God catch

Chapter 379

Chapter 379
The small tree a hundred meters away was knocked down, and even the gate of the palace that had gone through many years of vicissitudes was shaken so that tiles fell off.

The storm disappeared, and everyone found that the usually awesome head teacher of the palace, 'Gomul Khan', had spurted blood and fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Zhao Nan, have you seen the reason why Gomur Khan missed?" the prince asked with an ugly face.

"I didn't see it clearly, but it seems that Gomur Khan's spirit has been seriously injured. Maybe he was hit on the head." Chu Zhaonan speculated self-righteously.

"Oh...unexpected, unexpected." Tian Wei smiled in horror.

"Do you think the top 100 in the Qinglong list are made of mud and paper? Where is the prestige of Fangtian Kingdom Royal Academy? Remember from now on, those who can make the list are heroes, and there are not many people who are made of paper." Zhennan Wang Take the opportunity to teach his subordinates.

"No wonder he dares to be so arrogant, he really has the capital to be arrogant." Chu Zhaonan sighed.

"My lord, the tiles on the gate have been shattered a lot, do you want to adjust the 'dead men' team?" Tian Wei asked with a smile.

"Tell him, I don't have time to see him today, tell him to get out!" Zhennan Wang went downstairs with a flick of his sleeves.

Hey, I'm angry!

Xiao Qiyue kept staring at Zhennan Wang's performance, and smiled triumphantly.

Because, he found that the murderous aura in the prince's anger has weakened. It seems that after being beaten by his subordinates, he changed his view and temporarily spared himself.

"Young Master Xiao, the prince is not free today, so I told you to leave!" Lord said.

Immediately, his glasses shattered.

Although King Zhennan's words were very rude, it was incredible that he didn't send a more powerful master to kill Xiao Qiyue.

Nine times out of ten, those who were hiding around to watch the excitement were confused, and lamented how lucky this kid is, he still survived such damage, so he couldn't help but look up at the sky, is the sun coming out to the west today?

"Okay, I'll come back later." Xiao Qiyue responded, and turned away with Tieshan.

"Brother Xiao, what do you think the prince is thinking?" Tieshan was a little confused.

"Beating me to death with a stick is really going to kill me to avenge my subordinates, to show that the prince is protecting his subordinates.

Now he has changed his attitude again, telling his subordinates that he has already made a move.

However, this person is very powerful, for the sake of the palace, it is not appropriate to kill him for a while.

However, my head is only temporarily hung on my neck.

It still depends on my performance in the future, otherwise, I will kill you. "Xiao Qiyue said.

"Although I won't kill you, but if you don't see him, you won't be able to restore your official position.

This is very detrimental to the investigation of the Luoyingjian case.

Moreover, you have to deal with Zhang Jingyao's powerful forces alone.

In the past, there was still the position of Jin Yiwei guards, and they were still afraid.

Now you are just a commoner, and they have too many ways to kill you. " Tieshan had a gloomy face.

"It's okay, it's good this way. At least, Dean Wang and Chu Guiyun will feel more at ease." Xiao Qiyue smiled.

"You have a good idea. People are most afraid of slack, and once they slacken, they will show their flaws. I understand, brother Xiao, you must be going back to the academy." Tieshan laughed.

"Of course, am I a student of the academy?" Xiao Qiyue smiled, and while walking, there was a sound of iron hooves, and a big flag was flying above it, which turned out to be people from Tiandu Academy.

"Xiao...Young Master Xiao, you're fine, as long as you're fine, that's fine." Seeing that Xiao Qiyue was still walking, Nalan Hongtian jumped off his horse.

"Thank you Nalan Hongtian for your concern." Xiao Qiyue clasped his fists. These troops were all brought by Nalan Hongtian. Naturally, he went to the academy to move reinforcements.

"Hurry up and follow me back to the academy, there is no time to wait." Nalan Hongtian was in a hurry.

"What happened?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"Oh, you've been missing for three months. You probably don't know that the three major academies are going on. The situation in our academies is not optimistic. Maybe we won't be able to keep the Soul Chasing Cave," Nalan Hongtian said.

