God catch

Chapter 299 An Evil Smile

Chapter 299 An Evil Smile

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Such a person who is so valued by his family is actually kneeling in front of Xiao Qiyue at this moment, and kneeling face to face.

If it weren't for Mei Aoxue's ordinary appearance and ordinary figure, Chu Mochou would probably have a sour taste.

After all, in Chu Mochou's mind, Xiao Qiyue's "what's wrong" with her subconsciously, she already had a trace of affection.

Even if you don't like it, you two are not allowed to flirt in front of me, kiss*kiss*me and mine.

Xiao Qiyue suddenly became childish, he opened his eyes, and looked at Mei Aoxue's evil smile.

Here, the palm of the devil's ego in the Karma Palace suddenly stretched out and touched Mei Aoxue's head.

I don't know if Mei Aoxue felt it, but Xiao Qiyue saw that her whole body trembled again suddenly, her face was frosty, and a murderous aura spewed out.


It wouldn't be that he knew I was playing tricks on her and started killing her.

Mei Aoxue's actions startled Xiao Qiyue, she actually punched herself hard at the dantian.

Suddenly opening his mouth, Xiao Qiyue saw that the baby in the plum blossom also opened his mouth, and spewed out a mouthful of blood, forming a hair-thin blood arrow shot out from the crack in the plum blossom, hitting himself instantly. above the gate of heaven.

Xiao Qiyue only felt a bloody light hit her face, and her eyes were all red, but in the end, she didn't know anything.

"Young Master Xiao, Young Master Xiao..." I don't know how long it took before Xiao Qiyue was woken up by a hasty shout.

Opening his eyes, he saw that it was Chu Mochou calling.

Moreover, there was actually a trace of tears in my sister's eyes.

"What's the name of the ghost? I can't die." Xiao Qiyue opened her eyes and said deliberately.

"Go to hell!" Chu Mochou's face was a little 'embarrassed' for a moment, her face was flushed red, and she threw Xiao Qiyue to the ground to cover up.

"You want to murder, don't you? I just put you..." Just as Xiao Qiyue said this, Chu Mochou glared at him fiercely and said, "You still say?"

"Let's go back, they might be waiting impatiently." Mei Aoxue said suddenly, she was about to mention Chu Mochou as soon as she reached out her hand.

"I don't want you to take it." Chu Mochou hummed, then turned to Xiao Qiyue and said, "You seem to be fine, take me with you."

"It's up to you!" Mei Aoxue responded, and jumped up by herself, but the moment she stepped out of the cave, she turned her face to look at Xiao Qiyue.

Xiao Qiyue was stunned for a moment, because this time when she turned to look at her, the shape of her face suddenly changed. That face was no longer ordinary, but the face of a popular baby.

This is her true face, but why did she suddenly want to show her true face to herself?
Moreover, it was only for a moment, when she turned her face and stepped out of the hole, she returned to her original normal face.

Xiao Qiyue shook her head in her heart, she really couldn't figure out what this woman was thinking.

It's windy and rainy for a while...

However, the moment Chu Mochou was mentioned, Xiao Qiyue was startled.

Because, he found that Chu Mochou became as light as nothing at this moment.

And he actually stood lightly on the surface of the water, rising and falling with the waves, without any feeling of sinking.

What is this ghost?

Xiao Qiyue hurriedly took a look at the dantian, and saw three flowers standing proudly.

Three flowers?

Only those who have transformed into Dzogchen can condense the three flowers, the human flower, the ground flower, and the small flower.

He just ate a sixth-grade immortal golden elixir, healed Mei Aoxue, and actually stepped into the state of transformation, and reached the peak of transformation in one fell swoop.

How can this be?

After careful observation, Xiao Qiyue finally realized that he was only a "human flower realm" now.

Why are there three flowers?
That's because I have three sub-dantians in my dantian.Therefore, three flowers bloom, each representing a branch.

Of course, the combat power that three 'human flowers' can destroy is at least several times that of ordinary mortal flower realms.

After a test, the attack range of the palm of the Buddha and Demon in the Karma Palace has reached a hundred feet, and the unobstructed line of sight is 'a thousand meters at a glance'.

In less than half a year, I vibrated the Tianmen and became a small master of a generation. This kind of cultivation speed can definitely be called unprecedented and unprecedented.

How can this embarrass those old guys who have only cultivated in the psychic state for a lifetime?

"You...are you too British?" Chu Mochou widened her eyes in surprise.

After all, stepping on water in the Xiantian Realm will get your feet wet.

And the Transcendence Realm can cross the river with one reed, but it also needs to have something to step on. Only the Taiying Realm can walk on the waves.

"Do you think I look like me?" Xiao Qiyue shrugged.

"You seem to be born in the extreme state, right?" Chu Mochou said.

"That's it. I have something special on me. Don't you see me gliding?" Of course Xiao Qiyue didn't want to reveal her true strength.

"That's right, how could you be too British, like Du Gongfeng from Prince Teng's Mansion, who is over a hundred years old." Chu Mochou nodded by herself, and no longer doubted it. Turning around, she thought of something again and asked, "Just now Why did my Mei Huyuan kneel down towards you?"

"He is wholeheartedly treating me. It is more convenient to kneel down. Otherwise, I will lie down and she will stand up, so I won't be tired." Xiao Qiyue lied casually.

"Then she seems to blush occasionally?" Chu Mochou was still a little suspicious.

"Aren't you blushing? I'm a man." Xiao Qiyue smiled evilly and hummed from his nasal cavity, still sly.

When Chu Mochou heard this, she remembered that Xiao Qiyue was hiding in the ground naked just now.

When I was asking about Mei Aoxue just now, I also saw his body, and I made a big blush for a moment.

"Bah! A stinky skin, she also blushes, and her heart is not pure." Chu Mochou took a sip into the water.

"Just because you blush so that others don't blush?" Xiao Qiyue laughed.

"She's in her seventies." Chu Mochou hummed.

"You're pretty at eighty, you haven't heard of that, have you?" Xiao Qiyue smiled.


"Are you all right, Guard Xiao?" Seeing Xiao Qiyue's return, General Luo and Manager Guo hurried forward and asked with concern.

"Fortunately, fortunately, I have the golden pill of Mr. Chu and the masterful hand of Senior Mei, otherwise, you would have to burn paper money for me." Xiao Qiyue said, and found that Mei Aoxue was not there.

Looking around, there is no city lord's mansion either. I don't know where it went?
"It's fine." Mo Yunya nodded, and said, "It was so dangerous just now, I didn't expect Zhang Qianli to be a spy. It's better for Guard Xiao to see through, otherwise, we will be in danger."

"Guard Xiao, I have to thank you for cutting off the spies lurking in the palace for me. Thinking about it makes me terrified, and the consequences are disastrous. Your achievements have already been passed on to me by flying eagles." King Yuzhou sighed.

"However, until now, the little prince has not been seen. This is really quite bad." Mo Yunya said a little annoyed.

"Don't Zhang Qianli know?" Chu Mochou asked quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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