God catch

Chapter 297

Chapter 297

As for Mo Yunya, he didn't even chase after him, he just rushed forward to block Chu Mochou.

However, Zhang Qianli did not expect it either.

Just after rushing to 500 meters away, a dazzling scale flashed in front of my eyes, as if I had suddenly fallen into the South Pole under the scorching sun.

This is the most powerful form of Xiao Qiyue's "Subduing Demons and Fighting Pigs with Undead Stick Technique", and it is called "Shuiguang shimmering and clear sky is good"

This move can roll a large area of ​​river water to form a water attack, and instantly freeze the thrown pieces of river water into ice balls. The sharpness and power of ice balls are of course several times that of water beads.

Of course, there is no river in the City Lord's Mansion.

However, Xiao Qiyue's causal eyes have seen everything clearly, and she has been staring at Zhang Qianli for a long time.

Therefore, as soon as Zhang Qianli made a move, Xiao Qiyue's soles of his feet had already jumped into the air.

What's more, after Zhang Qianli came out, Xiao Qiyue had already slid into the air 400 meters into the air with his corpse glue.

There happened to be a rockery in that place, and there was a pool under the rockery. Xiao Qiyue immediately supported her palms, forming a vortex, and dragged the water in the pool into the air.

At this time, Zhang Qianli just rushed over, and that was just right, the water turned into ice, and there was a 'clear sky'.

The ice was shining brilliantly under the sun, and the soldiers under the city lord's mansion were all dumbfounded, it was so beautiful.

In a hurry, Zhang Qianli broke through the ice with a 'sword swinging the sky', because it would take time to turn or dodge.

The flower of my own destiny in the back has been almost shattered by Du Gongfeng, who is much stronger than me, and I don't think it will take long to catch up with me.

The ice balls were broken, but a stunning shot was ahead!

Xiao Qiyue's 'Green Dragon Paying the Moon Spear' came head-on.

He collided with the sword fiercely. However, although Zhang Qianli lost a flower of his life, he still had at least half the strength of the flower level of the earth, and he rolled through the sky to kill Xiao Qiyue.

At the last moment, Xiao Qiyue activated the trump card on the spear.

The bullets from the spirit soldiers flew out from the spear, and seeing that Xiao Qiyue was about to disembowel herself, Zhang Qianli never expected that a projectile could be ejected from the spear.

Although he blocked it with his palm hastily, the small object was too terrifying, it actually pierced his palm, broke through his armor, and passed through his body in the end.

And at this moment, Xiao Qiyue grabbed the palm of the Buddha forward, grabbing Zhang Qianli's broken natal flower and taking it back to the Karma Hall.

blah blah blah!

Zhang Qianli, who had lost two of his natal flowers, looked like a tiger whose teeth had been pulled out. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell from the sky.

However, the mighty Yu Gang beat Xiao Qiyue until he roared and fell into the woods outside the City Lord's Mansion.

"Guard Xiao!" Chu Mochou was the first one to rush over.

Moreover, regardless of Sanqi 21, he quickly stuffed a golden panacea into Xiao Qiyue's mouth.

"You will kill him like this." An ordinary-looking middle-aged woman followed Chu Mochou to the side.

She was not gorgeously dressed, and Ju Chu Mochou introduced that she was hired by her family as a nurse named Mei Aoxue.

"No way, this is a life-saving golden elixir. It is said that it is made of 'dragon saliva'." Chu Mochou shook her head in confusion.

"He is extremely weak now, and that Zhang Qianli is a strong man who has already become a flower.

Just now, the full-strength blow was more than ten thousand catties, and even a small building had to be shattered.

Check first, and then use Baoxin Dan to protect the heart. It needs to be recuperated slowly, slowly.

When the time is right, you can use the 'Immortal Elixir of Immortality'.

Moreover, it depends on his physical ability to decide what grade to use.

You just swallowed a sixth-rank immortal golden elixir for him. This kind of golden elixir is usually used on people who are about to die.

That's a dead horse being treated like a living horse, to see if it can save a life.

Naturally, she was very aggressive, and she no longer treated people as if they were alive. "Mei Aoxue shook her head with a serious face.

"Golden Elixir of Immortality..."

Xiao Qiyue was also taken aback. It was recorded in the "Shen Nong Pharmacopoeia" that it is a holy product for healing in the world, and it is made of 'dragon saliva'.

In ancient times, there were dragons. To put it bluntly, they were made of dragon saliva.

But where to find the dragon now?
The dragon milk dripping from the dragon's head is called dragon saliva.Of course, the dragon head is the most essence of the entire dragon vein. Some dragon veins stretch for thousands of miles. How much essence can such a huge mountain range condense.

Naturally, it is extremely precious.

Moreover, the dragon veins are generally controlled by the royal family, and they are protected by heavy soldiers, so ordinary people have no chance to get close.

As for the sixth grade 'Golden Elixir of Immortality', as Mei Aoxue said, it is basically a gamble to save those who are about to die.

Sure enough, as soon as the golden core slid down his throat, it immediately turned into a powerful dragon's saliva and rushed to the whole body.

Xiao Qiyue felt as if she had fallen into the pool of spiritual liquid, and the spiritual liquid kept hitting her body.

The medicine was so powerful that Xiao Qiyue's face was flushed, and terrible blood spots appeared all over her body.

"Why do you have so many spots?" Chu Mochou was frightened when she saw it, and hurriedly asked Messire.

"It's troublesome, he can't bear it. I guess it won't take a thousand breaths of time for these blood spots to turn into dead spots." Mei Saixue frowned when she saw it.

"No way, did you really die from a pill?" Xiao Qiyue was startled, and the mysterious ball in the Karma Palace vibrated, releasing a trace of green energy that escaped into the meridians and wandered throughout the body.

But the impact is getting bigger and bigger, with one wave overwhelming the other.

Xiao Qiyue frantically extracted the power of the soul from the mysterious ball to strengthen her spiritual power, hoping not to be dominated by this powerful medicinal power.

"Hurry up and think of a way, I won't live if he dies." Chu Mochou was so frightened that she burst into tears, she said to Mei Aoxue.

"Alas..." Mei Aoxue sighed, picked up Xiao Qiyue, and strode away with Chu Mochou in her hands.

Of course Xiao Qiyue stared at it with causal eyes, and suddenly gasped.

This is not walking, it is almost flying.

That kick covered a distance of 200 meters. Moreover, he didn't need to breathe in the air, and he continued to stride directly. Ruoda passed the city lord's mansion in two steps.

Looking at other people, they are strolling in the yard, as if they are taking a walk, without any effort.

Could it be that this ordinary-looking middle-aged woman is also a strong person in the British realm?

It can't be done in Taiying, right?

Yuandan powerhouse?
If it is true, how is Chu Mochou's family doing?
What the hell is it that a strong person in the Yuan Dan realm is a guardian?

People glanced upwards and saw it, but it was like not seeing it.

Because, the popularity on Mei Aoxue's head is the same size as that of an ordinary person, with only one strand of hair.

If she was an ordinary person, only ghosts would believe her.

Naturally, it is impossible to see through others.

In just a few hundred breaths, Mei Aoxue had landed on the water, stepped into a cave in a cliff on the bank of the Red River, and I don't know how she found it.

"Dodge it for a while." Mei Aoxue said to Chu Mochou.

(End of this chapter)

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