God catch

Chapter 346

Chapter 346

The strong who have become "smallpox" often have three flowers in their popularity, human flower, ground flower and smallpox.

When the three flowers overlap and produce fruit, it enters the realm of Taiying, and once the fruit is ripe, it becomes Yuandan.

However, Xiao Qiyue discovered that the three flowers of Dean Wang have different levels, gradually overlapping and merging, or even half merging. Could it be that they have entered the half-step Taiying realm?
However, perhaps because of the interference from the White Tiger Cave, Dean Wang's natal flowers are extremely blurred, and his image is a bit like a little tiger cub.

"The dean's eyes have already seen everything. It's true. I need to enter the ranks of the top ten outstanding disciples as soon as possible. Because the students want to enter the 'soul chasing cave' to practice." Xiao Qiyue told the truth, and found that Wangyuan Chang actually turned his head.

What does this mean?
He is looking at the picture of the white tiger, which is hung in the hall, and he sees it every day, isn't it bothersome?

No, there must be something odd.

"This court also thinks that you should come here for it, otherwise, there is nothing in Tiandu Academy that can attract you." Dean Wang nodded, looked at Xiao Qiyue and said, "However, the Soul Chasing Cave is very important to you. There are only three places for students in the academy, and this academy will never open the back door for any genius. Well, you come in."

"I don't need a back door." Xiao Qiyue nodded and stepped into the door.

He found that the vicious dog squatting at the dean's feet suddenly jumped, and flew towards him frantically.

That speed was as fast as lightning and as moving as thunder.

Xiao Qiyue grabbed it back with a palm, thinking that it was not easy to catch.

However, the first catch was in vain.

The vicious dog turned over on the ground and ran again, as if a shadow rushed over again.

Xiao Qiyue grabbed a few times, but all of them failed.

"Alas..." Dean Wang actually sighed softly, and Xiao Qiyue found out from the corner of his eyes that his anger showed a disappointed expression.

Could it be that this vicious dog is the test of the dean?

Then I swear to catch it.

Xiao Qiyue tossed it out, and the corpse glue was opened, and it was slung towards the vicious dog like a net.

Take it back, but it's still nothing.

Isn't it physical?

Xiao Qiyue suddenly realized, but it was too realistic.Could it be that Dean Wang cast an illusion on me?
Glancing at his head, Xiao Qiyue was immediately disgusted.

Damn, this is not a vicious dog, it is simply a flower of Dean Wang's life.

However, why did Dean Wang risk his life to take his natal flower out of his body to test himself? Isn't he afraid of the natal flower being hurt?

Once injured, the price will be extremely painful, and even lose one's life.

At this time, the vicious dog came again, rolling and rushing like a ghost.

Xiao Qiyue was stunned suddenly, because he found a green line on the vicious dog, and this green line had also appeared on Jiang Meiyao.

That is obviously the causal line between the two, could it be that Dean Wang has something to do with Jiang Meiyao?

Jiang Meiyao is only 13 years old. Moreover, her whole body is full of beastly spirit. At Dean Wang's age, Jiang Meiyao's age is too evil, right?
No, I heard that Jiang Meiyao often steals Dean Wang's 'white-fronted civet cat king' to draw blood and swallow it raw.

And Dean Wang also opened his eyes and closed his eyes. This kind of causal relationship must have been established in this way.

There was a bang in Xiao Qiyue's head, I was too stupid for it.

This is not a vicious dog, it is simply a 'white-fronted raccoon cat king'.

However, since Jiang Meiyao can steal the blood of the white-fronted raccoon cat king and eat it, it means that it is a living body, and it is an entity, not a flower of its own destiny.

Since it is real, why does this flower of fate, which looks like the white-fronted raccoon cat king, have karma with Jiang Meiyao?
Is it somewhere between fiction and reality?

It's not right, since it occasionally appears as a body, then I should catch it, but I failed even to catch a few.

Xiao Qiyue didn't move at all this time, seeing that the civet cat king was about to catch her, at this moment.The figure of the Buddha in the Karma Hall suddenly stretched out his palm.

'All things are equal, heaven and earth are one with me. '

Xiao Qiyue's palms were in the shape of pills, and he was chanting 'Chen Tuan's Ancestor's Heart Mantra', and the sun and moon seal was shot instantly, covering the civet cat king who came to kill him.

Suddenly, the thing screamed and wanted to roll and run away.

However, with the improvement of Xiao Qiyue's strength, her "self-image" ability in the causal hall also increases with her strength, and she specializes in soul-like virtual objects.

Within this range is the domain of the 'self'.

Seeing that she couldn't escape, Xiao Qiyue found that Dean Wang was stunned for a moment, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

And in an instant, the air swayed, and another white-fronted civet cat king jumped out to kill him from the side.

Xiao Qiyue's self seemed to reach out and grab the target, and it hit the target. Now it's all right, and the two raccoon hunting kings are trapped.

Dean Wang opened his mouth, and tapped lightly on the handle of the Grand Master's chair with his fingers. A ray of bright light flashed across, and the third raccoon king cat attacked from behind.

As for the trapped two rushing left and right, Xiao Qiyue sneered inwardly,
Consciously recited 'Mighty Lingguan casts the curse', and quickly formed the inner 'eight-character seal'.

Clap your palms together and choke tightly.

Immediately, the three civet cat kings were all sandwiched biscuits.

Yu Guangzhong noticed that Dean Wang's forehead was actually sweating.

It must be his fault, otherwise, why are you so nervous?
Xiao Qiyue opened her mouth and spit out a spark. Immediately, the temperature in the hall suddenly rose. This is the fire of the heavenly fire and phoenix cauldron inherited from the eighth-grade pharmacist Zhuo Erqi, which is no small matter.


When Dean Wang saw it, he suddenly laughed three times, and touched the white tiger picture behind him with his hand.

Suddenly, there was a roar of a tiger.

The white-fronted tiger jumped out of the tiger picture, like a white-fronted raccoon cat king that had grown ten times its size. It opened its mouth as wide as an abyss and rushed towards Xiao Qiyue ferociously.

"Oh, where did the tiger come from?"

Xiao Qiyue pretended to be shocked on purpose, moved her hand, and pretended to shake. Immediately, the three little raccoon cat kings quickly ran away and disappeared.

However, Xiao Qiyue opened the Yintang Cave early, and the four palms of the Buddha and the Demon protruded out instantly to form an upside-down 'sun and moon seal', like a trap with its mouth wide open. The tiger jumped just in time and was caught The four palms joined forces and dragged them into the Yintang Gate.

As soon as the Xuanmiao ball inside turned, it immediately bound the tiger around dozens of times tightly.

And Xiao Qiyue found that the three flowers on Dean Wang's head suddenly became a little bit dumbfounded, as if the essence had been sucked away.

As for the picture of the white tiger, because it has lost its essence, it appears empty and powerless. The tiger in the picture has only a similar shape but has lost its spirit.

"Okay, Mr. Xiao, go and see where you live first. If you are not satisfied, just tell Mr. Wei. If there is something else to do in this hospital, we will not keep you." Dean Wang waved his hand to see off the guests.

As soon as the words were finished, a dwarf suddenly appeared behind Xiao Qiyue like a ghost. He stretched out his hand and gestured, "Please, Mr. Xiao!"

The dwarf appeared very suddenly, as if standing in place.

(End of this chapter)

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