"Is the race starting? But, this is just the Neibi of the three major academies. It has something to do with the ranking and reputation. What does that have to do with the Soul Chasing Cave?" Xiao Qiyue jumped on the horse and asked incomprehensibly while galloping.

"Those insidious guys have long been eyeing our soul chasing cave, saying that it is a spiritual place where everyone has a chance.

Moreover, this is cultivating talents for Da Chu. If our academy loses this time, we will give up a few places in the Chasing Soul Cave to them.

And they also said that if they lose, they will also contribute the practice holy places of their respective academies.

In this way, it seems fair.

However, they already have a 'dark horse' ready.

And our academy originally counted on you, Pan Meiyan, and Jin Xiangwubo.

But you have been missing for three months, and Pan Meiyan is still in seclusion, so there is only one golden figure left who can't stand alone, and has already lost several games. " Nalan Hongtian said, with sweat dripping from his forehead.

"But even if you want to participate now, you don't have a chance?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"Yes! We have an agreement, saying that both of you are in retreat, and you can participate in the competition when you come out at any time.

However, in this way, you will occupy two spots.

If we can't come out, we will lose two geniuses.

They also saw this and agreed immediately.

In order to let the prince let you go, Dean Wang sent the prince a picture of "autumn hunting" in our academy. "Nalan Hongtian said.

"So that's how it is." Xiao Qiyue understood why the prince let her go temporarily. It turned out that he was softening his hand, and it wasn't that he was so powerful that King Zhennan admired him.

"However, this 'Autumn Hunting Picture' must be precious, right?"

"Of course, it is one of the treasures of our academy.

It is said that it was written by the great master 'Luochang' 200 years ago with true meaning.

Back then, Luo Chang was a strong person in the Real Infant Realm, and he was also the dean of the academy.

This picture has been enshrined in the hall of fame by the academy, and the prince fell in love with it as soon as he saw it.

However, how could the academy give such a treasure to outsiders.

This time, Dean Wang also went all out.Alas..." Nalan Hongtian shook his head in pain.

"Okay, then I'll take back the Soul Chasing Cave for the academy. Also, take back the practice holy places of 'Wanfa Academy' and 'Sword Martial Arts Academy', so that our academy students have the opportunity to go to the outer courtyard for further study, Practice." Xiao Qiyue was full of pride.

"Well, of course it's good, but..." Nalan Academy was not so optimistic, with a melancholy look on his face.

"Could it be that the geniuses of Wanfa Academy and Jianwu Academy are so powerful that they make our Tiandu Academy tremble?" Xiao Qiyue was also a little surprised.

"Well, you'll find out later." Nalan Hongtian sighed, hurried into the academy.

It was found that colorful flags were flying everywhere in the academy, and many welcome words were fluttering.

However, Xiao Qiyue discovered a phenomenon, the juniors and juniors of Tiandu Academy were a little bit sluggish and unable to raise their spirits.

They sat on the grass in twos and threes, and under the shade of the trees, they didn't care about practicing. All they talked about was the competition.

"President Wang and the others are in the meeting hall, let's go in directly." Nalan Hongtian said.

Just entering the meeting hall, I found that the core committee members of the academy, as well as some important professors and teachers were all present.

And Xiao Qiyue discovered that the other eight of the Academy's "Top Ten Outstanding Talents" were still there, and two of them were still wearing bandages. It seemed that they were seriously injured.

What happened in the practice field today did not immediately spread to Tiandu Academy, which is dozens of miles away from the provincial capital. Seeing Xiao Qiyue come in, the geniuses just nodded.

It seems that there is no hope for Xiao Qiyue, a strong guy who ranks 100 on the Qinglong list.

Because, their popularity is like frost-beaten eggplants, they are not excited at all, and only Jiang Meiyao stood up happily and called Mr. Xiao.

As for the leadership of the academy, after looking around, they are all in the same situation. They look like their parents have just died.

"Is everything here?" Dean Wang asked with a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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