God catch

Chapter 367

Chapter 367
Thanks to 'Book Friends 20180923180401217' for the reward, I specially added another update, and exploded four updates.Gouzi needs your 'subscription'.

It spun and flew out like a death ax that harvested human lives.

Immediately, a few members of the Nalan family grunted, their heads exploded, and they collapsed with their stomachs rotten.

Without the axe, Huang Kaitai's combat strength was greatly reduced.

And Xiao Qiyue took the opportunity to throw it away, the hidden weapon flew up, and the second "everything cools down, hides into the sea" was instantly deployed.

Suddenly, Huang Kaitai seemed to have fallen into an ice pool.

His whole body was cold, and he clapped his palms with both hands, trying to break through the ice balls and break through.

The ice ball exploded, and Huang Kaitai's swollen palm curled up strangely into an edge.

Immediately, a green prismatic qi gang flew out and slashed across Xiao Qiyue's arm.

Immediately, the flesh rolled up, and a horribly deep scar appeared, and Xiao Qiyue's arm was soaked in blood.

This is the second move that Huang Kaitai used after burning his essence and blood - palm edge!

This move can increase the power by half in an instant, moreover, by turning the palm into an edge mark, the fleshy palm has been turned into a low-level spiritual weapon, invincible.

Immediately, blood mist rose.

Stimulated by the blood, Xiao Qiyue instantly met the burst condition of the technique of 'Naihe Bridge's Blood of the Ninth World'.

The first blood change was completed, and the combat power had reached the peak of the metamorphosis.

However, Huang Kaitai's second wave of blows came again.

The prismatic palm suddenly opened, and immediately, the five fingers formed five crystal-like prismatic shapes, and the sky pierced through the air like a green snake dancing wildly.

It's sizzling!

Fortunately, Xiao Qiyue had a fish shell suit integrated into his flesh to resist, otherwise, Huang Kaitai would have been disemboweled and disemboweled directly, and he would have been caught into a ball of rotten meat.

Even so, Wu Dao Xiantian's evil spirit hit Xiao Qiyue hard.

Five blunt wounds were left on the chest through the fish shell armor. The chest shook, and blood spurted from his mouth. Xiao Qiyue lowered his head, and the blood sprayed on the chest.

"Hahaha, don't waste your own blood. It's better to spray it on your chest and bury it together." Huang Kaitai tossed his hair, laughed wildly, and the third blow came again.

However, Xiao Qiyue quickly completed the second blood change, and there were more and more gold particles in the blood, and the original very light yellow blood was much darker now, approaching the color of brass.

However, Xiao Qiyue still didn't activate it.

The ice pool formed by the 'Tibetan Sea Double Kill Formation' was directly blasted away by Huang Kaitai's third wave of 'Palm Ball', and that punch shot a cyan ball of innate light and evil across the air and hit Xiao Qiyue's chest and abdomen.

Being hit in the stomach, Xiao Qiyue flew out, knocking over a dozen unlucky guys, including Jin Yiwei and friends and members of the Nalan family.

"Brother Xiao!" Yu Huang, who was hidden in the crowd and was about to kill, saw it and rushed over anxiously.

"I'm fine! Follow the original plan!" Xiao Qiyue shouted in ventriloquism.

The original plan was for Yu Huang to hide in the dark and quickly deal with the archer, and the second step was to assassinate the Heavenly Sword Sect and a large number of innate masters.

The blood from the stomach sprayed within a ten-foot range around it, but it condensed and did not disperse, and Xiao Qiyue swallowed it all with one breath.

"Don't you like to eat your own blood? I will fulfill you today!" Huang Kaitai laughed loudly, stretching out his ten fingers, and each fingertip popped out a bright qi gang, as if wearing ten sharp spiritual weapons. To Xiao Qiyue.

Until now, Xiao Qiyue also understood.

Huang Kaitai's life-saving move is not the ax skill, but his pair of fleshy palms.

Seeing that Huang Kaitai's ten palm swords were whistling and about to pierce Xiao Qiyue's body, Xiao Qiyue's bloodshot eyes burst out suddenly.

With a flash of his body, he smashed the finger knife directly.

A simple and direct hook punch from bottom to top.

Xiao Qiyue, who has completed three blood changes, has soared to the half-step Taiying level at this moment.

With bald head and red eyes, swollen lips, and head swollen to the size of a pig's head, the person is like a devil.

Seeing Xiao Qiyue hit his finger sword directly with his body, Huang Kaitai was overjoyed, thinking that Xiao Qiyue would definitely poke a dozen holes.

How can it be counted that this kid survived, this punch was too fast.

