God catch

Chapter 395

Chapter 395
The first knife of the "Three Styles of Heaven" "Juehu Dao" is to practice your courage, your ruthlessness, you must have the ruthlessness of exterminating sects and sects, otherwise, how can you exterminate your family?
Moreover, there is no fixed sword method in this style, you can do whatever you want, and it is completely determined by your "ruthlessness". The more ruthless you are, the more ruthless you are, the greater the power of your sword.

After understanding, I took a look and found that I didn't know when I turned into a room on the left side of the hall.

Xiao Qiyue was suddenly surprised.

Because, this room is full of clay figurines, and there are cities, chickens, dogs and horses, and there is actually another city built inside.

Of course, it's a miniature version.

Xiao Qiyue understood that she dared to believe that the killing like a dream was caused by this fake city chariot and horse figure.

I don't know what secret technique Tao Guangyao used to make the clay figurine city so vivid, as if it were real.

It's just that this city has been destroyed by him during the knife test, and it's just a ruin.

As for the master's martial arts, Xiao Qiyue finally saw their shocking spells again.

"The day the killer whale knife is unsheathed is the day when the old man will teach you this puppet technique. The name of this technique is 'Scattering Beans into Soldiers'" At this time, a light flashed in the ruins, and a projected font appeared on the wall superior.

'After the beanstalk'?
Taoist technique.

Xiao Qiyue was a little surprised. This technique is a Taoist alchemy. Could it be that Tao Guangyao is a Taoist?
In this world, Xiao Qiyue has not found a monk yet.

This is a major discovery.

Of course, although there are differences between the martial arts techniques in this world and the cultivation techniques on Earth, there are also some similarities.

"My lord, my subordinates have important matters to report." At this moment, Zhao Tie's anxious voice came from outside the main hall.

"Well, let's talk about something." Xiao Qiyue adjusted her clothes and went out, and shot out a burst of real power to form a real power shield to prevent others from peeping.

"Just now, my subordinates accidentally discovered that Chu Guiyun actually entered a nunnery." Zhao Tiexing said hastily.

"A man enters a nunnery? But, could it be Chu Guiyun's relatives who work as nuns in that nunnery?" Xiao Qiyue asked after being taken aback.

"I don't know about this subordinate. It happened to me by accident. Also, Chu Guiyun simply disguised himself. Fortunately, this subordinate is very familiar with that method of disguise, so he recognized him. " Zhao Tie said.

"Where is it?" Xiao Qiyue asked.

"Tiancan Nunnery." Zhao Tie said.

"Let's go!" Xiao Qiyue quickly mentioned Zhao Tie, and flew past in a flash, which made Zhao Tie dumbfounded. Isn't this just flying?

"Don't think about it, I don't have the ability to fly yet." Xiao Qiyue said secretly through voice transmission.

Because Xiao Qiyue used Tianxin Fish Dew to hide himself, it didn't cause any sensation in broad daylight.

Soon, it fell to the ground.

'Tiancan Nunnery' is a well-known nunnery in the provincial capital, with a history of hundreds of years.

Moreover, it is located in the center of the bustling provincial capital, and its area is not large.However, it is a popular place of worship for women.

Every festival, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a sea of ​​people.Moreover, it was all women who came.

The nun's master "Jiudao Chenni" has lived for more than 100 years, and the beautiful women of the dignitaries' homes in the provincial capital like to look for her to find scriptures and solve doubts.

For example, asking for a child.

For example, pointing out the maze.

The most is 'health and beauty'.

Xiao Qiyue quickly approached Tiancan'an, peeking in with his causal eyes, he was immediately alert, and quickly restrained himself a little.

Because, Xiao Qiyue felt that there was a trace of familiarity in it.

Moreover, although the aura was not very powerful, Xiao Qiyue intuitively felt that it was quite terrifying, and it was most likely the result of the super strong concealing the aura.

Because, he smelled a hint of the 'natal flower' that only the strong in the Great Britain Realm can have.

Moreover, Xiao Qiyue can be sure that the familiar breath is not from Chu Guiyun.

Then the Tiancan Nunnery must be different, and Chu Guiyun has a lot of problems entering the nunnery as a man.

Xiao Qiyue decided to get closer, and didn't stop until she was thirty feet away from Tiancan Temple.

