God catch

Chapter 330 I want to be your maidservant

Chapter 330 I want to be your maidservant
However, after getting in the car, Nalan Ruode asked Gong Wutong with a glance.

After all, Gong Wutong is quite embarrassed at the moment, his clothes are torn and his face is covered with scars.

"I am Gong Wutong, and Luo Yingjian is the father of the little girl. It was Mr. Xiao who found out that Gao Bo was bullying me and rescued me. Thank you two gentlemen for saving me." Gong Wutong was blessed.

"Believe me now?" Xiao Qiyue smiled.

"Since I was kidnapped by Gao Bo, they have played many tricks, all trying to trick me, please forgive me for my difficulties." Gong Wutong apologized.

"It's human nature, it doesn't matter." Xiao Qiyue waved his hand.

"Alas..." Luoyingjian, a generation of heroes, unexpectedly had his entire family destroyed. This is our Jiangdu's shame. " Nalan Ruode said angrily as he slapped the carriage on the couch.

"The court does nothing, the officials protect each other, and the bullies become their guests.

Especially those Jinyiwei, who have high salaries but do nothing, are all a bunch of dog officials.

Otherwise, the massacre of one party's murder happened in the provincial capital again. How could the provincial officials not find any clues?

I hate this world, it is the world of rich people, and the world of dignitaries.

The real chivalrous men who can stand up and fight for the people often die tragically. "Gong Wutong said angrily.

Boo Chi!

Yu Huang who was next to her laughed out loud when she heard it, and she was so beautiful that people dare not look directly at her.

Nalan Ruode on the opposite side glanced at her, then quickly turned her head away.

Because this fellow had long recognized her as Xiao Qiyue's woman, and was afraid that his gaze would desecrate her.

"Miss Gong, you scolded well." Yu Huang said with a smile on her face.

"Shouldn't you be scolding? That's the truth." Gong Wutong looked resentful.

"Hehe, brother Xiao, why are you silent after being scolded by Miss Gong?" Yu Huang asked with a smile.

"Girl, you are joking, Mr. Xiao is my savior, I am grateful and it is too late, how can I scold him? If so, I, Gong Wutong, will not be an ungrateful person?" Gong Wutong hastily denied it with a serious face.

"But you call Jin Yiwei a dog official." Yu Huang said.

"Xiao...Master Xiao is Jin Yiwei?" Gong Wutong was stunned when he heard it.

"Take a small position inside." Xiao Qiyue said modestly.

"Small position, Brother Xiao was just joking. You are the master of Qianhu in Jiangdu Wei. You are still young, so who can be older than you?" Yuhuang teamed up to force him.

"Miss Gong, Brother Xiao hasn't taken office yet, so don't blame him. Your business is on Brother Xiao's head." When Yu Huang said a word, Xiao Qiyue almost vomited blood. I said sister, you Big bags can kill people.

"Master Xiao, since you are known as the 'Baldheaded God', and you are in charge of the Jiangdu Guard Office affairs at a young age, you must solve the case like a god. The whole family of the Gong family was tragically wiped out, please Master Xiao to be the master of the Gong family." Gong Wutong is Stupid, he knelt down immediately, sobbing and crying like rain.

"Luoyingjian's family was destroyed, how could you survive alone? Could it be that you were not at home the day the family was destroyed?" Xiao Qiyue asked without answering.

"That Gao Bo has been coveting my beauty for a long time, I study with her at Tiandu Academy, and he will pester me every now and then.

But how can I take a liking to a playboy like him?
Just the day before the Gong family was destroyed, I was kidnapped by Gao Bo.

And, the secret is kept in a basement.

Later, I also found out about the extermination of the family. I wanted to die just like that, but I was not reconciled to the enmity between my parents and brothers.

Moreover, I found out later that Gao Bo kidnapped me for a purpose.

At the beginning, he was hypocritical, saying that he wanted to avenge the Gong family and find someone to find out the real culprit.

Still, I wasn't fooled.

But he has been tempting, and I have always maintained my heart.

Later, he got impatient and showed his face.

It turned out that he had been looking for some treasure from our Gong family.

Originally, I thought he was coveting my beauty, and this was his real purpose. "Gong Wutong said.

"If it's convenient, can you tell me what treasure Gao Bo is looking for?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"It's just a piece of talisman paper. In the past, that piece of talisman paper was pasted on the main hall of the main hall of the house.

Later, I don't know when it disappeared.

In fact, I don't know where it went.

Maybe it wasn't attached firmly at the time and it was blown away by the wind.But Gao Bo didn't believe what I said, and kept torturing me.

Over the past few years, my life is worse than death.However, no matter what, I will never kill myself.

I want to live, I want to live to drink the blood of my enemy. "Gong Wutong said through gritted teeth.

Xiao Qiyue saw that a piece of yellow talisman paper was exposed in Gong Wutong's popularity, but that yellow talisman paper looked like a diagram of Tai Chi Yin Yang and Eight Diagrams.

Even so, as Gong Wutong said, it is indeed very ordinary.

Generally, there are stickers on the main hall of every household, and it is often the best way for those magic sticks to play.

Of course, the piece of yellow paper that led to the Miemen tragedy is definitely not that simple.

"I was thinking, the Gao family wanted to get your Gong family's talisman paper. However, if the one who destroyed your Gong family was not the Gao family, then someone else. And the destruction of your Gong family may have something to do with this yellow paper." It doesn't matter, maybe it doesn't matter at all." Xiao Qiyue thought for a while and said.

"I don't know about these, Mr. Xiao, you must help our Gong family find the murderer. I'm willing to do whatever I want." Gong Wutong knelt down again, and he glanced at Xiao Qiyue, saying, "Although Wutong and I I'm not particularly good-looking, but anyway, Wutong, I am also a student of the excellent class of Tiandu Academy.

If I hadn't been imprisoned by Gobona's beast for several years, I would have broken through to the innate realm long ago.

I, Gong Wutong, swear in the name of my father Luoyingjian, from now on, Wutong, I will be the servant of the Xiao family.

Since then, she has been loyal to the Xiao family, and her life and death are determined by the Xiao family.

If you break this oath..."

As soon as Gong Wutong finished speaking, she hit her chest, and a drop of blood that was as thick as a thumb came out of her mouth and condensed on her finger. She stretched out her palms to hold the drop of blood, as if she was holding life-saving blood.

Xiao Qiyue knows that as long as he accepts this drop of blood, the two parties will form a so-called blood contract.

Of course, this is an ancient martial arts contract, no one knows if it works or not.

However, Xiao Qiyue could tell from Gong Wutong's popularity that she was sincere.

Of course, Xiao Qiyue also knew that this Gong Wutong was quite smart.

First of all, she is in a very dangerous situation now, and the Gao family will definitely not let her go.

Secondly, don't talk about anything else, as long as the Gao family reveals that Gong Wutong is not dead, it is estimated that without the Gao family's action, the creator of the massacre will definitely not let Gong Wutong live in this world.

Besides, Xiao Qiyue is famous for solving crimes, and the Gong family's revenge is still counting on him.

"Brother Xiao, I think you also need a personal maid to take care of your daily life in the provincial capital.

These days, there are quite a few maids who are not caring, but Luoyingjian's family education is very strict, and Wutong's qualifications are also good.

Anyway, I have to buy a girl, so it's better to accept this ready-made one. " Nalan Ruode encouraged with a smile on the sidelines.

Of course, this guy has a taste of hurting friends, and I'm afraid he has other meanings.

(End of this chapter)

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