God catch

Chapter 388

Chapter 388

Five more consecutive bursts, the National Day will let you have a good time!Come to 'Subscription' and come to 'Monthly Ticket' more, Gouzi will be bored at home during the holidays, and will serve you. 1 more!

This kind of talisman also has the function of invisibility. Moreover, a talisman array is cleverly arranged to hide around you, forming a powerful talisman field, just like a magnetic field.

At that time, as long as you enter the talisman field, once it explodes and fully blossoms, your end will be miserable.

However, Xiao Qiyue's eyes are too good.

The body followed like a swimming dragon, swaying left and right, like a lunatic walking, successfully used the gap in the talisman to pass through and stood three feet away from the fish intestine shell.

And that talisman is still a talisman, and I haven't touched one.

The fish intestine shell was stunned for a moment, and gasped for an instant.

Although this Thousand Talisman Palm can't be called his most powerful killing move, it can't be avoided so easily, even Dean Qiu's expression looks a bit gloomy.

Because the killer feature of the fish intestine shell is to keep you from getting close.

He can use the talisman to attack from a long distance. Now, Xiao Qiyue has stood three feet away from him, and this biggest advantage is gone.

With a fist move, more than a dozen pieces of talisman paper condensed into a ball and covered the fist, directly blasting towards Xiao Qiyue.

The powerful zhenqi has already fused the true meaning on the talisman paper together, and the talisman becomes a fist, and the fist is a talisman.

"Blood in bud" of "Living like a summer flower".

Xiao Qiyue stretched out her palm suddenly, and her five fingers were shaped like five petals, which instantly covered the talisman fist of the fish intestine shell, and immediately clenched her hand, like a flower bud shrinking.

Yuchanghu felt that the powerful talisman energy and true energy that he had stimulated disappeared in an instant, and he lost contact with himself.

He blushed so anxiously that his neck was thick, and he activated the Talisman Explosion.

However, there was no response.

"Hehe, here." Xiao Qiyue opened her palm, and there was a paper ball the size of an egg on the palm.

Xiao Qiyue had crushed his dozen or so talisman papers into a mess of waste paper.

Suddenly, everyone gasped.

One word popped into my mind - strong!

The talisman paper is useless for you, but what about the zhenqi stored in the talisman paper and the powerful zhenqi energy of the fish intestine shell itself?
"One talisman determines the universe!" The fish gut shell couldn't get off the stage, his face was flushed, he roared, and his waist was pumped like a lion in heat.

Immediately!Everyone gasped.

He actually pulled out a belt.

What do you want?
Smash someone with a belt?
This guy seems to be good at attacking with talismans, right?Switching to a weapon, and it looks like a belt, doesn't seem like his strong point.

Of course, there are not many warriors like Yuchangke who use talismans as their main means of attack.

The Talisman of Wanfa Academy is one of their compulsory courses. However, weapons are still the main way of attacking, and the Talisman paper technique is only an auxiliary weapon attack.

Of course, their means of attack are varied.

For example, superimposing runes on a sword can increase the power.

For another example, when refining the sword, it was integrated into the talisman array and so on.

It looks like a belt, but it is actually a talisman.

'One symbol determines the universe' should refer to this belt, and Xiao Qiyue was also secretly vigilant.

After all, it is impossible for a genius like Yuchanghu to be so famous without two brushes. This should be his trump card.

When the belt flicked, there was a buzzing sound immediately, and the flowers, birds, insects and fish on the belt seemed to be alive. Immediately, dragons and tigers whistled, birds called and insects squeaked, chickens and dogs heard each other, and there was the faint sound of war drums.

In just two seconds, many students screamed in amazement.

"Look at that, what's that?"

Xiao Qiyue found that the fish intestine shell opened its mouth and sprayed it on the belt, and a big mouthful of blood was sprayed on it.

Immediately, the belt stretched out, and a row of soldiers appeared in the air.

But at this moment, the war drum thumped, and there was a sound of killing. There were eagles swooping in the air, ligers and tigers running wildly in the armor under the ground, and there were countless centipedes and scorpions in the grass underground.

What the hell is this?
Xiao Qiyue has never seen such a battle, but it is certain that it is not all illusion.

However, it is not all real, it seems to be between the real and the illusion.