Huang Kaitai couldn't react at all, of course, it was also because he underestimated the enemy.

As if being hit on a wooden stick, there was a muffled sound, and Huang Kaitai was thrown backwards.

In the air, everyone could clearly see that the entire face of that devil-like Sect Master Huang was shattered, and the whole chin was shattered and flew away, leaving only a bit of blood spraying from his mouth and no nostrils. , the blood was sprayed more than ten feet away, and the person fell into the crowd.

"Huang Kaitai was beaten to death by Lord Xiao, kill!" Zhao Tie shouted, and at this moment the people of the Heavenly Sword Sect came to their senses, screaming and running in all directions.

Immediately, Jin Yiwei and Nalan's family joined forces to kill the general.

Thousands of corpses were left in place, blood flowing like rivers.

It is estimated that about 1000% of the more than [-] people in Tianjianzong fled.

The ordinary people who hid in the distance to watch the excitement were so frightened that they pissed, and the Tianjianzong, which was very prosperous in Jiangdu Province, was wiped out by Xiao Qiyue just like this.

You must know that there are only three to four hundred people on Xiao Qiyue's side, and there is a huge difference in strength, which is simply a miracle.

The Nalan family was also wailing, and about 200 people including friends and Jin Yiwei also died.

"Xiao...Master Xiao, are you okay?" Zhao Tie hurried over to support Xiao Qiyue, because he has become a blood man.

"It's okay!" Xiao Qiyue waved her hand, supporting her body with a gun so that she didn't fall down.

The attack on Huang Kaitai just now had exhausted all his energy, and it was beyond his capacity.

Drow chess's "Naihe Bridge on the Ninth World's Blood" is extremely difficult to succeed, but the power is huge after success, but the sequelae are not small.

At this moment, even a martial artist in the Profound Handle Realm could kill Xiao Qiyue, so he quickly took the elixir.

However, Xiao Qiyue had a premonition that something else was going to happen, so she didn't sit down and meditate on the spot to recover her skills.

"Lord Xiao, Huang Kaitai's body was not found." Tieshan walked over, frowning.

After all, if Huang Kaitai escapes, once he recovers, there will be endless troubles.

"Master Zhou, immediately issue a 'Silver Medal Pursuit Order' to disband the Heavenly Sword Sect, and kill those who do not want to leave on the spot.

In addition, the whole province killed Huang Kaitai and copied the Huang family.

Imprisonment awaiting trial, be careful, don't kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Of course, if you dare to resist, you will be killed on the spot! "Xiao Qiyue held the Qinglong Yueyue gun in his hand, and he was like a god who gave the order of iron and blood.

If Huang Kaitai is still alive, the best way to deal with him is 'family'.

"Lord Xiao, I'll hunt down Huang Kaitai right away!" Tieshan responded, and the man ran away like light smoke, and disappeared soon after.

In terms of tracking, Tieshan's arrest will definitely be called an authority in this area.

At this moment, there was another rumbling noise.

In the distance, hundreds of cavalry charged forward, raising dust all over the sky, scaring people on the street to flee in all directions.

"Could it be that the Heavenly Sword Sect and his gang are making a comeback?" Zhou Ying's face changed when he saw it.

"No, the prince is in the army." Xiao Qiyue had seen it earlier and shook his head.

"Master Xiao, I'm sorry for the trouble, these guys come here at this moment and nothing good will happen." Zhou Ying's face changed several times.

"Afraid of an egg, the soldiers will block the water and flood the earth." Zhao Tie licked the blood that was not dry on his lips, looking bloodthirsty.

"These people are no better than Tianjianzong. Although their individual strength is not as good as the masters of Tianjianzong, they are well-trained. Moreover, you see, even the horse's head is wrapped in iron armor. It must be to report that Chu Xindong was arrested. Take revenge." Zhou Ying shook her head.

"My lord, the team led by 'Bronze Bell General' Yang Kaiyue.

This person is not simple, with the ability to transform into a mortal realm, from a fourth-rank military general, he is Zhang Jingyao's right-hand man, and he is highly valued by 'Zhang'.

Even the prince of Zhennan praised his bell as deep as the sea, and awarded him the title of fifth-class guard of the palace.

He has 88 copper bells all over his body, which can confuse your mind when attacking, just like falling into a messy maze.

He is quite famous in the provincial capital, and no one dares to mess with him. "Zhou Ying said.

"Stop!" Xiao Qiyue saw Yang Kaiyue, with big ears and domineering expression, suddenly waved his hand, and hundreds of iron hooves immediately stopped in uniform.

(End of this chapter)

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