God catch

Chapter 352 Public Ecology

Chapter 352

Moreover, after a few drums with Zhao Tie, the man realized that no one else was applauding at Fenya except himself, so he quickly stopped.

In the end, only Zhao Tie was left applauding.

The applause seemed to be slapping my face, and I was very lonely.

"Show me off?" Xiao Qiyue naturally understood, because she had already seen it from her popularity.

Most of the dozens of brocade sweaters are popular with Qianhu Liu Zheng.

Some of them are facing Zhao Gengyun, another thousand households, and some are vacillating in popularity, as if they want to remain neutral, but they seem to be afraid of Liu Zheng and the others.

And Xiao Qiyue even discovered through the causal line that Zhao Gengyun of the thousand households, Huang Baisheng, the manager, and Miao Jie of the hundred households all had a causal line implicating Liu Zheng, as if he was the center.

These guys should be a small group, and through the connection between everyone in this small group and their subordinates, basically most of the Jinyiwei in the Jiangnan sub-yamen are controlled by this small group.

At the moment of cause and effect, these relationships form a crisscross three-dimensional line network.

Zhou Ying should be a person who wants to be neutral, but he is also afraid that Liu Zheng and Zhao Gengyun will join forces to harm him.

Therefore, this kind of neutrality is not very thorough, and it is estimated that they will occasionally lean towards them under pressure.

Zhao Tie also felt embarrassed after slapping him more than a dozen times, so he glanced at Xiao Qiyue and stopped apologetically.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect Mr. Xiao to be so young. It's really a blessing for me in Jiangnan. Everyone, we welcome Mr. Xiao to take office with the warmest applause." At this time, Liu Zheng laughed three times and took the lead in applauding. The tide rolled by.

Xiao Qiyue understood that Liu Zheng wanted to tell himself that he had to listen to him here.

Otherwise, you will be marginalized, and in the end, you will become a poor commander.

"The post of Thousand Households in Jiangdu Wei will be vacant as soon as I leave, and there are also many people there, so it is not good to be vacant all the time.

It is not acceptable for a snake to be headless, so my lord has decided.

For the time being, Master Liu Zheng was transferred to the Jiangdu Wei Station to take up the post of Qianhu to preside over the affairs there. "Xiao Qiyue took out a command arrow from his backpack and threw it at Liu Zheng.

Liu Zheng didn't dare not to accept it, but he waved the arrow after accepting it and said hastily, "Master Xiao, this subordinate previously held the position of Thousand Households in the Jiangdu Guard. Moreover, he was promoted to the township envoy only after he made great contributions. Ya, isn't this arrangement telling the subordinates to go back home?"

"Nonsense, how can this be said to be returning home. Returning to the mansion means going home. Is Jiangdu Weisuo your home? This is a crime of treason. If the emperor hears about it, you won't beheaded." Xiao Qi The moon's face is straight.

"I mean, I used to hold this position over there before and then went back to take this position again..." Liu Zheng was a little annoyed, didn't you, Xiao Qiyue, obviously want to play dumb?

You don't understand the meaning of the idiom 'going back to the house' from a dignified fourth-rank official, so it's strange?

However, since you are pretending to be stupid, I can't follow you and pretend to be stupid. I have to explain, let's see what you say?
"Is it true that the court stipulates that officials cannot go back to take up this post after they have served in a certain place?" Xiao Qiyue asked with a look of surprise.

"But this subordinate still has a lot of things to do here, and I can't get away from him, Mr. Xiao." Liu Zheng was about to go crazy.

"Master Liu means that you can't do things if you leave the sub-yamen? What do you mean? Could it be that, Master Liu, you have always been..." Xiao Qiyue touched his hairless chin on purpose, which was meaningful.

"Of course not, but... I..." Liu Zheng choked hard for a moment, unable to find a valid reason to refute.

"Don't worry, the affairs you are in charge of will be handed over to Zhao Tie. You will go to the guard immediately to take up the post. Zhao Tie is right here, and you can hand it over immediately." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Zhao Zongqi is now a member of the Jiangdu Guard." Liu Zheng said quickly.

"It used to be, but not now." Xiao Qiyue shook her head.

"Master Xiao, this subordinate doesn't understand?" Zhao Gengyun stepped forward.

"Isn't it simple? I'll just call Zhao Tie over. If Master Liu has anything else to explain, let's discuss it together." Xiao Qiyue said.

"No, I'll take up the post at the Jiangdu Guards Office right away. Liu has to thank Mr. Xiao for his promotion." Liu Zheng was so angry that his teeth hurt, and his popularity had long since turned into a weapon and slashed at Xiao Qiyue.

In fact, thousands of households from the sub-yamen went to Jiangdu Wei to preside over affairs. Although the official ranks were the same, their power had increased.

After all, you are the head of the guard in the guard, and you are the head.

Of course, Liu Zheng didn't want to go back.

One reason is that Tongliao would make fun of me when I went back home, and the other reason is that the Jiangdu Weisuo has a sub-administrator of the town care envoy by my side.

Therefore, they are often reduced to the vanguard of the sub-yamen.

Any important case will be handled by the sub-yamen branch envoy, and all the hard work will be arranged in the guard.

The most important point is that this sub-administration is so large, and the deputy envoy's power has been emptied, which basically means that the sub-administration and the guards are all his own, and there is a lot of oil and water.

Liu happened to have been in business for quite a few years, so he thought that once Zhuo Yang left this envoy position, it would be his own.

Who would have thought that a dark horse would be killed out of thin air to take his place.Moreover, this guy is still so young, his hair is not fully grown, and he almost vomited blood with anger.

"Liu Weisuo, I will discuss with you first." Xiao Qiyue said.

"Your Excellency is the boss of your subordinates. You can solve the problem with just one arrow. How can your subordinates have a say? What are you discussing?" Liu Zheng said angrily with resentment in his heart.

"You're right, but I forgot that I have this power." Xiao Qiyue pretended to wake up and turned around to ask Zhao Tiedao, "By the way, Zhao Tie, how many people are there in Jiangduwei?"

"My lord, there are 88 people in total, of which 16 are official staff, and the others are all handymen. Most of these handymen come from various yamen in provincial capitals, and there are also some fast arresters." Zhao Tie said.

"En." Xiao Qiyue nodded, took out a command arrow and threw it to Zhao Tiedao, "Zhao Tie listened to the order, you immediately take your official command arrow to the Jiangdu Weisuo to transfer 15 official brocade guards to the sub-yamen to assist in solving the case.

As for handymen, we don't support idlers.

Disband it, tell them to go back to the original yamen.

Those who have nowhere to go will be given 200 taels of silver per person to do whatever they like. "

When Liu Zheng heard this, his face turned black into charcoal.

You kill a thousand knives, don't you want to completely empty me?Everyone has been taken away, and I am the only one left in the whole guard, and I am still a fart official?
Dozens of Jin Weiyi at the door shuddered when they heard it.

This kid is so ruthless, you are more ruthless than killing Liu Zheng.

One side asked people to go back to take up the post, and the other side took all the troops away. It was quite accurate. If Liu Zheng didn't leave anyone, then he really became a poor commander.

Of course, some people who had already seen through the matter almost laughed out loud.

You, Liu Zheng, want to give Xiao Qiyue a blow, otherwise, the power will be taken away by you.

And they countered it right in front of the gate, completely turning you into a poor commander.

Zhao Tie almost applauded in his heart, it's too good, it's a beautiful move.

However, Liu Zheng would definitely not be so easy to talk to.

(End of this chapter)

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