God catch

Chapter 381 This girl's blood is so strong

Chapter 381 This girl's blood is so strong

"Mei Yan, are you out of customs?" At this time, Cui Shanxi, the head of the Law Enforcement Hall, suddenly looked out of the door in surprise.

Everyone looked out.

Xiao Qiyue was also very curious about what the number one seed of the academy looked like.

With an apple face, round blue eyes, and straight eyebrows, she is neither fat nor thin, her hair is all braided into whips and drooping, paired with two big earrings around her ears, and a skirt made of animal skin, Pan Meiyan has a A beauty that is different from ordinary people.A kind of wild beauty between primitive and civilized, Xiao Qiyue rated her 90 points in her heart.

Moreover, Xiao Qiyue has a strange feeling.There seemed to be a frightening blood rushing through this woman's body.

A look at the cause and effect.

I grass!

Blood spirituality is so powerful, it seems to be ranked around 100.

Fortunately, when I was promoted in Tianhuo Fengding, my blood ability also mutated, and I was promoted to the 70th place, otherwise, I would really be shocked by this girl's terrifying blood.

"You are Xiao Qiyue?" Pan Meiyan was indeed proud. Several committee members greeted her enthusiastically, but she ignored her and stared at Xiao Qiyue directly.

After all, Xiao Qiyue's ranking on the Qinglong list made every genius extremely interested in him.

However, Xiao Qiyue's causal eyes saw a red lioness in her popularity. It should be a 'Flying Flame Lion', a lion that can fly.It is the best among lions, with a bad temper.

And the lioness formed the flower of her life, and one flower bloomed. This woman is actually a strong person who has transformed into a mortal flower.

And from the aura contained in her body, it can be felt that her combat power also inherits the demeanor of the 'Flying Flame Lion', and it is estimated that she also has super-level attack ability.

Such a young man, in his twenties, with the same fighting power as all the management of the academy except Dean Wang, the first talent in the academy, really extraordinary.

She deservedly possesses the talent to disdain everything, no wonder she ignores those core committee members, she has that capital.

After all, I am young and I have plenty of capital.

"Hmm." Xiao Qiyue replied calmly, ignoring Pan Meiyan's pressure at all.

"I wanted to beat you up a long time ago, but then you disappeared in fright.

It was rather disappointing, but now well, you're back.

This girl has just come out of retreat, let me teach you how to be a human being, how to respect a teacher, how to know etiquette after seeing a strong man. "Pan Meiyan had a high-profile face, and her momentum became stronger and stronger, almost forming a substantial iron wall and pushing towards Xiao Qiyue.

"Student Pan, now is not the time to learn martial arts. Now that a strong enemy is in the courtyard, we should sit down first. We have to be consistent to the outside world is the kingly way." Nalan Hongtian saw it, and quickly stood up to smooth things over.

"Competition! Is he qualified? It's a big joke.

However, Vice President Na, don't worry, as long as I, Pan Meiyan, are here, the Soul Chasing Cave will always belong to Tiandu Academy.

I will make them regret all their decisions, all their attempts. "Pan Meiyan had a domineering look on her face.

It's too strong!

It seemed that she was the only genius left in the world.

Except for Xiao Qiyue, other outstanding geniuses wanted to pay homage to them, otherwise, it would not be enough to express their admiration at this moment.

"No! Classmate Pan, you seem to have become a 'human flower'?" The head teacher, Xi Luo Fang, besides being able to beat and teach students, has a nose like a dog's.

"What's a human flower? Even if the 'ground flower' comes, I'll beat it like that!" Pan Meiyan continued to despise the world's talents.

"Hahaha, the vice-principal congratulates classmate Pan first.

Wang Yuan, our worries are superfluous.

You and I both know that classmate Meiyan possesses super-level combat power.

So what about the fish intestines, and what about Xue Meimei, can the two of them still be detached to the point where they have transformed into a heavenly flower? "Chu Guiyun stroked his beard and laughed loudly, and deliberately kept his gaze on the faces of Xiao Qiyue and Nalan Hongtian.

