When Hong Lingluo saw it, she hurriedly jumped on the man on her back and ran away.

At the same time, Xiao Qiyue was also at the end of her battle, but she still didn't forget to drag the 'You Epiphyllum' into the Karma Hall in Yintang Point when she fainted.

But this time it was Mozun's self-portrait who made the move. He grabbed the epiphyllum euphyllum and put it in his mouth, and ate it like cauliflower.

Feng Qi, who was behind Hong Lingluo, suddenly let out a terrifying scream, struggling and hit the ground, and immediately, Qiqiao bleeds.

"Miss, miss, little..." Hong Lingluo was almost frightened to death, quickly took out a panacea and fed it, then pulled out a square jade box from Feng Qi's body, opened it, and opened the seal, there was a golden medicine inside ball.

"Miss, servant girl, I have no choice but to take this life-saving golden pill for you. Otherwise, servant girl doesn't know how to save you." Hong Lingluo said to herself, and stuffed the golden pill into Feng Qi's mouth.

Soon, streaks of golden true energy enveloped Feng Qi's whole body.

The next moment, a huge golden eagle honked and flew down in a circle.

The golden eagle was actually very sensible, and after landing, it stood not far from Feng Qi as if it wanted to protect the Dharma.

"Oh...don't cry, I won't die. Take me to the capital of Tiandu to meet someone." Feng Qi struggled to open her eyes.

"Miss, let's go home quickly. Only the master can save you, you are too serious." Hong Lingluo cried and begged.

"Come on...it's too late, go to the provincial capital of Tiandu, as long as that one is willing to make a move, let's go." Feng Qi shook her head.

Hong Lingluo didn't dare to ask any more questions, so she quickly picked up Feng Qi and climbed onto the golden eagle, flying across the air.

Although there were many questions in his heart, but seeing Feng Qi closed his eyes so weak, Hong Lingluo didn't dare to ask more questions, and concentrated on directing the golden eagle to go on the way.

The next afternoon.

"News came from Qishengtang, saying that guard Xiao didn't return to his side." Manager Guo was reporting the situation to the city lord Luo Zhaotong and Mo Yunya with a worried face at the moment.

"Could it be that kid ran away cowardly?" Mo Yunya sneered as he stroked his beard under his chin.

"It's possible, the water is extremely dangerous. Even the little prince is missing, so it's no wonder that the surname Xiao is not afraid." Mo Yunya's nephew, Mr. Chu, looked disdainful.

"That's impossible. You know, the consequence of doing this is to ransack the family. It's impossible for Xiao Qiyue to do such an idiotic thing. After all, Tianyang Xiao's family cannot escape. What's more, he is still looking for his father and brothers. " Luo Zhaotong shook his head.

"There are many people in this world who are greedy for life and afraid of death. How can they control their clansmen for the sake of their own survival?" Young Master Chu snorted.

As soon as the words were finished, a carrier pigeon landed in Mr. Guo's hands. He took out a note and looked at it, and said, "I found out, a big event happened in Haizuiju last night..."

"The man who was hunted down was very short and old, so he couldn't be Xiao Qiyue." Mr. Chu shook his head.

"Yeah." Luo Zhaotong also nodded.

"It's possible to change your face to make you look old, but you can't use the disguise technique to change your stature.

Moreover, that person's characteristics basically have no similarities with Xiao Qiyue, definitely not.

However, after breaking up with me yesterday, Xiao Qiyue said that he would definitely go to Haizuiju, and also brought a cloud token from Master Buqiong.

From this point of view, there are two possibilities.First, he did go, but after he changed his face, he was mixed in the crowd and no one noticed him.

Second, he didn't go. "General Manager Guo speculated.

"He can't go missing if he goes or not. There is a problem with missing. We have to be fully prepared. It will be very troublesome if the little prince is leaked." Mr. Chu said.

"General Luo, immediately confess to Xiao Qiyue in secret. The whole city will search for Xiao Qiyue. Moreover, the scope of the search will extend to the surrounding area of ​​Haishakou City. Once he is found fleeing, he will be shot!" Mo Yunya's face was stinky.

"Hehe, everyone, it's only been a day and a night since we parted, yet you miss Xiao so much?" A bright laugh suddenly came from outside the door.

"It's Guard Xiao!" Director Guo excitedly walked to the door and found Xiao Qiyue standing beside the stone bench outside the door with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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