After that, he became invisible, and the thread of popularity carefully penetrated into the nunnery with cause and effect.

Sure enough, Chu Guiyun was still in the nunnery, and at the moment he was living in a small courtyard behind the nunnery.

Xiao Qiyue discovered that this small courtyard was actually a private courtyard. Although it was connected with the nunnery, it was also a private courtyard.

Who lives in it?

Xiao Qiyue peeped in carefully, and sure enough there was a nun, who should be the highly prestigious 'Nine Dao Chen Nun'.

It's an old nun. From the breath, it can be estimated that this nun is at least eighty or ninety years old, maybe even hundreds of years old.

However, the maintenance is very good, and the appearance is about 40 years old.

The appearance is very charming, and, to Xiao Qiyue, this nun is very human, because there is a hidden demeanor in the temperament, and his background must be extraordinary.

However, Gujing Wubo's face does not mean that she has left the world of mortals and does not care about worldly affairs.

Because her popularity betrayed her.

Lao Ni's martial arts is not strong, it's just innate peak state.

But amidst her popularity is looking back on a horrific carnage.

The murderer was a commander-in-chief who rode a horse in a majestic manner and led thousands of armored soldiers, as if he was besieging bandits.

What shocked Xiao Qiyue the most was that the commander-in-chief's appearance was three points similar to that of King Zhennan.

Could it be that this old nun has something to do with someone in Zhennan Wang's family?
"Xiao Qiyue, he's just the leader of Jinyiwei whose teeth have been pulled out. Besides, at such a young age, your majestic vice president can't kill him?" Jiu Dao Chenni blinked and asked Chu Guiyun.

"I haven't fought him, it's hard to say.

This person defeated Yuchanghu, and he ranked 100th on the Qinglong list.

Moreover, Chu Xindong was beheaded, as well as General Yang Kaiyue from the fourth-rank copper bell.

The most ingenious thing today is that the lord suddenly arrived at the scene, and the lord, who has always been helping me, turned his back on him and helped that kid.

In the end, I sent the boy to Zhan Zuju, and went to the new house to look at the house together.

I don't understand what the prince wants to do?How could it behave like this.

At least, on the bright side, I'm still the prince's cousin, right? "Chu Guiyun said forcefully.

"Are you worried that the prince will become suspicious?" Nine Dao Chenni frowned and asked.

"En!" Chu Guiyun nodded, and then said, "However, there may be something else that I haven't figured out yet."

"Principal Wang is so generous to let the students from the outer courtyard enter the Soul Chasing Cave this time, he must have a plan, and it probably has something to do with the legendary picture.

Therefore, we can see the outcome within ten days.

Be careful these days, but try to do something to distract the prince.

In this way, once he stopped paying attention to the Chasing Soul Cave, when the big event is completed, it will be the time of his death for Chu Chengjiang (King of Zhennan).

For 100 years, we are all suffering for this day.

Although Chu Duan is dead, the sins he committed will be doubled on Chu Chengjiang. "Niu Daochen has a fierce expression on his face at the moment, how can there be a nun master with a kind face and soft eyes?

"Don't worry, aunt! If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent. He, the prince, should be at the end of the day, and Chu Chengjiang's family will die." Chu Guiyun gritted his teeth and said.

"Ah...to avenge the destruction of the castle, your mother ruthlessly married Chu Xifeng, a fool, and made your child suffer." Jiudao Chenni sighed, and patted Chu Guiyun's head lovingly.

The relationship here seems to be quite chaotic...

Xiao Qiyue stroked for a while before she could figure it out.

Jiudao Chenni is Chu Guiyun's aunt, so that should be his mother's aunt.

And Chu Guiyun's mother deliberately married Zhennan Wang's foolish cousin Chu Xifeng for revenge.

But Chu Guiyun's fate was doomed since he was born, he was born in the heart of the royal family but he did not belong to the royal family.

And, on the contrary, he and his aunt have been plotting to destroy Zhennan Wang's family.

Then contacting the commander I saw in the "popularity" on the head of Jiudao Chenni just now, Xiao Qiyue felt that that person should be Chu Duan, and Chu Duan was the father of King Zhennan.

But for some reason, Chu Duan wiped out the Nine Daochen Nun's family, which planted the root of disaster for me.

(End of this chapter)

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