God catch

Chapter 342 Substitution

Chapter 342 Substitution
"Tang Yang, don't talk nonsense, you have to think clearly." However, Chu Guiyun immediately responded, clearly warning.

"Academy has discipline." Cui Shanxi immediately stood up, the 'law enforcement whip' in his hand, which was like a pointer, and represented power, lightly tapped on the palm of his hand, and looked at Tang Yang with malicious intent.

"So what? I, Tang Yang, haven't broken the law.

Wangyuan, members, this matter is actually to blame Hallmaster Du from the beginning to the end.

It was too arrogant to go to him for the first time, you didn't even report your name, how could Mr. Xiao know what kind of fairy you are?

Moreover, you still smashed people's love table, why do you have it?
Could it be that you can show off just because you are the head of the admissions hall of Tiandu Academy, and he is not your subordinate?

No wonder it made Mr. Xiao angry, it's all Tang Du's own fault.

And the second time, do you know how Master Du "invited someone"?
Unexpectedly, he was still arrogant, and asked Mr. Xiao to go to the academy with him as soon as he got there.

Young Master Xiao naturally refused, but Hall Master Du got angry, glared, and immediately grabbed Young Master Xiao.

In the end, Mr. Xiao is not a soft persimmon.

The subordinates only saw him push it casually, and as a result, Hall Master Du was directly kicked out of the yard, hitting the stones and trees outside the yard and turning into a gourd.

Of course it didn't hit so badly, and in order to make it worse, Hall Master Du knocked out two big meat buns on his head and whipped his body a few times, and he was able to do it.

Moreover, they actually asked me and Chen Guiliang to make things worse, but we didn't fight, so we refused at that time.

But Master Du threatened us, saying that if we didn't do that, we would be expelled, and even told us to get out of the provincial capital.

We had no choice but to slap ourselves a few times.

But Hall Master Du thought we were not miserable enough, so he actually did it himself, punched and kicked us, and almost killed us. " Tang Yang said angrily.

"That's right, I have two broken ribs. This Hall Master Du is simply not a human being, not as good as a beast! Wang Yuan, I don't dare to work in this recruiting hall anymore, I would rather wash the latrine." Chen Gui beat A long-winded, nosebleed said.

"Nonsense, nonsense, you two actually joined forces to slander us.

I don't think I don't know what benefits Nalan Hongtian gave you, you two have been with him for a long time.

This Xiao Qiyue was recommended by Vice President Nalan Ruode, and when I went there, Nalan Ruode was having tea with Xiao Qiyue. This was simply a well-calculated conspiracy, a conspiracy aimed at my position as the hall master.

It's all slander, slander Wang Yuan, you have to be aware of it. Du Yun took a glance, and found that the backstage boss Chu Guiyun gave Nalan Hongtian a squinting look, and immediately jumped out, Maotou pointed directly at Nalan Hongtian.

"Du Yun, I didn't expect you to be so morally corrupt?
It was a disgrace to the academy to let you be the head of the admission hall at the beginning.

There is no such thing as fart, but it is powerful to beat back.

Xiao Qiyue was recommended by me. Is it wrong for me, Nalan Hongtian, to recommend a super genius to the academy?

To be honest, I still want to accept him as a personal disciple, but I know that I am not enough.

If I, Nalan Hongtian, took advantage of my position, I could have admitted him directly without going through the admission hall, so why bother asking for trouble like taking off my pants and farting.

As for the plot against you that Du Yun said, if you say something that is not pleasant, you are not enough.

Moreover, even from the standpoint of the academy today, you can no longer be allowed to sit in this position. Aren't you just a vulgar person who occupies the toilet and doesn't take a shit?
Wangyuan, I strongly suggest that Du Yun be removed from the position of head of the Admissions Hall and be punished for half a year. "Nalan Hongtian was also furious, so he simply beat the gong face to face and the drum to the opposite face.

"Let him 'sit' down again and our academy will lose all face." Chu Meili said in a strange way.

"This vice president believes that the work of the recruiting hall is too important, and it is absolutely impossible to change the coach at this juncture.

Because, in the future, our academy will probably spend a lot of money to recruit super talents with great fanfare.

As for that Xiao Qiyue, who is so arrogant, let's just let it go.

I don't believe it, our academy can't survive without him? "Chu Guiyun sneered.

"Du Yun, you have been expelled. Go back and pack up and salute immediately. You are limited to leave the academy within two hours. As for the remuneration, just go to the general affairs hall to settle the payment, and the academy will not deduct it." Wang Jingyi directly decided with a cold face. It's over, he knows that if you continue to entangle, things will get worse and worse, the most urgent thing is to win Xiao Qiyue over first, which is the right way.

"Wangyuan...Wangyuan, I don't need to work in the admissions hall, can you give me another chance to manage the dining hall?" Du Yun knew that it would be impossible for him to be the head of the admissions hall today. Turn around again.

"Hehe, letting you go to the dining hall is so convenient for you to embezzle?
At that time, is it okay for us to eat the whole unclean food?
However, if you really want to do it, the deputy hospital thinks it is more appropriate for you to go to the health hall.

I just heard from Manager Wei that there is still a lack of a deacon who flushes the toilet. "Wang Meili smiled bewitchingly.

"You...you...you're so vicious..." Du Yun came up in one breath, pointing at Chu Meili, but he choked and sat on the ground.

"Am I poisonous?" Chu Meili smiled.

"Deputy President Chu, don't talk nonsense without proof." Chu Guiyun said.

"Evidence, it's over when there is evidence. Wangyuan, you handled it well, this kind of scum should have been fired a long time ago, and it's considered cheap for him not to deduct his money." Chu Meili snorted.

"Deputy College Guiyun, tell me, tell me, I won't leave, I will never leave, and I will never leave the academy even if I die." Du Yun acted like a ruffian.

"Wang Yuan, can you give him one more chance, let him suspend his post for a year of self-reflection first?" Chu Guiyun pleaded directly.

"This kind of person is disgusting to see." Chu Meili directly persuaded him.

"Chu Meili! What on earth do you want to do? This Jiangdu Province is still the prince's fiefdom." Chu Guiyun was so angry that he slapped the table and moved out of the backstage. Zhennan Wang came.

"Of course it is the prince's fiefdom, but is the prince your father? I never heard that the prince accepted another godson who is useless." Chu Meili's spitting was absolutely arrogant, her mouth was so poisonous, everyone on the scene Everyone burst into sweat.

Women fight harder than men, so don't mess with them.

"There is an insult to the gentleness, there is an insult to the gentleness, there is an insult to the gentleness, Wang Yuan..." Porf!Chu Guiyun was so angry that he vomited blood.

"Spitting blood on the dean's face on purpose, are you provoking the dean? It's an insult to the gentleman." Chu Meili really had nothing to say, the audience was speechless, and everyone's hairs stood on end.

As for Du Yun, his crotch was a little wet.

At this moment, it occurred to her that Chu Meili seems to be related to a certain big man named Chu in the capital.

Although Chu Guiyun has relatives with King Zhennan, God knows if Chu Meili's relative is a relative of the emperor, and he is still in the capital circle.

In Jiangdu Province, the king of Zhennan is the sky and the emperor of earth.

However, in the imperial circle of the capital, he is just a worm.

(End of this chapter)

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