That's pretty obvious!

You can't, she can!See who can move my position?
This is a slap in the face!
"Principal Wang, this is God's protection of Tiandu Academy. This is also the credit of our Vice Academy of Guiyun. He has always been committed to cultivating outstanding talents, and now he has finally achieved results." Cui Shanxi looked like A national teacher raised his palms to the sky and wanted to bow down piously.

"Hehe, Hall Master Cui, if not, this is the joint contribution of all the committee members sitting here, especially the order of the King's Court." Chu Guiyun touched his chin and wanted to be humble.

"You two, don't put gold on your faces. I, Pan Meiyan, can achieve what I am today because I rely on myself. What does it have to do with you? Otherwise, why can't they break through the realm of transformation when they are given equal resources? "It seems that classmate Pan doesn't give face.

This slap made the two guys so hard that a hole was born in the ground and a mouse escaped.

In addition, that contemptuous gaze refuted all the remaining outstanding geniuses to pieces, leaving nothing but sadness and tears in my heart.

What he said makes sense. The resources of the top ten outstanding disciples are about the same, so he can do it!
For a while, the scene was a little cold!
"Presumptuous! Without the cultivation of the academy, would you be where you are today?

If you get the benefits, you still act like a good boy. If the academy doesn't give you a lot of practice resources, go and see if you can break through the realm of transformation?
Classmate Pan, I think you are so arrogant to the point of no bounds, kneel down to me! "Xiao Qiyue stood up suddenly, and stepped forward with arrogance to a distance of three feet in front of Pan Meiyan.

The devil's ego pressed down on Pan Meiyan's popular 'Flying Flame Lion' like a palm that suddenly stretched out.

Immediately, Pan Meiyan felt darkness in front of her eyes, as if struck by lightning.

When she woke up, she found herself kneeling in front of Xiao Qiyue at some point.

Naturally, glasses were broken all over the place.

What happened?
Why did the bullying classmate Pan kneel down towards Xiao Qiyue?

"Xiao Qiyue, you bastard! I'm going to kill you!" Pan Meiyan was so angry that she blushed and her neck was thick, and the popular flying flame lion rushed towards her like a mad dog.

People, naturally jumped up, and with a flash of cold light, the sword stabbed at Xiao Qiyue.

"Flash Brother Xiao." Several geniuses cried out in shock. After all, classmate Pan just despised everyone and was unpopular.

And Xiao Qiyue was giving a sigh of relief for them, so Xiao Qiyue deservedly became their leading brother.

"Presumptuous!" Dean Wang couldn't bear it anymore, and slapped the table to stand up.

A sound wave swept across, and Pan Meiyan was so shocked that the sword fell to the ground with a bang.

But this girl threw herself too fiercely, the sword was shaken off, but she couldn't hold back her legs and feet, and slammed into Xiao Qiyue's arms fiercely.

She didn't like Xiao Qiyue throwing herself into her arms like this, she spun around beautifully, brushing past Pan Meiyan's dress.

And the girl had already screamed and slammed into Vice President Chu Guiyun's body fiercely. That guy never thought that Pan Meiyan would be able to spin Xiao Qiyue back and hit him.

He couldn't dodge for a while, but he was hit right on the ground, and he and the chair fell to the ground with a smack, and rolled a few times and hit the wall before stopping.

After all, Pan Meiyan's explosive power was somewhat stronger than his.

Coupled with the fact that he was not prepared at all, he was naturally unlucky.

However, Pan Meiyan's body was rotated by Dean Wang's outstretched palm so as not to perform an extreme stunt of flying and hitting the wall.

As for Chu Guiyun, Xiao Qiyue believed that Dean Wang could reach out to save him so close.

However, Dean Wang didn't agree with him, so he was not willing to reach out, so it was miserable.

What happened just now was naturally caused by Xiao Qiyue's secret tricks. She swirled her fingers around Pan Meiyan's body before hitting Chu Guiyun.

(End of this chapter)

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