With a movement of Karma's eyes, the black and white lines of popularity instantly wandered in the armor.

Immediately, the smell of scorpions, centipedes, and humans all came over.

And after these scenes entered Xiao Qiyue's mind, shortly after, a spell called "Living Armor Technique" appeared in the outer chapter of "Secret Collection" written by Mo Jing.

This technique is extremely cruel. First, people, animals or insects are shriveled into shriveled objects with secret techniques, and then shrunk and put into certain spiritual soldiers.

Then use true energy to activate it, or directly feed it with blood to stimulate these things in the state of zombies.

Once activated, these things can actually come back to life, and their combat power can reach about [-]% of their previous life.

If it is fed with blood, its combat power will double again, up to about [-]% to [-]%.

The fish shell sausage obviously used blood to feed these special dead things, which was somewhat similar to the magic circle created by Yin's fish mother at that time.

No wonder there are not many armored soldiers in the sound of war drums, but there are quite a lot of tigers, wolves, insects and birds.

After all, zombies are extremely difficult to cultivate, one is vicious, and the other is that they need to be in a specific environment.

Xiao Qiyue faintly smelled a peculiar smell, and he instantly understood.

The belt of fish sausage shell is not something that Wanfa Academy can produce now, it must be something from the ancestors, or it was obtained from some ancient site.

Fortunately, in the outer chapter of "Grinding the Mirror", there is actually a technique to deal with this kind of "living armor", that is "hypnosis"!
If you want to activate them, I will hypnotize them and make them fall asleep again.

Of course, this 'hypnosis' requires extremely powerful mental power, otherwise, how can you control other people's mental power?

This is not a problem for Xiao Qiyue, seeing that the land, sea and air forces are about to attack her.

The students of Tiandu Academy were all dumbfounded, even Wang Jingzhou couldn't help but twitched his lips.

As for Nalan Hongtian and the others, their brows were almost crowded together.

As for the students and teachers of Wanfa Academy, they all looked excited and waited to see Xiao Qiyue, who ranked 100th on the Qinglong list, be deflated.

The teachers and students of Jianwu Academy looked disappointed, because such a good thing did not happen to Xue Feifei.

Once Xiao Qiyue loses, Wanfa Academy will not only win the first place.

Moreover, there will be a genius who ranks in the top 100 on the Qinglong list, what an honor that is.

For an academy to have a figure on the Qinglong list, it is equivalent to placing a huge amount of advertising for the academy for free.

Because, according to the rules, once someone on the list is defeated, the victor can apply to Fangtian Royal Academy to be on the list.

Of course, the Fangtian Royal Academy is too far away from here, and information is generally passed on through 'Knowing Heaven at a Glance'.

With such a large momentum and such a large scale, the power of one person is too small.

Even the powerhouses at the scene, who have already become smallpox, can't guarantee that they have a solution.

Of course, if you can't deal with it, you can slip away first, but then you will lose.

"What is that kid doing?" Someone pointed at Xiao Qiyue and shouted inexplicably.

"It's weird, it seems like I'm going to sleep..."

Many people are completely speechless, you actually want to sleep in front of the enemy.

This is Xiao Qiyue completely sinking herself into hypnosis, using herself to influence her surroundings.

After all, I am also rushing ducks to the shelves, this hypnotism is learning and selling.

Fortunately, Xiao Qiyue's strength is much stronger than that of a fish's intestines, and coupled with his explosive mental strength, sure enough, when those armored tigers rushed to a range of two feet around their bodies, they all screamed.

Even, he yawned and seemed to lose his interest.

As soon as the tiger's hooves were retracted, the lion also retracted its claws, and the eagle simply landed on the tiger's back and stood askew.

As for the few soldiers, they were all sniffling and lying crookedly.

"It seems to be infected, everyone wants to sleep." The one below was dumbfounded.

The fish intestine shell looked at it, gritted its teeth, and punched itself hard in the chest.

Boo Chi!

A mouthful of blood sprayed on Bingjia's body. Immediately, the Bingjia's heads shook, as if they had strengthened their vitality again, and they raised their weapons and strode forward.

"Sleep, sleep, my dear baby, brother's..."

Underneath, I broke my glasses all over the place.

(End of this chapter)

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